You know that saying “You can’t see the forest for the trees”? Yeah–that’s about how every Marvel Legends collector feels today. The focus has been centered on the first wave of Avengers Marvel Legends 2015 figures for so long now that even though that series is finally up for order, something else has slipped through the cracks. Already packaged and coming soon to stores–it’s the 6″ 2015 Marvel Legends Avengers Wave 2 Thanos Series!
It really shouldn’t come as a huge shocker that the 2015 Marvel Legends Avengers Series 2 figures will be arriving hot on the heels of Wave 1, as last year’s second wave of Captain America Legends and second wave of Spider-Man Legends both arrived in February 2014.
But with the first waves of Marvel Legends 2015 figures taking longer to arrive this year, everyone sort of forgot about Wave 2 and assumed it would be coming later as well. Guess not!
This morning, Dr. Zenith posted images of the packaged Marvel Legends Avengers Thanos Build-A-Figure series, confirming the lineup of figures for the series, who comes with which Marvel Legends Thanos pieces, and the fact that these figures are already produced and arriving soon.
The final lineup for Hasbro Marvel Legends 2015 Avengers Wave 2 is:
- Marvel Legends Avengers Age of Ultron Captain America (with Thanos Leg and unmasked Steve Rogers head & alternate hands)
- Marvel Legends Avengers Age of Ultron Iron Man Mark 43 (with Thanos Leg and Open Faceplate Tony Stark Head)
- Marvel Legends Avengers Age of Ultron Hulk (with Thanos Right Arm)
- Marvel Legends Spider-Woman (with Thanos Head and Left Arm and two sets of removable web wings)
- Marvel Legends Hellcat (with Thanos Head and Left Arm)
- Marvel Legends Batroc (with Thanos Torso)
The three known Hasbro Avengers Age of Ultron Marvel Legends figures are all in this wave: Captain America (repainted from last year’s Marvel Legends Stealth Captain America), Hulk and Iron Man Mark 43. Hopefully we see more Marvel Legends Avengers Age of Ultron figures (like Vision and Scarlet Witch) at New York Toy Fair 2015 next month.
Although she was shown at NYCC 2014, the Marvel Legends Valkyrie figure has seemingly been pushed back to Marvel Legends Avengers Wave 3, being replaced unexpectedly in the lineup by the long-lost Marvel Legends Batroc figure shown at SDCC 2013. He’s a year-and-a-half late and five dollars more than we expected, but at least Batroc is finally on the way!
I’ll post an update as soon as pre-orders for this wave open (which ought to be soon at this point), and you can ‘Like’ Marvel Toy News on Facebook to have news and photos beamed right to your Facebook Newsfeed!
Based off of these first packaged photos, are you liking what you see of Marvel Legends Avengers Infinite Series Wave 2, Marvel collectors? Will you be buying this whole wave to build Thanos, picking-and-choosing your favorites, or skipping this latest Marvel Legends wave altogether?
Not sure which is more exciting… Batroc or Hellcat. I mean, who would even THINK of making a Hellcat? And yet… BATROC! In his classic “Batroc ze Leap-air” outfit. Hell yes. Gonna be mine!
First off, I wish this wave was purely Avengers age of Ultron figures. Secondly I wish they weren’t $20 a pop, they should drop back down to 15 or 12 dollars.
Movie figures of comic characters suck, I know a lot of people keep complaing about movie figures but the fact of the matter is, the comics came long before the movies and I am sure hasbros sales would plummet if they strictly did movie figures, so thank god this years marvel legends are mostly comic.
Kyle knows what he’s talking about!
I’m excited for Batroc but I need that thanos!
We don’t need Spiderwoman and as much as I love Iron Man, I’ve had enough. This Wave would have been perfect with Vision or Ultron!
Nice to see that villains are getting some attention…
Yeah, I don’t need ANY of these, but will get all but Spider-Woman cuz I gotta have Thanos. BTW, I don’t see an Infinity Gauntlet. Come on, HASBRO!
Your Thanos is gonna look really crazy without an arm and a head. Lol-ha-ha..
You will “need” Spiderwoman. She is awesome. Unless you have a source for getting those parts,but why wait? I skipped her when I built MODOK bc the figure was ugly and nowhere near as hot as this Hasbro version. I remember when Jessica used to be promoted and hyped right alongside Spiderman,but then the foolish sexist status quo kicked in and she vanished from malls,tv and other media. She’s an agent of SHIELD and an Avenger. Nothing but respect.
Look again! Hellcat has the same BAF pieces as Spider-Woman. Is this new Spider-Woman figure better than the Modok one? Almost certainly. Am I a big enough fan of Spider-Woman to get another one when I can get a new character in Hellcat, either of which get me to Thanos? Nope!
Ok. Mea Culpa.(my bad.) I stand corrected. Looks like I am going to have extra Thanos parts to sell.
I do think we need a new Spider-woman. Toy Biz wasn’t that good…
Your thought is right on track. That Toybiz figure was unattractive(ugly,even). Nuff said.
Why don’t we need a Spider-Woman?
Because theres so many other characters that fans would love to get their hands on…
Hellcat is so much better than Spiderwoman! Hasbro could step outside the box and give the collectors who they deserve. Don’t get me wrong, Jessica Drew is cool and all, just not $20 cool… She would of been better as a 12″ Titan Hero series release.
“Titan Hero”?! man,Dude!sir,respectfully bite your tongue.
I completely agree about the Marvel denizens that are rare and hardly ever or NEVER get their turn as a toy;Misty Knight, Capt.Marvel2/Monica Rambeau,Amora:the Enchantress,
Baron Mordo,Skurge,Jocasta,Polaris,just to name a few.
However,Jessica is more than worthy of this beautiful upgrade figure. The Toybiz one did nobody any favors and no justice for Spiderwoman. Hellcat is on even keel with her team mate/wave mate here. Worth the 20 because…All are legends. Hasbro is already out of the box” as these two women are Avengers Defenders and Lady Liberaters. Teams that I would like to complete. Spiderwoman has had only two legends. That is a slight for a character that stands originally in lock step with Spiderman!
She is an agent of SHIELD and one of a few kick-ass Avengers to hand the Wrecker his balls.
Me parece que spiderwoman merecia una nueva version mejorada y esta me gusta .. soy partidario de nuevos personajes por eso bienvenido hellcat y batroc !! Dos figuras que me gustaron !! El capi ….. ooootro para sumar al ejercito capi americas …. lo que me gusto de ironman es la cabeza intercambiable con el rostro de tony pero es otro ironman mas de los cuantos? … sobre hulk me gusta y agrada mucho … por el motivo que desde el retorno de los legends no teniamos un hulk .. y el mayor premio es thanos pedido infinitas veces como baf por fin a llegado y me encanta … comparto que un guantelete hubiera sido genial. Me gusta esta wave aunque tiwne cosas reiterativas y me encanta ver figuras en version comics que me parecen mucho mejores que las versiones de peliculas
Glad to see more comic characters. It would have been great to see a movie Ultron and Vision though. Maybe a third Wave with a Hulkbuster BAF? it’d probably be a re-tooled Iron Monger/Mandroid though.
Sucks there is no Infinity Gauntlet. Although, a hollowed out Select one would probably work perfectly. Batroc is easily the star of this Wave. Swordsman next please!
AHHHHHHH Spider-Woman and Hellcat look so good! I never thought I would see so many female Legends being release in such a short amount of time and not one of them sucks! I’ve always preferred female heroes (I find them to be more interesting) over the often over produced male heroes and love that Hasbro is coming out of the stone age and making more dynamic and balanced waves of Legends.
Oh and on a side note now that Rogue spends more time in Uncanny Avengers than in any X-men book and her All New Marvel Now costume looks similar to her Legacy outfit I would like to see her MIA Wolverine Legends figure make it into wave 3 this year much like Batroc did in wave 2. (Happy probably not going to happen thoughts)
Its not going to happen man, she was officially canceled. Batroc, songbird and the rest of the figures that have been making their way into assortments were never cancelled like Rogue, the Hasbro reps even said that all of those figures would eventually make it out but Rogue and phoenix five Cyclops were both CANCELLED!!!! So stop mentioning it, get with the news!
Ewwww such a negative Nacy, I’m pretty sure if Hasbro wanted to they could release whatever they want regardless of what was stated in the past.
Oh btw I do keep up with toy news in a very in depth way and as I recall the only official cancellation out of the two figures was Cyclops.
Oh and I wasn’t aware that Songbird had made her was into any assortment yet?
Another thing that is probably not happening is all this talk of a baf ultron wave. The next BAF is probably going to be dormammu, again, get with the news.
I’ll just say it. Stop being a dick.
Si hasbro habia anunciado a dormammu y recuerde la escultura en progreso de magik .. muero por tigershark y quiero a bulldozzer y blade !! Songbird necesitaria mejoras .. moonstar tambien me agradaria .. espero esas figuras tengan su retorno como estamos viendo que a hecho hasbro y me pone muy feliz que lo haga !! Batroc es sin lugar a dudas la figura principal de esta serie
Viperskingdom is already selling the figures of the Shield Pack on eBay. I’ve seen Maria Hill and Nick Fury. That means we will soon have them in stores as well.
Si y a phil coulson buena eleccion de hasbro aunque maria …… me dejo mis dudas no me agrada mucho la figura de hill
A mi tampoco me gustó mucho Maria. Repintaron la figura de la Viuda Negra de la serie del Soldado de Invierno y le pusieron una cabeza bastante fea…
Siiiiii aunque si nos fijamos el capi es la misma figura de la pelicula soldado de invierno solo que pintado distinto …. al igual que la marck 43 …. que????? Es la mark 42 con distinta pintura y un toque de plateado …. descartando estas dos cosas la serie me agrada y sobre todo el baf …. creo que hasbro se da cuenta que con un baf de categoria y muy bien hecho mas un par de figuras en su version comic tal vez personajes ya hechos pero en una version mejor hecha puede reciclar un par de figuras y vendera igual .. ya que muchos compraran la serie aunque no les guste todas las figuras para poder formar el baf … a mi no me agrada tener mas capis ironmans y spidermans pero la verdad es que son necesarias para formar los baf que me parecen exelentes.
Completamente, para Iron Man y el Capi han cogido las versiones anteriores y las han pintado. Y doy por hecho que en la Wave 3 habrá una viuda negra que será igual a la anterior con el traje de la nueva película. Pero bueno, espero que las otras figuras estén bien. Por ejemplo, me gustaría que incluyan a Valkiria, que se suponía que iba a estar en esta Wave.
Al parecer valkiria sera parte de un pack o de una wave 3 … una variante de esta podria se la encantadora creo que se merece su lugar entre los marvel legends .. muero porque salga tigershark y bulldozzer !! Blizzard y songbird serian buena opcion tambien … tambien me gustaria a vision tal vez un nuevo wonderman o quicksilver tambien
Just Iron Man and Spider-Woman for me.
Hey! Wait!..What-the-what?!
Yo! Oy! That’s that buck again!
Time for an update! Lol
Looks like my Marvel Legends standard action figure base body/”buck” display shelf is Expanding… AGAIN!
Buck Spotlight shelf:
01.Bucky Cap
02.Us Agent
03.Black Panther
06.Hydra solider
07.Baron Zemo
12.Marvel Now Cyclops
14.Black Bolt
15.MachineMan(imminent) 16.DareDevil(imminent)
17.Batroc-just added!
Dabid! To answer your question: Its A BUY! Defintley a buy. I am loving this one better than the 1st wave!
I’d like to see a wave 3 come out with more movie characters.. Vision, Ultron, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch and some more comic figures like Quasar, Starfox or Monica Rambeaux (sp)
hmmmm. spend the extra cash and wait for S.H. Figuarts, or grab these? I think I may spend the extra cash.
I saw a few of these today in TRU. They only had Iron Man, Hulk, Cap and SpiderWoman. Only thing…Hulk was package with The Things arm and Spiderwoman had Things other arm and head. Am I missing something? was this a factory screw up.
I recently started collecting again, is hasbro no longer doing variant figures or am I just missing something? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you
Yes and no. Depends on which of the broad definitions of “variant” is used.
We have not had an alternate version of the same character since 2012 Terrax wave;
Ghost Rider:red flame/blue flame,
Cmdr Rogers:ion shield/standard shield,lighter paint apps
Arnim Zola/Red Skull variant
Odin/King Thor
In an effort to boost better distribution of alternate characters,the variant is now a shared box swap: Spiderwoman/Hellcat
Sentry/Machine Man
Capt.Marvel/Scarlet Witch
Black Cat/Spidergirl
AIM troop/Baron Zemo
Hydra troop/Red Skull
This all started with the 2013-14 waves of Captain America and Spider-Man.
This is similar to the old Toybiz Marvel Legends Thorbuster/Destroyer figures. Same package,but completely different characters.
when ? what month? please let me know …