Marvel Legends Agent Venom Walgreens Exclusive Confirmed

I’ve been holding off on talking further about the Marvel Legends Agent Venom figure because the whole Walgreens aspect of the release has just felt totally out-there to me. But it’s now been confirmed by Hasbro and Jesse Falcon, so there’s absolutely no room for doubt. There have been several thousand Marvel action figures released over the years, but this 6″ Agent Venom Marvel Legends Infinite Series will be different in one crazy way from all the rest: Marvel Legends Agent Venom is officially going to be the first-ever Walgreens exclusive Marvel action figure!

Hasbro Marvel Legends Agent Venom Figure Packaged

When we heard earlier this month that the long-lost Marvel Legends Flash Thompson Agent Venom figure was going to finally be released in a remixed case of Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Legends Infinite Series figures, I was ready and willing to accept that instantly. When rumors started swirling about that said figure was going to be exclusive to Walgreens, of all places, I was far more skeptical.

Is it turns out, though, it is apparently true: Hasbro has confirmed that Walgreens will be carrying an exclusive Marvel Legends Spider-Man case containing the Agent Venom Marvel Legends 6″ figure starting in late August 2014. The case is also supposed to contain hard-to-find figures like Ultimate Beetle, Black Cat and Carnage, for which many collectors who don’t want to pay extortionist prices for those figures will be eternally grateful.

Don’t think that it will necessarily be easy, though: individual Walgreens stores almost never get an entire case of action figures to themselves. Usually I have to drive around town going from store to store to find certain figures, as all the stores in an area tend to “share” a case of action figures and end up getting one or two random figures at each store. I still have nightmares about hunting down the McFarlane Halo 4 Steel/Green Spartan figure after weeks of searching last year. Ugh.

Agent Venom Marvel Legends Infinite Series Hasbro Action Figure Walgreens ExclusiveBut here’s where things get even crazier: According to Hasbro, the Agent Venom Marvel Legends 6″ figure “will be available for pre-order next month at SDCC.” Uh, what? I’m pretty sure that Walgreens has never had a pre-order available for any toy. Ever. I’m not even sure where one would go to in a Walgreens store to pick up a pre-ordered action figure.

So unless Hasbro is making it such that you can mail-order the Marvel Legends Agent Venom figure and cut a Walgreens trip out of the loop entirely, I really don’t know how this is going to work. I’ll post an update here and to the Marvel Toy News Facebook Page once Hasbro clarifies exactly how this figure is being handled.

What are your thoughts on this whole, bizarre Marvel Legends Agent Venom Walgreens Exclusive figure situation, Marvel collectors? Are you thrilled to see a major new retailer taking an interest in Marvel Legends, or are you like me and trembling in terror at the thought of having to walk into Walgreens after Walgreens later on this summer?


Marvel Legends Agent Venom Walgreens Exclusive Confirmed — 13 Comments

  1. Any word on whether this figure will be available in Canada? We don’t have any Walgreen’s up here, so it doesn’t sound too promising.

    • Depending on how the alleged “pre-order” will work, you may be able to have it shipped to Canada. We’ll have to wait for details.

  2. This feels like a huge headache. You can get that this will be the most scalped and price jacked Marvel Legends figure on eBay. What a joke. Why in the hell would they give this exclusive to walgreens of all places??

  3. This sounds like it is going to be a terrible hunt. I was very happy to see two-per-case, but that means nothing now.

    Anyone have any insight on Walgreen’s stocking methods or hunting tactics? I know that they have a central warehouse that fills bins that are delivered to individual stores. I imagine that stocking times differ depending on hours of the store. Any other thoughts?

  4. The Walgreens pre-order page went active, this AM (same with the pre-order page for their exclusive Star Wars Black Series Boba Fett). Each one is listed as having an actual release date of 10/15/14, but you can go ahead and order online.

  5. Can we expect a 2nd Pre-Order ?? This is going to be the most difficult one to find. EVER!!

  6. Sept. 2 I just picked one up in Bridgeport Connecicut 20.00 plus tax only 3 figures there