2018 Marvel Legends Deadpool Wave 2 Figures! Omega Red!

Deadpool Marvel Legends Omega Red Figure Hasbro 2018

It’s been rather quiet lately on the Marvel Legends news front as we approach the 2018 Toy Fair in New York City, but Hasbro decided to kick off this week with some totally out-of-the-blue announcements that confirm the rumors: a Deadpool Legends Wave 2 series is coming our way in Fall 2018, including new 6” Marvel Legends Omega Red and Lady Deadpool figures and more!

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REVIEW: Marvel Legends Namor 6″ Figure (2018 Black Panther Series)

Review Black Panther Marvel Legends Namor 6" Figure

Black Panther doesn’t exactly have the most mainstream cast of supporting characters, so when it came time to fill out the Black Panther Marvel Legends figures series with comic-based figures, Hasbro had to stretch a bit and slot in other “kings”. It was sort of a reach, but few fans were complaining about getting new, classic versions of the Kings of the Inhumans and of Atlantis! Supply has caught up to demand and Marvel Legends Namor is available now online for MSRP, but is this the best toy ever of the character?

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Marvel Legends Deadpool Series Released Overseas!

Marvel Legends 2018 Cable Figure Packaged

Although 2018 kicked off with the surprisingly outstanding Marvel Legends Black Panther series, it’s otherwise been a bit of a slow start for Marvel Legends 2018. We won’t see most of this year’s new figures revealed until New York Toy Fair 2018 next month, and we’re still waiting for the Lizard and Sasquatch series to go up for order domestically. But internationally, the Marvel Legends Deadpool series was just released this week—including a mass-release X-Force Deadpool Hasbro hasn’t officially announced yet!

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Black Panther Marvel Legends Invincible Iron Man Review

Close-Up of Invincible Iron Man Marvel Legends 2018 Figure

When the first-ever Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends series came out in 2014, many fans were surprised to see a comics-based Iron Man in the series. As a proven seller, a new Iron Man seemed like a surefire seller for the series. Well, another Marvel franchise is getting its first movie, and Tony Stark is back again! The Black Panther Marvel Legends Invincible Iron Man figure has been selling for inflated prices and is the surprise hot figure in the wave—is this figure as good as its sales have been?

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First 2018 Marvel Legends Sentinel Figure Photo Revealed!

Marvel Legends Sentinel 2018 Box

We’ve got just over a month until New York Toy Fair 2018, but already, it looks like perhaps the (literal) biggest Marvel Legends surprise for the show has been spoiled by a most unlikely source: Toys R Us! In an online video posted on Twitter on the most recent Fan Vault Friday, Toys R Us revealed a never-before-seen Marvel Legends box set which may or may not end up being an exclusive: the 2018 Marvel Legends Sentinel & Days of Future Past Wolverine figures set!

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Black Panther Marvel Legends Killmonger Figure Review

Marvel Legends Killmonger Review

Lightbulbs will not be going off in the heads of the vast, vast majority of the billions of people in the world when they hear the name “Erik Killmonger”. Maybe that will change significantly after he appears in a major movie release next month (or maybe not–poor Malekith!), but for now, Killmonger is a bit of a no-name among all but the most hardcore comic fans. Even so, the first super-articulated Marvel Legends Killmonger figure is now available–and he just may end up being one of the surprise hit best figures of 2018…

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Marvel Legends Black Bolt Review Black Panther Series 2018

Black Panther Legends Black Bolt Screaming Head

I had been planning to kick off my series of Marvel Legends Black Panther series reviews with Erik Killmonger, but to my surprise, the majority of readers asked for a non-movie figure as the first review instead. In fact, the most requested figure is not even a new figure at all—it’s a repaint with a new head! The Marvel Legends Black Bolt figure is up for order now as a single figure—is he worth having if you don’t have the previous SDCC version (or even if you do)?

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2018 Marvel Legends Shuri & Klaw Figures Two-Pack Released!

Marvel legends Klaw and Shuri Toys R Us Two Pack Released

2018 has arrived, and with it has come a plethora of new Marvel toys and collectibles to buy! Well… theoretically, at least. Many collectors’ stores (including mine) simply haven’t started resetting the toy aisles and restocking the shelves just yet. But some fans are luckier than others, and have begun finding all of the Black Panther movie toys on shelves… including the Toys R Us Exclusive Marvel Legends Shuri & Klaw two-pack!

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Marvel Mighty Muggs Wave 2 Revealed & Photos! Black Panther!

Marvel Mighty Muggs 2018 Wave 2 Case

What better way to greet the new year than by welcoming back an old friend, right? I was astonished to see a new line of Mighty Muggs displayed at the Hasbro NYCC 2017 press event in October, and now the official street date of 1/1/2018 has arrived. But not only is Wave 1’s on-shelf date today—it’s also the day we get our first photos and info on Series 2! Marvel Mighty Muggs Wave 2 is now up for order, including Black Panther, Rocket Raccoon and Doctor Strange!

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Marvel Legends Blade Figure Review & Photos Man-Thing Series

Blade Marvel Legends Netflix Series Figure Wielding Sword

It’s the very last Marvel Legends review of 2017 here on Marvel Toy News! Whether or not I saved “the best” for last I’ll discuss in a bit, but there’s no question today’s figure is the one from the Netflix series we’ve been waiting longest for! Hasbro announced a 6” Blade figure way back in 2012–and 5 years later, he’s finally arrived (with a totally different mold)! Is this Marvel Legends Blade figure worthy of 17 bucks shipped online—not to mention the half a decade wait it took for his release?

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Marvel Legends Bullseye Review & Photos (Man-Thing Series)

Netflix Marvel Legends Bullseye Unmasked Head

Our holiday travel plans got obliterated by snow and ice storms, which I can’t help but feel is the universe telling me that it’s time for another late Marvel Legends Review! And so, digging deep into the bag of past-due figures to review, it’s the 2017 Marvel Legends Bullseye! Despite the fact that Marvel Legends Bullseye is available for below MSRP online and not even a Netflix character at all in the “Netflix wave”, this just may be the best figure in the series…

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2018 Marvel Legends Pink Black Panther & Rainbow Deadpools!

Marvel Legends 2018 Vibranium Armor Black Panther Figure Exclusive

It’s been all quiet on the Marvel Legends front lately while we wait for the first wave of 2018 to arrive at mass retail (the Marvel Legends Black Panther movie series!), but word broke today about a pair of exclusives coming our way in just a few months. Not only did we get our first look at the packaging for Rainbow Deadpool (Deadpool Corps) box set shown at SDCC 2017, but also the first-ever reveal of a comic-based… pink and black Black Panther figure?

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Marvel Legends Vintage Series Figures Released & Photos!

Spider-Man Marvel Legends Vintage Series Figure Packaged

UPDATE 12/21/2017: Remember this series of Toybiz tribute Marvel Legends Retro figures that we were all so excited about? That hit last month and have mostly been flying out of stores at full price? Well–PLOT TWIST! All five remaining figures are the Deal of the Day today, with $9-$11 each prices for 6″ Marvel Legends Black Widow, Spider-Man, Punisher and more! I wish I could say I waited, but, well… we all know I didn’t. Did you?

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Marvel Legends Man-Thing Build-A-Figure Review & Photos

Man-Thing Marvel Legends Build-A-Figure Review

“He who knows fear burns at the Man-Thing’s touch”—and I’ve got plenty of fear to go around, because I’ve got under two weeks to fill in the gaps and complete my Marvel Legends 2017 figure reviews! So let’s get right to it and take a look at the final Build-A-Figure I’ll be reviewing this year. This is a rare instance where the BAF is likely to be the least-enticing character in the wave for most collectors, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a winner! Is the Marvel Legends Man-Thing BAF worth the 35 bucks he’s selling for online?

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Marvel Legends Netflix Elektra Figure Review & Photos

Close-Up of Netflix Legends Elektra 6" Figure

It’s another quiet week on the Marvel toy news front, which means it’s the perfect time to cross another figure off the list of remaining 2017 Marvel Legends reviews! Today, let’s take a look at the last one of the Netflix Marvel Legends: Elektra! Despite being shortpacked, Netflix Elektra is readily available for about 16 bucks shipped online. Is she as big of a winner as the rest of the Netflix-based Legends?

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