SDCC 2017 Exclusive Marvel Animated Spider-Man Statue!

Surprise, surprise! With exactly two weeks remaining until the beginning of San Diego Comic Con 2017, there was still one Marvel exclusive for the show waiting to be revealed–and as it turns out, it just may be my favorite one of all! Skottie Young Marvel Babies fans have been wondering for a while when a Gentle Giant Marvel Animated Spider-Man statue would be swinging in–and the answer is shockingly “in two weeks at SDCC 2017!”

Marvel Animated Statues Spider-Man SDCC 2017 Exclusive

When Gentle Giant Ltd. revealed that none of their five Premier Guild Member (PGM) gifts for the 2017 Membership was from the super-popular line of Skottie Young Marvel Babies-inspired Marvel Animated statue line, I was seriously bummed out, as that’s (far away) my favorite thing that Gentle Giant is producing these days.

That PGM Exclusive Old Man Logan bust (with Baby Hulk!) is neat and all, but it’s the Marvel Babies statues that really make me look forward to GG solicitations these days. But while Gentle Giant PGM members didn’t get a freebie Marvel Animated statue this year, they do get first crack at the first-ever limited exclusive in the line: Marvel Babies Spider-Man!

Close-Up of San Diego Comic Con 2017 Marvel Babies Spider-Man StatueSpider-Man is the A-Lister of A-Listers in the Marvel Universe, so it’s always just been a matter of “when” and not “if” we’d get a Skottie Young Spider-Man. I certainly wasn’t expecting such a headliner to be a convention exclusive, but thumbs up to Gentle Giant for picking a major character to generate some hype for the line at the most buzz-worthy comic-con of the year (sorry, NYCC)!

SDCC 2017 Gentle Giant Exclusive Marvel Animated Spider-Man Statue BackThis resin Spider-Man is among the most dynamically-posed figures that we’ve seen thus far in this line, as he’s leaping into action and firing his web shooter will suspended from a clear pole.

Side View of Skottie Young Spider-Man Figure SDCC 2017 ExclusiveI initially thought that these clear flight poles were really going to bug me (no pun intended), but I don’t even notice Vision’s on my shelf, so I’m not really concerned about it making Spidey look weird in person.

Marvel Animated Statues Gentle Giant Ltd Full Series Lineup with Spider-Man

At a glance, Spidey’s shape and proportions struck me as looking not quite as “cute” as the rest of the Marvel Animated statue series–right up until I saw him displayed with the rest of the lineup.

Alongside the other dozen releases we’ve had thus far (Spidey is lucky number 13!), the Skottie Young Spider-Man looks downright adorable. I love it and I’m sold, although I’ve heard some collectors say already that they aren’t fans of Spidey’s style and they’re passing on this piece. Personally, I think this piece has the potential to become the most difficult to acquire in the line due to its exclusivity, so there’s no way I’m going to miss out.

SDCC 2017 Exclusive Spider-Man Marvel Animated Statue Gentle GiantThe 2017 SDCC Exclusive Spider-Man Marvel Animated statue is now up for order on the Gentle Giant Ltd. website in limited quantities for Premier Guild Members, and will be available to the general attendees at San Diego Comic Con 2017 in two weeks. He’s fairly priced at the same $65 that every statue in the line has retailed for with no increased price due to being a convention exclusive. Thanks, Gentle Giant!

I’m more excited about having this Spidey statue ordered early with my PGM Membership than I am for any of this year’s “free” gifts, but what about you, Marvel collectors? Anyone besides me still a completist with this Gentle Giant Animated series of sculptures, and are you hoping to snag this Comic-Con exclusive Spidey?

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