2020 Marvel Legends Avengers Video Game Figures: Iron Man Revealed!

Hasbro Avengers Game Iron Man GamerVerse Marvel Legends Figure

We’re only one week removed from New York Comic Con 2019, but Hasbro is already back at it again with another Marvel Legends 2020 figure reveal! Given the popularity of the PS4 Spider-Man Gamerverse figure from last year, this shouldn’t have caught me off-guard—but it did! 2020 Marvel Legends Avengers Square Enix video game figures are on the way—starting with GamerVerse Iron Man!

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Marvel GamerVerse 2-Packs Up for Order! Ryu! The Collector!

Contest of Champions Civil Warrior vs. Collector Figures Two-Pack

Given the sheer mass of Marvel toys and figures being released at retail the past few years, it’s no surprise that a few items are going to slip through the cracks and fall totally off the radar. Such is the case with the latest wave of GamerVerse figure two-packs–the sole Hasbro Marvel Universe-scaled 3.75″ figures wave being released this year! Easily one of the most eclectic groupings of Marvel action figures ever, the GamerVerse wave containing Ryu, Mr. Negative, Black Widow, PS4 Spider-Man and more is now up for order online and also beginning to pop up in stores!

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REVIEW: PS4 Spider-Man Collector’s Edition & Statue (Video Game)

Spider-Man PS4 Limited Edition Box

I know that there are tens of thousands of fans hella excited about the release of the Spider-Man PS4 video game—but, well… I half-forgot it was coming out at all until the PS4 Spider-Man Collector’s Edition turned up on my doorstep today. The mystery Spider-Man Statue alone has been selling for $100+ online, so I was dying to dig in and see what it looked like. Was it worth spending the extra 90 bucks to get the limited edition version…?

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Funko Marvel Contest of Champions POP Vinyls Figures Revealed!

Funko Exclusive Contest of Champions Figures

Now that the flurry of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals have mostly come to an end (though there’s still a sweet 47% off sale for the 14.5” Marvel Legends Hulk going on), it’s time to stop looking at this year’s discounted items and start looking at upcoming 2018 Marvel toys again! And on that front, Funko made a pretty surprising announcement this week, when they announced a whole series of Marvel Contest of Champions POP Vinyls figures—including King Groot, Punisher 2099, Venompool and more!

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