REVIEW: Marvel Gallery Silver Surfer Statue (Diamond Select Toys)

Close-Up of Energy Effects on Diamond Select Silver Surfer Gallery Statue

Diamond Select Toys doesn’t always hit a home run with their value-priced line of Marvel Gallery PVC statues (my mind is still boggled by that white-eyed Gambit from the start of 2024), but when they do good, they do great. Such is the case with today’s review of my newest entry in that line: the Marvel Gallery Silver Surfer statue is cosmically cruising into homes now, and is one of my favorite additions to the lineup in quite some time…

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Marvel Legends Dragon Man Exclusive Deluxe Figure Up for Order!

One of the surprise headlines from Hasbro this year was that there would be no 2024 Marvel Legends Haslab crowdfunding campaign. But that’s not to say collectors won’t be getting a preorder for another immense Marvel character to add to their shelves: the Hasbro Pulse exclusive Marvel Legends Dragon Man figure is now up for order! At 10” tall and over 17” wide, Dragon Man is a humongous anthropomorphic dragon boy—will you be adding him to your collection?

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Marvel Legends Cabal 3-Pack Up for Order! Doom! Iron Patriot! Taskmaster!

Amazon Marvel Legends Cabal 3-Pack Packaged

Marvel Legends 2024 has been a bit light on traditional Build-A-Figure waves, but Hasbro has kept collectors guessing with consistent new reveals and pre-orders nonetheless. This time up, we’ve got a 3-pack of updated villains, going up for sale after just being revealed yesterday: the Amazon Exclusive Marvel Legends Cabal set of Dr. Doom, Iron Patriot Norman Osborn and Taskmaster figures is now up for order!

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Marvel Legends Fantastic Four Wolverine & Spider-Man Figures Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Fantastic Four Wolverine Spider-Man 2-Pack

Last year, Hasbro kicked off the 2021 New Fantastic Four Marvel Legends team with the first ever fully-articulated Franklin Richards and Valeria Richards figures. And now, Hasbro is dipping back in to give us the other half of the team in their fun black and blue costumes! Continuing the line of Wolverine 50th Anniversary 6” figures, the Marvel Legends Fantastic Four Wolverine and Spider-Man 2-pack is now up for order! Are these quirky-costumed Spidey and Logan figures on your shopping list?

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NYCC 2023: Marvel Select Archangel & Annihilus Figures Photos! (Diamond Select Toys)

NYCC 2023 Marvel Select Archangel and Annihilus Figures Revealed

New York Comic Con is no longer the collectibles powerhouse of news and reveals that it was prior to the pandemic, but at least one company is still bringing it’s ‘A-Game’ to the event: Diamond Select Toys! And for NYCC 2023, DST brought along two new Marvel Select figures never before shown at public conventions: Marvel Select Archangel and Marvel Select Annihilus!

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REVIEW: Marvel Select Mr. Fantastic Figure (Diamond Select Toys)

Marvel Select Mister Fantastic Coiled Stretched Body

Mr. Fantastic has had more than his fair share of gimmicky toys over the years. Some have been good, some have been bad. But Reed Richards’ latest release, from Diamond Select Toys, is really rather fantastic. 9 years after the Marvel Select Thing figure was released, Ben Grimm’s brainy BFF has finally arrived! Is buying the Marvel Select Mr. Fantastic figure a fantastic use of your collecting funds…?

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Marvel Select Captain America Classic, Gallery Kingpin & Animated Invisible Woman Pre-Orders!

DST Marvel September 2023 Pre-Orders

Select Toys never fails to offer Marvel collectors something fresh and exciting in their monthly solicitations, and this month does not break from that norm, with three unexpected new additions to older lineups! New pre-orders are now available for Marvel Select Classic Captain America, Marvel Gallery Kingpin and a Marvel Animated Skottie Young Invisible Woman statue!

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Marvel Legends 2023: Franklin/Valeria Richards! Yondu! PS5 Spider-Man! Squadron Supreme!

2023 Marvel Legends Revealed Fntastic Four PS5 Spider-Man Yondu Squadron Supreme

Hasbro didn’t hit us with a complete blitzkrieg of new Marvel Legends 2023 waves during this first month of the year, limiting themselves to just a singular new Build-A-Figure Series solicited (the X-Men Legends Ch’od BAF Series). But that doesn’t mean Hasbro wasn’t busy, as they instead announced a bunch of one-off releases (and put a few up for order), including Franklin & Valeria Richards, a new Advanced Suit PS5 Spider-Man, classic comics Yondu and more!

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REVIEW: Marvel Legends Firelord Figure (Retro Fantastic Four Series)

Hasbro Firelord Marvel Legends Vintage Series Action Figure Review

Hasbro promised a strong showing of Heralds to coincide with the release of the mega-sized Haslab Galactus figure this year, and (as long as your favorite herald of Galactus isn’t named Air Walker or Golden Oldie) Hasbro has come through in spades with a new Terrax, the awesome Herald Thor and more—including the subject of today’s review! Retro Marvel Legends Firelord is a long, long overdue addition to the Marvel Legends pantheon—but after 20 years of waiting, is this figure all it could be?

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Marvel Legends Ronan the Accuser Amazon Exclusive Figure Up for Order!

Ronan the Accuser Marvel Legends Amazon Exclusive Action Figure

Hasbro is slowly but surely chipping away at the ranks of old Marvel Legends Build-A-Figures that need an updated re-release, and that trend continues today with the latest solo addition to the lineup: the exclusive Marvel Legends Ronan is now up for order! But is this Amazon Exclusive worth his deluxe price-point?

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Marvel Legends 2023 Blob Ronan the Accuser & Pretty Boy Figures Revealed!

Marvel Legends 2023 Blob Ronan the Accuser Pretty Boy Figures

This year’s Hasbro Pulse Premium Fanstream is just a few days away, but that hasn’t stopped some fresh and exciting Marvel news from coming out prior to the October 27th event! Not only did Hasbro officially announce a Reavers Pretty Boy figure last week, but now leaked photos have confirmed updated Marvel Legends Ronan the Accuser and Blob figures coming to the Marvel Legends 2023 lineup!

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NYCC 2022: Marvel Premier Collection Apocalypse & Invisible Woman Statues!

NYCC 2022 Diamond Select Toys Invisible Woman Apocalypse Statues

It’s been over two years since I last attended a convention, but some things never change—including Diamond Select Toys being one of my first and most-anticipated booths to visit at any event I attend. And just like old times, there was plenty of goodness to be found at NYCC 2022 Diamond Select Toys booth—including upcoming statues of Apocalypse and Invisible Woman from their Marvel Premier Collection and Gallery lineup!

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Marvel Select Super Skrull & Mile Morales/Spider-Ham Figures Up for Order!

Marvel Select Super Skrull Miles Morales Spider-Man Spider-Ham Figures

Diamond Select Toys generally launches only a few more than a dozen new Marvel Select figures each year, but we’ve become quite used to them maximizing that potential and making every release count. This week, two new figures launched with varying degrees of success buzz-wise: the all-new Marvel Select Super Skrull is now up for order, as well as the Disney Exclusive Miles Morales and Spider-Ham!

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Marvel Legends Firelord! Retro Sentinel! War Machine! Sharon Carter!

Marvel Legends Firelord War Machine Sharon Carter Japanese Spider-Man

Hasbro has gotten Marvel Legends collectors pretty well-trained at this point to expect new reveals and announcements from their scheduled Hasbro Pulse Marvel Fan First livestreams. So of course, now that they’ve got us all conditioned, they go and throw us a major curveball with a surprise Instagram Live session instead, revealing numerous new long-awaited Marvel action figures: Marvel Legends Firelord, Retro War Machine, Japanese Spider-Man, Disney+ Sharon Carter and more are now up for order!

Individual Figure Pre-Order Links:

Retro Sentinel
Japanese Spider-Man (Toei)
War Machine (Retro)
Sharon Carter

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