Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Figures Series 1 Photos!

Hasbro is obviously very high on their new 2.5″ scale of Marvel action figures, as evidenced by the fact that it was the main scale for their Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Age of Ultron movie toys. But even though Hasbro is enamored with this new, smaller scale, that doesn’t mean that they’ve totally abandoned Marvel Universe/Marvel Infinite Series collectors to the cold, hard world! Hasbro has a full series of eight 3 3/4″ Marvel Infinite Series 2015 figures scheduled to come out early this year! Although the style is a little bit “different” than what we’ve come to expect…

Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Bishop Figure PackagedHasbro Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Bishop 3 3/4″ Figure

Hasbro shocked longtime 4″ Marvel Universe figure collectors at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 last summer when they debuted a new, less-articulated style of Marvel Infinite Series figures. As soon as I saw the prototypes Hasbro debuted at the show I knew that collectors were going to be ticked, and the less-detailed and less-articulated Marvel Infinite Series figures received exactly that reception.

Bishop Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Action Figure

Case in point is the 2015 Marvel Infinite Series Bishop figure above, who retains some vital articulation (knees and ankles), but is obviously lacking wrists, double-jointed elbows, and any kind of torso articulation whatsoever. Bishop is also much thinner than he ideally should be, and us unlikely to take on many cool gun-slinging poses with the articulation that Hasbro has integrated.

In short, this Bishop figure is a major disappointment to fans who have been waiting years for a Marvel Universe-style Bishop figure. Bishop isn’t the only Marvel Infinite Series 2015 figure that didn’t turn out quite how many fans hoped, however…

Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series Big-Time Spider-Man Action Figure Carded 2015Marvel Infinite Series Big-Time Spider-Man Figure

Big-Time Spider-Man Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series Action Figure Winter 2015Alas, poor Big-Time Spider-Man! First, back in 2012, Big Time Spidey got what may go down in history as the worst quality-controlled Hasbro Marvel Legends figure of all-time with its crazy fluorescent green paint deco. And now this–a figure with “neon” green paint that looks washed out almost to the point of being white, and a body that looks like it belongs to a Happy Meal toy.

Double-Jointed knees are not going to save a figure that again looks to have inferior paint apps and which has a torso that is a solid, unarticulated piece, Hasbro. This Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Spider-Man figure is just terrible, and easily the worst Marvel Universe-style Spider-Man figure that Hasbro has ever released.

Black Cat Marvel Universe 2015 Action Figure Carded HasbroHasbro Marvel Universe/Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Black Cat Figure

Hasbro Black Cat Marvel Infinite Series 4 Inch Figure 2015The next offender is the Marvel Infinite Series Black Cat figure. While it looks like Hasbro overcame the too-blue hair that the Marvel Legends Black Cat suffered from, the Marvel Universe Black Cat figure has the same missing articulation and too-basic torso problems as the Bishop and Big-Time Spider-Man figures. Although it doesn’t look quite as bad on Felicia as it does on Spidey, the unposeable torso just looks cheap–which is not a quality you want on a 4″ figure that stores are charging $10-$15 for.

Marvel Universe Beast 4 Inch Figure Packaged Hasbro 2015Hasbro Marvel Universe 2015 Beast Figure

Marvel Infinite Series Beast Action Figure 2015 HasbroThe Marvel Infinite Series Beast 2015 figure is easily the best of the under-articulated bunch of Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Wave 1 figures. While I’m dubious that Hasbro proportioned Hank’s head right in relation to the rest of his body, the sculpting detail on this actual Beast figure is pretty terrific. It might be a bad omen that the paint apps on the belt of the prototype–which ought to be perfect–are rather sloppy. but I’ll be picking up this Beast figure and giving him a fair chance despite the missing articulation.

Hasbro 2015 Marvel Universe Beast First Appearance Grey Variant Action Figure CardedMarvel’s Beast Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Figure

Grey Beast Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series Variant Action FigureHasbro also came up with a relatively cool variant for the Jim Lee Beast 3.75″ figure: First Appearance Beast! While I’ve never been a super-fan of the grey Beast character design, this figure is just historic and unique enough that I’m definitely planning to grab one for my own collection (under-articulated and all).

I really appreciate that Hasbro developed a totally different head for this Marvel Infinite Series Beast variant figure!

http://marveltoynews.com/hasbro-avengers-age-ultron-2-5-figures-revealed/Marvel Infinite Series Daredevil Figure

Marvel Infinite Series Daredevil Figure 2015

It wouldn’t be a Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series wave without at least one repack, right? Luckily, this one is a great choice: Daredevil! When we first got this Marvel Universe Daredevil figure in a Comic Pack two-pack with Bullseye a few years ago, I thought the figure was ahead of its time. As it turns out, this super-articulated Daredevil figure may never have a proper time now, seeing as how Hasbro is cutting back so much on articulation.

This is probably my favorite Daredevil action figure ever released in any scale, and it’ll receive an unquestionable recommendation to anyone who doesn’t already own it–especially with the Netflix Daredevil series ready to be a big hit this spring.

Hasbro Marvel Universe 2015 Sandman Figure Packaged2015 Marvel Universe Sandman Figure

Marvel Infinite Series Sandman 2015 Figure HasbroFinally , we’ve got what’s probably the best new figure in the entire wave: Marvel Infinite Series Sandman. While there’s some obvious parts reuse from old Marvel Universe figures here, I really don’t mind at all: this figure retains the look and style of the last half-decade worth of Hasbro Marvel Universe 4″ figures better than any other figure in Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Wave 1.

Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series 2014 4 Inch Sandman Variant Figure on CardLast, but definitely not least, we have the uber-cool Sand Form Sandman Marvel Infinite Series variant action figure! This reminds me a lot of the all-metal Marvel Universe Absorbing Man figure from a few years back, and is one of my favorite figures of any scale I’ve seen Hasbro come up with thus far for 2015. I really hope that this particular Sandman variant figure isn’t too scarce, as it’s a must-have for me, regardless of the price I have to pay for it (within reason).

Marvel Universe Infinite Series 2015 Sand Form Sandman Variant FigureThe 2015 Marvel Infinite Series 1 figures should be up for order later this month, and are scheduled to be released in winter 2015. I’ll post an update here and to the Marvel Toy News Facebook Page as soon as pre-orders for these figures go live, so stay tuned if you’re planning to collecting this series in 2015.

Now that we’ve seen the official hi-res images, what do you think of the Hasbro 2015 Marvel Infinite Series Wave 1 figures, Marvel collectors? Will you be picking up any of the figures in this wave, or has Hasbro’s reduction in sculpting detail and articulation for some of the figures in this line turned you away from collecting this scale of Hasbro figures?


Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Figures Series 1 Photos! — 17 Comments

  1. I like the new line up, except for the big time Spiderman…
    can’t wait to overpay!

  2. 6″ collectors can complain about crappy paint apps all they want, at least they don’t have to deal with these kinds of kicks in the groin. It’s a fantastic line up but this new lack of articulation trend is getting old real quick. First IM3, then Ultimate spider man, now this. Starting to feel like Hasbro doesn’t care about adult collectors anymore.

    • HaDOuKen! Spirit Bomb! It’s a regular street fight going on..lol, kicking, punching and slapping to the face! Hang in there, keep your gaurd up. As a 6″collector let me tell you plenty of blows are being thrown here too. We are paying more for less-across the board: smaller BAFs in legends line,3.75″ no more vanity figure stands,Dcc 6″ line also has eliminated figure stands for figures that cost $22-$25 on average. I will stop there. I am a big fan of the SMALL toys,so I have IM3,2, and the 6″from IM1.
      Hasbro’s goal for IM3 was playability with custom part swapping system.similar to the 6″Marvel mashers-(I do those too)more articulation)
      Ultimate Spidey like JLU and,animated Batman are styled to the shape of the cartoon, and was never meant to be super articulated. I have Nova, been waiting for Cage and White Tiger. So, reduced articulation isn’t a deal breaker for me. Since I don’t have to open these to build a figure about 11% of my 3.75″Marvel are on card.This is a fantastic line up, but have not decided how I will display them. So, trust me I know how you feel, but look at this the proof that Hasbro cares about it’s Adult collectors is sitting on our shelves in the form of SDCC2014 infinity gauntlet and Thanos imperative legend box set! Happy collecting and guard your chin, capt!

  3. It’s funny because I think these are terrible and hasbro
    is ruining a good thing. I’m out, you can keep that crap especially for a 3-5$ price increase. Who does hasbro think they are fooling, articulation and sculpt cut backs and now a thirty percent price increase. I’ve been on board with marvel universe since day one, and I am done.

      • Yea, it’s already been stated from dorkside that retailers are going to be hit with a 30 percent increase, plus people, ( myself included) have already began to see a price hike at target of 13.00 and some have even posted pics of a price hike of 15$.

      • There appears to be a whole lot of slapping going on these days.
        This isn’t new. The cost of living is on a perpetual incline. The prices have been increasing since day one. Remember when these cost only 5-6 bucks?

  4. I’m gonna pick up the Big Time Spidey(but I’ll most likely repaint him) and that Daredevil.

  5. Why couldn’t hasbro use that the same body they used on daredevil on bishop??? I think that would be a great body for bishop instead of the crap they are giving us.

  6. Bbts just put this crap up for pre order for 149.99 for a case of 12, 134.99 for 9, wow! Last case of these was 114.99, that’s a bit much for what they are offering. Unbelievable.

  7. This is the first time I will not be pre ordering a case. Add shipping cost to they and you are looking at almost 150$ for 9 figs. I pre ordered a case of the new legends for 150.00$

  8. En vez de estar haciendo repack podrĂ­an estar sacar de personajes que no los han hecho como MODOK, Dr. Octopus, Gamora entre otros.

  9. Its not just adult collectors, my son has been collecting the Universe figures to play with for 4 years and he has laods of them, recently they are becoming harder and harder to get because of the cheap, poor supermarket versions of popular figures, Ultimate Spider-man, Iron Man 3, Guardians of the Galaxy (Only the old ones are avilable and Groot is….. well a plant along with a poor statue Rocket), What reason do Hasbro have for this new 2.5 inch line, to make more money and give you less for it? People should boycott these cheap made figures, my son would not touch them, as he say’s “You cant even bend the elbows to make them fight”

    Genuinely an unhappy Father with Hasbro, their Star Wars Line is also no better really than the ones I collected in 1980’s now and yet 5 year ago was great.

    Only way to stop it is to vote with your wallets.


    Mattell are getting better with thier figures as well, surely the popularity of Marvel right now should swing things the other way?