This year’s Captain Marvel Legends is one of the most-weighted series towards movie characters that we’ve seen Hasbro release, with 5 of the 7 characters in the wave hailing from the movie. But while only two single-packed characters are comics-based, both are ones fans have been asking for for a while. And today, I’ll review a figure that collectors seems enthusiastic about, but which seems to be a slow seller online: Marvel Legends Grey Gargoyle!
Truthfully, I only really remember Grey Gargoyle from the 90s Iron Man cartoon series (and the tie-in Toybiz action figure of him), but he did fight Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers in Civil War: The Initiative, so he’s fair game for this action figure series. Was this figure that’s going to make many collectors scratch their heads in confusion worth including?
Grey Gargoyle is a tough character to make exciting as an action figure. He’s not the type of villain with flashy powers that can be demonstrated via effects pieces; he doesn’t use any weapons; he’s not a ninja or acrobat… he’s essentially just a dude who can touch stuff and turn it (and himself) to stone.
That doesn’t exactly give Hasbro a ton to work with. But all of the elements that do make Grey Gargoyle aesthetically compelling are present and accounted for here.
Obviously the most important characteristic of this figure is that it should look like a guy made out of stone. And it does. Somewhat reminiscent of a few of the 90s Disney’s Gargoyles action figures (I loved that line), Hasbro gives us a nice slightly-translucent grey plastic for almost all of the body on this figure, which is detailed with hundreds of little flecks of black and white deco everywhere. It’s so simple, but the effect works marvelously. Absolutely love the look of this.
Grey Gargoyle’s add-on cape costume piece is made of the same partially-translucent grey plastic with flecks, and also looks remarkably good.
The angular, sculpted ridges all over the cape look awesome, and I love the retro-feeing collar. I’m also a big fan of the straps that go under the arms to keep the cape from falling off even if the pegs comes loose.
Whereas Toybiz gave this guy a tough, no-nonsense face back in the 90s, Hasbro has opted for a nefarious “Nyeh-heh-heh!” Snidely Whiplash style evil grin. The facial expression here has a lot of personality. I like it.
Depending upon the lighting source, it can be either fairly obvious or not obvious at all that the head sculpt here isn’t a 100% color match for the body. It’s a hair darker for the whatever reason, which looks a bit funky under very good lighting conditions. This will probably be fine unless you’ve got direct light shining right on the figure, though.
The gloves and feet on the Grey Gargoyle Legends figure are both painted in bright blue with thin black stripes, just like in the old Jack Kirby drawings of the character! These feel gloriously throwback and make me smile looking at them, as well as being a great contrast to the transparent bits.
For accessories, we’ll get a Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure Head and nothing else and we’ll like it (or not). Toybiz gave us a brick accessory 25 years ago, but that was silly then and now. I think an accessory of some sort might make this figure more interesting to pose and play with, but I’ve got no good suggestions to make as to what that would be, so I suppose I can’t complain.
The cape can throw off the balance of the figure and make him fall backwards in some poses—as well as getting in the way of some of the arm articulation—but otherwise the articulation scheme is as solid as ever.
Overall: I really struggled with writing this review, as ML Grey Gargoyle is a visually cool figure that otherwise doesn’t have much of anything going on besides its good looks. The “stone” plastic/deco on this figure looks terrific, the standard super-articulation is implemented and, well… that’s about it.
There’s no accessories to liven things up and the head doesn’t entirely match the body, but for a very basic character, Hasbro has done a “good” job with the Grey Gargoyle Marvel Legends figure. This is not a character that we can realistically expect to ever see revisited, so if you want this C-List villain for your shelf, you’re not going to do any better than this.
Thank you Hasbro for this figure — there is only one thing – the body Must be more bulky ( maybe the hyperion Body) !!!!
Agreed! He really should’ve been given a bulkier body like that Hyperion body, much like how U.S. Agent should’ve been given a bulkier body.
I desperately wanted to buy this figure, but the more I look at his face, the less I want to get him. That grin. Ugh. And his face is too slender. Is he the Joker? It just doesn’t look like any version of GG I’ve ever seen.
I’ve got this figure myself. A definite no-brainer to grab. Glad Hasbro finally got around to make him.
I’m a fan of the old school villains. Thus, Grey Gargoyle is a natural for me to buy. (Plus, I want to build and have a Kree Sentry.) Unfortunately, to me, the coloring is reminiscent of the special paint used on garage floors complete with the sprinkles – and not in a good way. Also, it would’ve been nice if he was a bit thicker in size, body-wise. After all, we are talking about a villain who has taken on Thor, Iron Man, and the Avengers.
I have no interest in Grey Gargoyle ot this figure of him, but somehow the process of collecting Marvel Legends is the process of slowly coming to appreciate all the weird, obscure nobody villains, and how they make up whole teams that are like the fabric of the Marvel Universe that binds together the big fancy stuff people actually care about….
Very odd.
Actually really glad Hasbro tackled this guy!! I really like the obscure characters thrown in the mix. Could have been a bit bulkier and the face reminds me of JJJ…but still glad he’s out there.
But why would stone be translucent though? Don’t get me wrong, I like translucent plastics, which worked great with Genis-vell, because his body in the comic is a translucent space star field, so using translucent plastic was perfect. But stone?!?! I don’t know of any stone that are translucent, not to mention I don’t see any comics that show the Gargoyle drawn as anywhere near translucent. He should be solid STONE.
I think the head is a reuse of the Tombstone sculpt.
No way—Tombst
Naw—Tombstone has a pig snout for a nose.
You missed something in your review: A massive paint error. In the comics, Grey Gargoyle has a hole on the palm of at least one of his gloves to facilitate turning things to stone, as he can’t do it if there’s a barrier between his touch and the chosen target. This is most often on the left palm.
As clearly shown on the toy, however, they’ve left this detail out.
They should have retooled this to give a rough or jagged texture. Sprinkling with glitter is what kindergartners do.
i think he was the most menacing out of all the worthy ones in fear itself!
Accessories could’ve been 2 fists, 2 two open hands (why put a gripping hand on a figure who rarely- if ever -holds a weapon?) and an alternate head with a more intense/angry expression. I think the Toybiz 5 inch figure was better overall despite the ancient articulation scheme.