NYCC 2014 Marvel Legends 2015 Age of Ultron Hulk & Captain America Figures!

Rather than having a physical presence at New York Comic Con 2014 itself, Hasbro again held a night-before-NYCC party last night where they debuted a small handful of figures. Not a whole lot of interest was shown, but the first two Avengers Age of Ultron Marvel Legends 2015 figures did make their debut: Captain America and the Hulk! Are they everything I ever hoped and dreamed of?

Age of Ultron Marvel Legends 2015 Captain America Figure

The Marvel Legends Age of Ultron Captain America figure is basically just a repaint of the Marvel Legends Winter Soldier Captain America figure, with some minor changes to the upper torso. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, since the Captain America: The Winter Soldier Marvel Legends Cap figure was superb, but it does make Marvel Legends AoU Captain America being one of the first two movie figures revealed rather “Meh”.

I’m also disappointed that Hasbro is apparently not changing the legs on this Cap figure, even though the legs on the Avengers 2 Captain America figure are a bit different.

We also got our first glimpse at the new Marvel Legends Age of Ultron Hulk figure. Mad props to Hasbro for making the new movie Hulk figure a single-carded figure and not a Build-A-Figure. I’m not digging the dopey red racing strip on the Marvel Legends Hulk’s pants, though.

Avengers Age of Ultron Marvel Legends 2015 Hulk FigureAt the NYCC Party Hasbro showed off the Avengers 2 Marvel Legends Hulk with a screaming mouth, whereas the press photos show him with a growling expression. Hopefully this means we’ll be getting an extra head packed in and not variants.

Overall, I’m not overly impressed with either figure. Hopefully Avengers Marvel Legends 2015 Wave 3 brings us something to really “wow” me (like Vision), because so far I’m not feeling these 6″ Marvel Legends Age of Ultron movie figures.

What do you think of the duo of figures that Hasbro debuted at their NYCC 2014 event, Marvel collectors? Are you excited to add these Marvel Legends AoU Hulk and Captain America figures to your collection next year, or are you not all that impressed with Hasbro’s Avengers 2 efforts so far?


NYCC 2014 Marvel Legends 2015 Age of Ultron Hulk & Captain America Figures! — 21 Comments

  1. Reply disappointed that this is a movie hulk. I hate movie figures as it is but we need a comic version of hulk in the legends scale. Blah

    • They have a massive blockbuster movie coming out. Why wouldn’t they make figures for it?

  2. Cap. Again ? Geez Does Hasbro have to reuse the mold of Captain America in every wave they produce ? Its becoming obnoxious, since there are so many other characters. Where is a Loki, or a Vision ? We need more villains !
    I’m hoping that some day they will actually produce figures we can say WOW wasn’t expecting that.

    • Have you not seen the set images and promo pictures. Cap is wearing same costume from the Winter Soldier just with different colors, why wouldn’t hasbro use the same mold. Hasbro made Loki in the avengers movie wave in 2012 but a comic one would be cool and a Vision from Age of Ultron would be awesome as well.

    • You didn’t read the article. The photos I posted are the official press photos Hasbro sent out after the party. The photo you’re looking at is from the party. Presumably Hulk will have an alternate head or variant (preferably the former).

  3. Any idea of the actual height of the Hulk? I currently have a 7″ scale Marvel Select movie hulk in my cine-verse lineup specifically because he is larger than the 6″ Legends scale.

  4. Ufffff otra vez el capi? Entiendo q se venga la peli de avengers y todo pero……ya es un poco pesado. Tengo todal las wave legends desde el 2012 y tengo y si contamos variantes son 8 figuaras del capi…….hasbro hay mas personajes q merecen su debut en legends. Y sobretodo villanos. Las figuras estan bien pero…es repetitivo

  5. I love that new hulk. Valkyrie looks ok. Cap pisses me off. They need to add the red paint to his legs and to his boots.

  6. Y el resto de la wave de spiderman? Mostrar la wave de odin a spiderwoman hellcat thanos baf…….hasbro no mostrara mas nada de legends en esta comic con?

  7. Am I the only one who thinks that this Hulk looks too small and slender for a good 6″ scale? A single-carded version is amazing, but just don’t skimp on size. Though I can accept a smaller Hulk if they’ll add even a little bit of paint shading to Captain America’s uniform. Seriously–the lack of paint shading whatsoever is what kept me from purchasing the Marvel NOW! Captain America. Such an amazing sculpt ruined by a cheap plastic look.

  8. The Hulk figure isn’t going to be only 6” is it? it should be at least 8 inches tall. doesn’t make sense to have hulk the same size as captain america.

  9. Hulk definitely needs to be taller and i don’t know..maybe a bit more muscular than cap to give him the look of being a hulk instead of a cross-fit star? Sheeesh.