Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be any more Marvel SDCC 2013 Exclusives yet to be unveiled, an unexpected (and I do mean unexpected) straggler has swung into the fray! Coming to San Diego Comic Con 2013 this week as a surprise last-minute Marvel Exclusive, it’s the high-end Gentle Giant Ltd. Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham Mini Bust!

There’s really no accurate way to estimate how well this Gentle Giant Spectacular Spider-Ham mini bust is going to sell, as there’s not exactly a lot of Spider-Ham merchandise out there to use as a gauge. In my opinion, there are probably less than 500 people out there who are big enough fans of Spider-Ham to want to own a high-end bust of Peter Porker, so I feel like an edition size of 500 Spider-Ham mini busts ought to be plenty. That said, some sellers are already listing the Spider-Ham bust for $100+ on ebay, so who knows where the secondary market value of this bust will land?
The 2013 SDCC Exclusive Gentle Giant Amazing Spider-Ham bust will be available this week exclusively at the Gentle Giant booth at San Diego Comic Con, with a retail price of $45. I’m a Spider-Ham fanboy, so I’ll be sure to pick up this Peter Porker mini bust and review it in the near future.