SDCC 2022: Marvel Legends Retro Beast & Scorpion Figures Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Retro Scorpion and Beast 6 Inch Figures Hasbro 2022

Hasbro didn’t exactly come out with guns blazing and the massive tidal wave of all-new Marvel Legends figure reveals at SDCC 2022 that many fans were hoping for, but they -did- announce a number of pretty great items—including refreshed versions of two of the more sought-after 6” ML of the past half-decade: exclusive Retro X-Men Marvel Legends Beast and Retro Spider-Man Marvel Legends Scorpion figures are now up for order!

X-Men Marvel Legends Retro Beast
Spider-Man Marvel Legends Retro Scorpion

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Marvel Legends Apocalypse Retro Figure Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Apocalypse Retro Figure Packaged

Hasbro has begun a new tradition this year of revealing some type of Marvel Legends news on the 20th of each month, be it an all-new figure announcement or just fresh images of something we’ve previously been shown. And their June 20th sneak peek just may be the best one yet: built on the body of the rare and astronomically expensive Build-A-Figure from half a decade ago, the exclusive Marvel Legends Apocalypse Retro figure is now up for order!

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REVIEW: 2022 Marvel Legends Spider-Armor Spider-Man Retro Figure

You just know it’s a true golden age of Marvel action figures when Hasbro feels confident enough to bring out a new version of one of Toybiz’s biggest duds of all-time. The Spider-Man The Animated Series Spider-Armor figure languished unloved on store shelves for years and years in the 90s, which is likely why it’s never been upgraded to a 6” figure. But the time has come to see the Spider-Armor Mark I available again, and the retro 90s Toybiz packaging definitely feels apropos in this instance. this is probably the only Marvel Legends Spider-Armor Mark I figure ever to be available—is it worth getting? Here’s my review…

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