We’ve known for a while now that Diamond Select Toys would only be releasing a trio of Marvel Select Avengers Age of Ultron figures, with two of the figures being a repainted movie Marvel Select Thor and a retooled movie Marvel Select Hulk–but what we didn’t know was the identity of the third and final figure… until now. And while it isn’t a character that’s all-new for Avengers Age of Ultron, it’s a figure that’s a must for completing the core movie Avengers team: the Marvel Select Black Widow movie figure is now up for order! 
After a few months of speculation, we can now put all of the rumors behind us: the final Marvel Select Age of Ultron figure has now been confirmed! Diamond Select Toys had previously stated that the final figure would be a character that they hadn’t done before, which many fans (including me) took to mean that they hadn’t done
at all–when in fact the character is one that has been released before… just not in movie figure form: Black Widow. Collectors had been wondering whether we’d get a movie-styled Marvel Select Vision, Scarlet Witch, Ultron, Quicksilver or Hulkbuster Iron Man figure, but we can now confirm that none of those are on the way (or, at least, not for this movie).

This Avengers Age of Ultron Marvel Select Black Widow figure will be the fourth 7″ Black Widow Marvel Select figure released (including the Yelena Bolova Marvel Select Black Widow).
The original Natasha Black Widow figure was comic-based, and was first available as a Disney Store exclusive before being re-released as a mass market figure. That Black Widow figure that Diamond Select released (in both black and purple costume variants) is actually quite a nice figure, but it just didn’t scratch the itch that fans had for a Scarlett Johannson Black Widow figure.
But finally, the Diamond Select Toys Scarlett Johansson figure will be arriving in stores (and our collections) this summer! DST hasn’t revealed anything but the silhoutte of the Black Widow 7″ figure and her base thus far, but if I had to make a guess, I’d say we’ll see the actual figure prototype revealed at the New York Toy Fair 2015 next month (just as Marvel Select Falcon debuted at the Toy Fair last year). Movie-based Marvel Select figures tend to sell out quickly and are never reissued without changes, so I went ahead and placed my order for two of the movie Black Widow Marvel Select figure as soon as pre-orders opened up this morning.
The Marvel Select Age of Ultron Black Widow figure is now available for order, and is scheduled to be released in May 2015 (that’s only three months away!). Black Widow will carry the usual $24.99 MSRP for Marvel Select action figures, although you can pre-order her early and get her for about $22.99 right now. How do you feel about Black Widow being the final Avengers: Age of Ultron Marvel Select figure, Marvel collectors? Or you upset about the lack of any of the “new” characters for the movie in plastic form from DST, or are you psyched that a Marvel Select Scarlett Johansson figure is finally on the way?
Yay more movie figures, (sarcasm)
It’s not like we’re talking about the one-billionth Iron Man or Hulk figure–this is only the second 6″-7″ movie Black Widow figure ever released. The movie figures are some of Diamond Select’s best-selling action figures, and fans have been asking for a Marvel Select Scarlett Johansson Black Widow figure for years now. Considering 5/6th of the core movie Avengers have already been released by DST, I don’t think too many people will be disappointed by Black Widow completing the team.
I am… would of bet money that movie Vision was gona be released.
We’re probably going to get a classic comic-based Marvel Select Vision figure instead. Honestly, I think I might prefer that to a crazy hot pink movie Vision, unless the movie design looks really awesome when we see it in action in the movie.
I am very sad. I have bought Black widow some month ago and I’m waiting for an Hulkbuster or a very all-new character… I think DST was not prepared for sculpting a new figure.
I’m kind of upset that HulkBuster wasn’t made but I am happy about this figure regardless.
are they going to make an elizabeth olsen likeness marvel select scarlet witch figure too?
Nope! Marvel Select is only allowed to make three Age of Ultron figures, and they chose Hulk, Thor and Black Widow.