2020 Marvel Legends White Rabbit & Superior Octopus Revealed!

San Diego Comic Con 2019 has only been in the books for a few weeks, but Hasbro is already back at it again with more reveals of new Marvel Legends 2020 figures at the Unboxing Toy Convention in Mexico! We learned four of the first Spider-Man Legends 2020 figures at SDCC 2019, and now we can make it an even half-dozen with two more villains: Marvel Legends White Rabbit and Superior Octopus!

Ever since that Typhoid Mary figure was revealed last summer, I’ve been anxiously awaiting seeing the tooling reused for an inevitable White Rabbit figure, depicting one of Spider-Man’s wackiest foes in toy form for the very first Time ever.

And finally, ML White Rabbit made her debut at the Mexico UTC this weekend–although with some new tooling pieces I wasn’t expecting!

Complete with fuzzy boots, ears and umbrella gun (the Penguin would be so jealous!), the White Rabbit will be a real force to be reckoned with on a shelf of Spidey’s Rogues Gallery!

I was a huge fan of the whimsical characters like the Fantastic Frog-Man as a kid, so I am delighted to see Hasbro doing White Rabbit justice with this release. They went all-out and even added a new pocket watch for her! This is an ‘A++’ character selection as far as I’m concerned. Awesome.

Slightly less awesome for me, personally, is the Marvel Legends Superior Octopus. This is a phase the resurrected Doc Ock briefly went through before becoming a Superior Spider-Man again, and didn’t really result in many (maybe any) memorable stories.

I like this figure as another addition to the modern Spider-Man comics collection, and I think the color scheme is pretty rockin’. I haven’t heard definitely if the octopus tentacles will be bendable, but I fear they won’t be thick enough for Hasbro to take that safety risk.

This duo joins Shang-Chi, Vulture, PS4 Spider Armor Mark III and PS4 Velocity Suit Spider-Man in the first 2020 Spider-Man Legends wave, due in early 2020. I’ll post pre-order links for the series as soon as these come available for PO in a few months time, so watch the Marvel Toy News Facebook/Twitter/Instagram for instant alerts.

Big thanks to Angel López for sending in photos of the figures from Mexico and giving us permission to run them! Thanks, Angel! How do you like these new reveals, Marvel collectors?


2020 Marvel Legends White Rabbit & Superior Octopus Revealed! — 32 Comments

  1. These are two huge hits for me! I love when Marvel gets all wackey and obscure

  2. i feel like Hasbro is finally stepping up their game on female figures, better paint and sculpts on the faces and hair. giving us B and C list characters once and a while keeps me in the game. every version of the main characters can get boring unless you know ever story line.

  3. I like the looks of both of these and am more excited for them than the other Spider-Man reveals so far. Superior Octopus was short-lived, but less so than Red Goblin. I honestly would have preferred if he had stayed Octopus instead of becoming yet another Spider-Man.

    And White Rabbit is great. There are tons of minor villains like her that I’d be happy to see.

  4. I love the White Rabbit! She predates Harley Quinn by a decade! Marvel should make her more relevant in order to counter Harley over at DC. Thanks for sharing the pics, Angel!

  5. White Rabbit looks fun, and I’m leaning towards picking her up. Octopus and Vulture are a must. Shang Chi is maybe. The two PS4 Spideys do nothing for me. That sure sounds like a situation where the BAF is going to be someone I covet badly so I have to get all of them . . .

  6. Vulture, Shang-Chi, and White Rabbit are must-haves. I imagine a lot of people will be picking up some fortnite rabbit raider figs to use as her henchmen.

    The other 3 all look good but i don’t have that much interest in them. Probably superior ock is the most compelling to me as the figure looks great, but i am unfamiliar with the character. Depending on who the BAF is, i might end up skipping all 3.

    Wonder if they will go with a Frogman BAF for this wave. Still hoping for Stegron.

  7. That White Rabbit figure gets us one step closer to a classic White Queen!! Great looking figure. I’m very excited for this wave.

  8. YEEESSSS!!! (To the White Rabbit, that is.) Please please please tell me Frog Man is in this wave!

  9. Use The New Emma frost Head (walgreens )and some minor fixes and you will also have a classic Hellfire club white Queen

  10. I loved that issue of Marvel Team-up back in the day. I think White Rabbit should be revived and put into the Squirrel Girl books. Maybe her new arch nemesis. The mainstream books have gotten too dark and gritty for a character like her, but something wacky like Squirrel Girl would be perfect. Um… don’t know that fake spider octopus and don’t want to, so… I need to know the BAF before I can say if I’m interested in getting many of this wave.

    • He’s not fake, he was in the comics. Well, so actually he’s not a real person so I guess they’re all fake. Though i don’t know why you insist on pointing out why some characters don’t exist when they all don’t… weird.

      UNLESS… you’re saying just because you didn’t like a certain story, that negates the characters being characters for people who did read and maybe even liked the stories.

      I don’t like Virginia Woolf stories, but I don’t go around calling the characters in them fake…

      • I didn’t think about it that much at the time I wrote that word. It was very off-hand. I’d try not to take it so seriously.

  11. Happy to see White Rabbit! When Hasbro does characters like that it gives me hope we’ll see Stilt-Man someday.

  12. I don’t know either of these characters, but I like the look of White Rabbit. I’m not a fan of all of these Spiderman iterations other than the original, so the Dr. Octopus spider doesn’t interest me at all. So, I definitely like Vulture, White Rabbit, and Shang Chi, but I can do without the Spiderman versions. So we’ll see what the BAF brings to determine if I have to buy the other 3 or not.

  13. Could anyone tell me what kind of bases are used the figure pics on this article? I’ve been looking for clear plastic disks like that, but I have no idea what they’re called. Any info would be appreciated.

    • I looked into this for a long time, and never was happy with what I found. Turns out they have no standarized hole size for Marvel Legends, so you have to just try some different sizes until you get what you want. I finally got some clear discs that claimed to fit vintage Star Wars figures, and they seem to work best. They fit a lot of the average sized Legends figures, mainly the average male figure. I just went to my display shelf to check, and it was a perfect fit for my recent Scorpion figure. But they certainly don’t fit them all. Some, like the smaller, thinner female figures, have smaller peg holes, but you can whittle the peg down with a file until it fits a smaller hole. The plastic is soft enough to whittle down pretty easily. Some, like the larger BAF or oversized Hulk-like figures, are too big for these, and I have no idea how to build a peg up in size. I’d like to see someone release a disc that has three pegs on it, one for each of the basic sizes you’ll find in most modern Legends figures. That would be too useful though, right? 🙂

      • Thank you! Yeah, that’s what I thought too, but the ones in the pictures don’t actually have any pegs. I couldn’t find anyone to ask about it at SDCC, but it looks like the bases had custom attachments — it looked like Hasbro used hot glue / custom grooves to get the figures to stick to a flat base.

        I found some 3″ x 1″ (approx) clear miniature bases, and I’ve had good luck using Scotch Restickable Tabs for Mounting and Poster Putty so far. I’ve been looking for these different types of bases – it looks like they’ve got a slight curve and are a bit longer (maybe 4″) which would be super cool for poses :). If the experts are using it, there’s probably a reason ;).

        • Hasbro has often just hot glued the figures to bases for conventions. It keeps them upright in the cases with throngs of people stomping around and bumping in to them. I’ve used putty and 3M tape previously, and they both eventually fail.

          • Sure, but does anyone know what kind of bases they use / what they’re called?

  14. Man, these are great. Always had a soft spot for White Rabbit, so I’m glad she’s getting a figure. Plus, it gives me hope that other obscure Spidey characters (Rocket Racer, Spot, Cardiac, Shriek, etc.) will get figures one day.

    And I dig the Superior Octopus. I honestly prefer that look for Otto.

  15. Well, I like White Rabbit. Otto’s a skip unless the BAF is good. If it is… Well hey I guess having another version of him getting his butt kicked in the display isn’t too bad.

  16. I love how all the 12 year olds are like “White Rabbit is gonna peg warm”. Yeah comics happened before generation-derp was born.

  17. I’m honestly not interested in this wave at all. Granted, I’m probably gonna see a White Rabbit in the wild and realize I need her in my collection so much. But like, right now, this feels like a $ saver set for me. A nice break from all the X-men I absolutely have to have.

  18. I have no real personal interest these, but would welcome a Frogman 🐸 figure if that ever gets made perhaps. But what would be even better, is if we finally got much more deserved Marvel Characters in need of serious updated figures in the style of the Classic 1970’s first appearance versions of Luke Cage aka Power-Man, The Falcon, etc., to replace the ones we got from Toybiz at least.

  19. I am holding my breath on Superior Ock because he will inevitably be released on a different buck. Union Jack, Guardian… Its becoming a normal thing for hasbro to reveal male characters on the vastly superior Sunfire base and then release them on outdated builds like Bucky cap and Spidey Uk. If it happens to shang chi I will lose it. The butterfly joint should be the new norm by now.

  20. Hmm I might pick these up but I’m not going out of my way to order them I’d have to find them at Walmart or something.