Marvel Select Captain America The Winter Soldier Figures Announced

Marvel Select Captain America The Winter Soldier Falcon Figure Preview

On the same day that they announce the comic book-inspired Marvel Select Winter Soldier action figure, Diamond Select Toys has also announced via MTV the pair of characters that will make up their Marvel Select Captain America: The Winter Soldier figures to be released in the spring. And–surprise! The movie version of the Winter Soldier himself isn’t one of them…

UPDATE 11/15/2013: The Marvel Select Captain America: The Winter Soldier figures are now up for pre-order!

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Marvel Select Winter Soldier Figure Exclusive Revealed & Photos

Disney Store Exclusive Marvel Select The Winter Soldier Figure

Does the dearth of new comic-inspired Marvel Select figures in 2013 got you down? Thus far, Diamond Select Toys has released zero comic book-based Marvel Select figures in the second half of 2013, as all of the recent figures have been based on Marvel movies like “The Wolverine”, “Iron Man 3” and “Thor: The Dark World”.

But this morning DST announced the cure for what ails comic-based Marvel fans: an all-new Marvel Select Winter Soldier figure–and surprise–he’s coming in December 2013!

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Marvel Select Thor The Dark World Figures Officially Revealed!

Marvel Select Thor The Dark World Thor Figure Packaged

I don’t think Diamond Select Toys was exactly keen on people taking photos of the Thor: The Dark World Marvel Select Jane Foster figure at SDCC 2013 back in July, but we got our first glimpse of the Marvel Select Natalie Portman (and Thor) figures at the show anyway.

It’s been a few months, but Diamond Select is finally ready for the (non-dark) world to see the Dark World figures–it’s the official unveiling of the Thor: The Dark World Jane Foster and Thor Marvel Select figures!

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Marvel Select Hawkeye Classic Figure Reissue Announced for 2014!

Marvel Select Classic Hawkeye Figure Packaged March 2014 Reissue

I guess “exclusives” just aren’t what they used to be. Last month Diamond Select Toys announced that they were bringing back the formerly Disney Store exclusive Marvel Select Classic Thor 7″ action figure as a mass market regular release.

Now, that trend is set to continue in 2014 as the Marvel Select Hawkeye Classic figure will make its way back to stores…

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Marvel Select The Wolverine Movie Figure Released!

Marvel Select The Wolverine Figure Packaged

My expectations were set pretty low for the not-quite-summer-blockbuster 2013 “The Wolverine” movie, but this Wolverine movie ended up being a far more satisfying experience than its predecessor. Even so, wary toy companies didn’t exactly flock to make merchandise for “The Wolverine”, and we got a grand total of zero mass-market action figures in time for the movie. However, Diamond Select Toys has finally swooped in to the rescue, beginning with this super-impressive 7″ Marvel Select The Wolverine figure that has just been released!

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Marvel Select Thor Classic Figure Reissue Announced!

Marvel Select Classic Thor Figure Disney Store Exclusive

In some welcome (albeit unexpected) news this week, Diamond Select Toys has announced the surprising reissue of a Marvel Select figure which was first released last summer as a limited store exclusive.

Scheduled to be re-released in October 2013, just in time for the arrival of “Thor: The Dark World” in theaters, it’s the Marvel Select Classic Thor action figure!

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Thor 2 Marvel Select Thor & Jane Foster Figures Photos! SDCC 2013

Thor 2 Marvel Select Jane Foster Figure SDCC 2013 Natalie Portman

San Diego Comic Con 2013 has come and gone now, and while I’m extremely pleased with most of what was shown for Marvel figures (for the most part), one line that I felt a little let down by was the usually awesome Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select display. That’s not to say the 2013 SDCC Marvel Select display was a total loss. Though DST didn’t show anything previously unannounced at SDCC 2013, they did debut the movie Thor 2 Marvel Select figures of Thor and Jane Foster from “Thor: The Dark World”!

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Iron Man 3 Marvel Select War Machine 2.0 Figure Released & Photos!

War Machine Iron Man 3 Marvel Select Figure Packaged

It’s a funny thing going to your local comic book store to take photos of an action figure that you know you’re not going to buy there, but that’s just what I did today. See, I don’t like the above-suggested retail prices at my comic shop, so I don’t typically buy figures from them. But today a figure I’ve been waiting months to see in person was finally arriving, so I had to drop by to get impressions and take some in-person photos of the Iron Man 3 Marvel Select War Machine 2.0 figure…

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Iron Man 3 Marvel Select Iron Man Mark 42 Action Figure Released!

Marvel Select Iron Man Mark XLII Figure Packaged

I did a little bit of a double take when I saw this week’s Diamond Comics Distribution shipping list, as it confirmed that a figure that’s been delayed a handful of times was finally on its way to collectors’ hands this Wednesday. Though the Iron Man 3 movie was released in theaters close to two months ago now, the Marvel Select Iron Man 3 figures have been lagging behind a bit.

But hungry Iron Man fans don’t have to wait any longer–the Marvel Select Iron Man Mark XLII figure was finally released in stores today!

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Marvel Select Iron Man 3 Iron Patriot and BD Mark 42 Announced!

Marvel Select Iron Man 3 Iron Patriot Disney Store Exclusive Figure

We’ve known for months that there were going to be two limited release Marvel Select Iron Man 3 figures in addition to the Iron Man 3 Marvel Select War Machine and Iron Man Mark 42 mass release figures, and today Diamond Select Toys finally broke the news of the identities of this final duo of movie figures.

It’s not exactly a big surprise, but the pair now stand revealed as Iron Man 3 Marvel Select Iron Patriot and Battle-Damaged Iron Man Mark XLII!

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Marvel Select Silver Surfer Figure Coming in December 2013!

Marvel Select Silver Surfer Figure Diamond Select Toys

Though he’s had a very limited presence in recent years in the Marvel comics (and even less prominence in merchandise), the legendary herald of Galactus–the Silver Surfer–remains one of the more iconic and recognizable characters in Marvel history.

So it’s not exactly a shocker that for their last Marvel Select action figure of 2013, Diamond Select Toys has decided to immortalize the Silver Surfer with a 7″ Marvel Select Silver Surfer figure!

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Marvel Select Nightcrawler Action Figure Review

DST Nightcrawler Figure At the Circus

Nightcrawler has a special place in my heart, as the Toybiz X-Men Nightcrawler Series 1 figure was the first X-Men action figure I ever bought (of hundreds). These days, Nightcrawler doesn’t get too much love from toy companies (what with being dead and all). I recently gave up my unwarranted avoidance of Marvel Select figures, so when the Marvel Select Nightcrawler figure released this week, he was a must-buy for me. And while Nightcrawler turns out to be my least-favorite Diamond Select Toys Marvel Select figure I’ve bought so far, I still think he’s worth picking up…

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Marvel Select Flash Thompson Venom Figure Review

Disney Store Exclusive Marvel Select Flash Venom on Base

Last week I wrote my very first Marvel Select action figure review of the Marvel Select Venom by Diamond Select Toys. I bought that classic Venom figure because I couldn’t find the figure I really wanted locally–the Marvel Select Flash Thompson Venom. Luckily, after traveling about an hour to my third-closest Disney Store, I found a Venom Flash Thompson figure to call my very own. And while I’m not convinced he’s quiet as good as DST’s classic Venom, the Marvel Select Agent Venom figure is still very, very good…

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Marvel Select Thor The Dark World Movie Thor & Jane Figures Coming!

Thor 2 The Dark World Movie Thor and Jane Foster Natalie Portman Screenshot

This morning Diamond Select Toys released their new product solicitations for October 2013. Among the solicitations were a few surprises (I’m pretty sure I was born to buy that Thundercats Minimates set with Ben-Gali and Lynx-O), but also some things we were fairly sure were a lock to come out. The “Thor: The Dark World” movie figures are a mixture of both–there was little question there would be a Marvel Select Thor action figure, but I doubt anybody was expecting a Marvel Select Jane Foster figure…

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Marvel Select Iron Man 3 Movie Figures Revealed!

Marvel Select Iron Man 3 War Machine Figure with Hall of Armor Base

While it doesn’t look like the figures are going to make it out before the “Iron Man 3” movie hits theaters on May 3, 2013, Diamond Select Toys finally gave us our first look at the Marvel Select Iron Man 3 figures this week! There’s four Iron Man 3 Marvel Select action figures total that will be blasting into fans’ collections this summer, and the first two are the now fully-revealed Iron Man Mark XLII and War Machine…

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