Revoltech Spider-Man Hi-Res Photos & Order Info!

Just when I thought we might be having another quiet week (I mean, other than that “New York Comic Con 2016” thing that coverage begins for tomorrow), a couple of long-awaited items have finally been solicited for release. We first saw the Kaiyodo Spider-Man Revoltech teased many, many months ago, but now he’s finally ready to swing in–the Revoltech Spider-Man figure goes up for order later this week!


If there’s one headliner character in the Marvel Universe that needs to have extreme articulation with enormous range-of-motion, it’s Marvel’s biggest star: Spider-Man.

Hundreds of figures of ol’ web-head have been released over the years with varying degrees of articulation, but this year’s award for best-articulated Spider-Man figure looks like it’s destined to go to the Yamaguchi Revoltech Spider-Man!

While the way that some of the ball-joints on the limbs of this figure look are rather blatant and ugly, I’m not sure that we’ve ever seen a Spider-Man with as much flexibility as this one!

yamaguchi-revoltech-spider-man-figure-crawlingThe crawling poses that you can get out of this Revoltech Amecomic Spider-Man figure are downright amazing (“spectacular!”/”sensational”)!

figure-complex-revoltech-spider-man-accessoriesBut where this figure really shines–besides the extreme range-of-motion of his articulation scheme–is the accessories! Kaiyodo is really spoiling us in the accessories department with this Spider-Man figure, and has actually included some that I’ve never seen before with a Spidey figure.

magnetic-clasp-for-amecomic-2-spiderman-figure-revoltechWhile I initially stared blankly at what looked like a small chunk of a figure stand, looking at the rest of the photos I realized that the plastic loopy included with this figure is actually a magnetic clasp to allow Revoltech Spider-Man to climb up surfaces vertically! Now there’s an ingenious pack-in!

kaiyodo-revoltech-spider-man-eyes-interchangeableBut just as creative is the fact that not only does this Spidey come with six interchangeable hands, he’s also got six interchangeable eyes, allowing for a ton of expressiveness. This will make for a great Humberto Ramos Spider-Man action figure!

back-of-revoltech-spider-man-six-inch-action-figureThe figure is rounded out with an assortment of long and short web-lines, including one that Peter can “really” swing from.

spider-man-kaiyodo-revoltech-2017-figureThe MSRP on this figure overseas is set at 6,372 Japanese yen, which is equivocal to about $62 USD. Of course, since this is an import-only figure, U.S. collectors will have to pay a bit more in actuality to get their hands on this superb Spidey.

Ordinarily I might balk at $60+ for “another Spider-Man”, but this particular release comes with so many cool extras that I just don’t think I can resist. Love those expressive eyes and the magnetic clasp!

spider-man-revoltech-amecomic-figure-swingingThe Kaiyodo Revoltech Spider-Man action figure will be up for order later this week, and is expected to be released in January 2017. But as Kaiyodo does not have a license to distribute their Marvel figures in the United States, you’ll have to grab one of the limited amount of BBTS pre-orders for Spidey or import him from overseas yourself if you want one.

What are your impressions of the Spider-Man Revoltech based off of these finalized official images, Marvel collectors? Are you okay with the stylized look of the figure if it allows maximum flexibility, or is the articulation on this Spidey just too obvious for him to fit in with your collection?


Revoltech Spider-Man Hi-Res Photos & Order Info! — 8 Comments

  1. Some might immediately hate the thighs and shoulders but that’s if you’re strictly vanilla posing. If that’s the case the marvel legends Spider-Man pizza is better.

    But for those doing photography this is probably going to be a must buy.

    In the same vein as to why I prefer the toy biz deadpool over the hasbro one. The shoulders.

    Don’t really like this head tho.

      • Vanilla:
        adjective, informal
        having no special or extra features; ordinary or standard

        In regards to action figure posing, it means a standard, standing pose, as opposed to actual action poses.

  2. wow Wow WOW. This figure is the spider-man figure I’ve been waiting for my entire life. That web-swinging pose. LOOK AT THAT WEB SWINGING POSE! I obviously pre-ordered this one.