UPDATE: Retailers slightly jumped the gun last night, but for those who still need to place their Marvel Legends Spider-Man Far From Home series orders, POs are back online for cases including Mysterio, Hydro-Man, Scorpion, Doppelganger and more!
In addition, there’s Good News/Bad News for those who want single figures! Good: Amazon has singles of Marvel Legends Movie Mysterio, Scorpion, Hydro-Man & co. up for PO individually!
Bad news: They’re currently dated to ship a month after other online retailers. But worth waiting if you want to pick and choose, right?
ORIGINAL: With just three days until Avengers Endgame hits theaters, the hype factor is at maximum effect and off the charts for the next MCU movie! But even with how amped Marvel fans are about Avengers, Hasbro is already looking ahead to the new big(-ish) thing, which is why pre-orders are now open for the Marvel Legends Spider-Man Far From Home Movie Series of 6″ figures! But coming after the Kingpin wave that was anchored by the Build-A-Figure, I suspect this is a wave where many folks are going to want every figure except the Molten Man BAF…
But this isn’t an Avengers series–it’s actually the most likely one-and-only wave with tie-in figures for the Spider-Man Far From Home movie, and the case ratios are as follows:
(2) Far From Home Spider-Man in Red and Black Costume
(1) Stealth Suit Spider-Man from Far From Home
(1) Mysterio Movie Figure from Far From Home
(1) Hydro-Man [Comics-Based]
(1) Spider-Woman Julia Carpenter [Comics-Based]
(1) Doppelganger Spider Man [Comics-Based]
(1) Scorpion [Comics-Based]
Build-A-Figure: Molten Man Movie Figure from Far From Home
As expected by everyone everywhere, the red-and-black costume Spider-Man from Far From Home will be the one double-packed figure in this series. Even at two-per-case, the Homecoming Spidey in Tech Suit never really sat on store shelves, and I doubt this version will either.
I really wish there was a wash of some sort to bring out the sculpting texture on the webbing of the costume, but this figure looks decent at a glance. Thank God for both web-slinging hands and fists.
Far more in-demand than that Spidey, however, is going to be the one-per-case Mysterio movie figure. I think scarcity is bound to be a major issue with this action figure, so let’s hope that Hasbro is aware of that and is planning to make straight cases available to online retailers. The 100% newly-tooled movie costume looks awesome, and I’m glad Mysterio is getting his own interchangeable fists as well. Looking excellent!
The last single-packed movie figure in the series is the Noir-looking Stealth Suit Spider-Man Legends figure. I’m truly not in love with this look just yet, but maybe I’m going to be won over by it when the actual film hits theaters in July. At the moment, this just doesn’t feel like a Spider-Man costume to me at all. I’m grateful for the interchangeable head and hands, though.
On to the comic book figures! And although we’ll be seeing a movie Hydro-Man for the first time this summer on-screen, his action figure is going to be comics-based. I’ve loved the Toybiz Hydro-Man since my college days, but I think this is a fun update.
There’s bound to be complaints about the water effects arms being non-removable, but I applaud Hasbro for making a large, unique single-packed figure of Morrie Bench. Very much looking forward to getting this in-hand in a few months!
Competing with Far From Home Mysterio as the “must-get” figure from this wave is a classic Spider-Man villain Hasbro has never done before in 6″ form: the Scorpion! My personal costume preference is Mac Gargan without the mask over his mouth, but Toybiz already did that iteration years ago, so I’m okay with this costume getting the limelight.
The bendy tail on this is going to be loads of fun, and this figure is almost certain to be scalper-bait getting overpriced on ebay as soon as it blows out of retail stores.
One final villain from this wave is a 90s favorite of mine: the Doppelganger Spider of “Maximum Carnage” fame! I love the crap out of this character, and while I outright dislike the upper torso being used for him and all the non-matching pins on his arms, this is still the figure in the Far From Home Series I’m most excited about.
I wish this figure was a little better, as I know the limited articulation will cheese me off, but he’s a must for me no matter what.
Finally, we’ve got the figure that I think will be the weakest seller from an absolutely loaded wave: the Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman Legends figure. I’ve dug Julia as Spider-Woman ever since her appearances in the 90s Iron Man cartoon series, and I really dig that we’re getting a 6″ super-articulated figure of her here. I’d prefer her purple costume to the black, but I’m glad to get her regardless.
She comes with a web effects piece and the largest chunk of the Molten Man BAF body, which looks absolutely humongous.
This isn’t exactly shocking, since Molten Man is the one villain from the movie that was otherwise unrepresented in any form in this wave, but it still feels a bit out of left field since we see Molten Man figures so incredibly rarely. Like the buildable LEGO Molten Man, this Build-A-Figure looks pretty neat, but my personal judgment on this character/design is out until I see him on film. Luckily, I’m buying this whole wave anyway, so he’s bought no matter what. Score one for Hasbro!
The Hasbro Spider-Man Far From Home Legends series is now up for order, and is scheduled to be released in May 2019 (which, coincidentally, is just over a week away). Hydro-Man, Scorpion and movie Mysterio are all going to be instant sell-outs and hard-to-find figures, so I’m glad I just order my waves as a whole case and get it over and done with in one swoop. I really hope Hasbro goes back and offers full cases of singles for this wave, because a lot of fans are going to be wanting those Scorpion and Mysterio action figures.
Now that Hasbro has shown all its cards and opened up pre-orders, what are your thoughts on the Marvel Legends Far From Home series, Spidey fans? Does the Molten Man Build-A-Figure make you want to buy (or not want to buy) this whole wave, and which figures are the must-haves for you from this set?
I’m least interested in the black suit Spiderman, but it looks like I could just make him a random burglar or government agent with the alternate head, and I don’t care for the Doppelganger at all. I could pass on red/black Spidey too, but I’ve yet to get a MCU Spidey, so I’ll probably pick that up.
My most want is the Julia Carpenter, SpiderWoman. I was a big fan of the comic, Force Works, that she was a part of, so that will be welcome. I got comic book Mysterio from a couple waves ago, but this Mysterio looks pretty awesome! And I definitely want to get Scorpion and Hydro Man for their uniqueness. I like pretty much all of the original Spidey villains, and since there are at least 5 that I really want, I’ll probably get the whole series and make Molten Man as well.
Scorpion! Scorpion! Scorpion! And I’ll get Spider Woman and possibly Hyrdo Man, but the rest only if prices are rock bottom. No interest in the movie versions of hardly anything in any wave, so same applies here. No to Mysterio (got a real Mysterio from comics already) and the BAF looks alright, but does nothing at all to get me to buy more than the comics based figures I’m interested in. BAF pieces will probably go in a box to never be used.
Aw man… the link to pre-order goes to Big Bad Toy Store. I swore I would never do business with them again after 3 issues of bad service for myself and 2 for someone I know. Anyone else in the world offering the pre-order or just them?
Pre-orders should be up on EE in the morning. I’ll update with links once they’re live.
You could try Dorksidetoys, too. They are as much of a crap shoot as anyone else when it comes to whether they get preorders earlier or later than other e-tailers, but they have very good customer service imo.
Although my understanding is that these e-tailers jumped the gun a bit and are now being asked to pull product listings from their sites until 3 PM EST today.
Empire toy shop has them.
Still only planning on getting Scorpion and Hydro-Man for now. The movie might convince me to get some of the mcu figs and build the BAF. Spider-woman and Doppelganger are figures i might buy if i can find them at a discount down the line.
Ooh, Mysterio looks great. Mysterio has always been one of my favorite Spidey villains, so you bet I’m getting him. Wish we got a Jake Gyllenhaal head though.
Scorpion and Doppelgänger are the two I’m most excited for though. Gimme more of that Maximum Carnage content (Firestar and Shriek next, please?). And Hydro-Man looks fantastic, I don’t mind the non removable arms at all.
Julia and the Spideys look good too.
Really, the only figure I’m iffy on is the Molten Man BAF. It looks unique, totally, but not sure how much I’ll like the movie version of MM. Would have preferred a comics version as of now.
So I’ve been trying to find the pre-orders for this on BBTS with and without using the link and have had no luck. Any ideas?
Hasbro asked websites to pull down pre-orders for a few hours. Links should be live again this afternoon.
Everything came back up a few minutes ago, sadly all the good individual figs show sold out as usual with BBTS. Thanks for the info!
Got my pre-order in for the 4 non-movie figures. Easy peezy. I’ll add the Molten Man pieces to my ever growing collection of unused BAF parts. So, is it too early to start hoping to see hints of the next Spider-man wave 😀
Scorpion, Hydro-Man and Doppelganger are definite buys for me.
Spidey and burglar Spidey fail to impress.
Mysterio I’m on the fence about… I don’t normally do MCU figs, but this one looks cool and I love Mysterio.
Spider-Woman I’ll buy if it’s on sale. Not a must have. Would’ve preferred Mary Jane as Spinnerette from the recent Renew Your Vows AU.
Molten Man looks kind of neat. I like how big he looks. But he also reminds me of the excrement-based monster from the movie Dogma.
Thank you for the amazon links! It drives me crazy watching the popular figures sit at 30-40$ on amazon, just waiting for that one glorious hour or two that they drop back down to retail price (still waiting on Silver Sable…common Silver) Being able to pre order scorpion, hydro-man, mysterio, and spider woman was awesome! I think I’ll be able to get stealth spider man and doppleganger at lower than market price though, so I’ll wait on them.
have you tried using camelcamelcamel or some other price-watching site? i mean, it doesn’t stop me from compulsively checking amazon but i’ve had luck with it a few times
You’re okay preordering from Amazon I think. That was the same problem with Beast from the Caliban wave supposedly shipping in July. I just got the confirmation that it arrived yesterday and it its getting to my house on Tuesday. A whole lot of people complained about it and some apparently canceled their order but now here we are with him arriving same time as retail. So I’d trust this one.
I am SUPER CRAZY EXCITED for Mysterio! I just preordered him from GameStop today and cannot wait! They said they will get him in the warehouse around mid August and in stores shortly after. I’ve got no measurable form of patience, but at least I won’t have to spend/waste so much time hunting for him in the wild.
I tried to kill 2 more birds with the same stone and pre-order Nightcrawler and Mr. Sinister…but, alas, they aren’t in the system yet.