Marvel Legends Avengers Endgame Armored Thanos Series Up for Order!

UPDATE: For those who just want to pick and choose their favorites and not deal with a whole case, the Marvel Legends Avengers Endgame Armored Thanos Series is now up for order as singles online, including Ronin, Ebony Maw, Quantum Realm Captain America, Hercules and more!

Ebony Maw
Endgame Captain America
Citizen V
Living Laser

I would definitely expect to see Ebony Maw and Ronin sell out very quickly as one-per-case movie figures, and Hercules may be popular as well. If those are the figures in this wave you’ve got your eye on, you might want to order now, as they’re ready to ship this week!

Avengers Endgame Marvel Legends Thanos Series Packaged Case Ratios

ORIGINAL: It was a tall order to keep the Avengers Endgame Marvel Legends Figures under wraps until less than a month before the movie hits theaters, but Hasbro has been more or less successful in their attempt! It was important to me not to talk about the movie figures in the wave until the go-ahead was given, but that time has officially come: the Marvel Legends Endgame Armored Thanos Series is now up for order! Were the Avengers Endgame movie figures worth all the mystery?

Marvel Legends Ebony Maw Figure Back of BoxThere was an embargo on all news regarding Avengers Endgame toys until tonight, so I haven’t been permitted to even say what the new movie Figures Hasbro has in the works even are until tonight. But now it can be told—including the case ratios!

The Avengers Endgame Legends Series 1 case assortment is as follows:

  • (2) Captain America in Quantum Realm Suit [Endgame]
  • (1) Ronin [Endgame]
  • (1) Ebony Maw [Infinity War]
  • (1) Living Laser [Comics Based]
  • (1) Hercules [Comics Based]
  • (1) Nighthawk [Comics Based]
  • (1) Citizen V [Comics Based]
  • Build-A-Figure: Armored Thanos [Endgame]

Quantum Suit Captain America Marvel Legends FigureWe knew based off of what Hasbro showed at New York Toy Fair 2019 last month that there were only a few slots left for unnamed movie figures, so it’s not a stunning twist that there are only three Avengers Endgame figures in this first wave.

Marvel Legends Avengers Endgame Captain America Packaged Quantum Realm SuitQuantum Realm Captain America is the only figure double-packed in this series—which is a bit of a shame, because he’s easily my least favorite of the three new Endgame action figures. He looks “fine”, but a little bit basic for my tastes. It’s also a mite weird that he’s one of only two single-packed figures from Avengers 4 in this wave, and also the only figure in the series without a piece of the Avengers 4 Thanos BAF. Sigh.

Marvel Legends Endgame Ronin Hawkeye Figure PackagedThe new Marvel Legends Ronin, however, is definitely more my jam. I was annoyed when we didn’t see Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) in Infinity War, but I’m glad to see he’ll have a decent role in Endgame.

Marvel Legends Ronin Figure Avengers Endgame SeriesWe’ll have to get an unmasked Ronin head elsewhere, though—Hasbro opted for multiple weapons and an interchangeable hand as accessories instead of including a Clint Barton head.

Marvel Legends Endgame Thanos Build-A-FigureThe Armored Thanos Build-A-Figure is the movie version of the Mad Titan many folks wanted to begin with, and unquestionably the best “carrot” Hasbro had up their sleeves as an incentive to sell the entirety of this series. He’s a bit undersized and could use some more detailing, but this will tide over many collectors until fancier, more expensive versions can be out in 6”-7” scale by DST Marvel Select, Bandai SH Figuarts and other companies.

2019 Marvel Legends Thanos Armored Build-A-Figure Close-Up Avengers EndgameThe Hasbro Avengers Endgame Marvel Legends figures are now up for order online, and should be ready to ship out once we get into April. Stores should be getting these in shortly as well, although I imagine that the movie figures will have a swift sell-through—and hopefully the Armored Thanos BAF can help push some of the lesser-known comic characters like Living Laser off shelves as well.

There’s going to be quite a few more Avengers End Game Legends figures on the way from Hasbro this spring/summer, but for now, these three are the ones that have been officially announced. What do you think, ML collectors? Is this Thanos in Armor BAF worth picking up the entire wave to build, and what do you think of the new Captain America and Ronin/Hawkeye figures accompanying him in this wave?


Marvel Legends Avengers Endgame Armored Thanos Series Up for Order! — 12 Comments

  1. Must be the first time that the wave is available everywhere at the same time. The cheapest I have seen for a 7 figure set is £120 in the US.and even cheaper in the uk for £110.00. PO it last night along with the expensive loki/Ebony Mew.

  2. That’s cool, but i think i’ll just try and grab the two i really want from this wave (maw & herc) from WM when i see them – they’re a buck cheaper and no shipping costs.

    Also, for those interested, dorksidetoys has a good sale today with some figures from BP wave 2 and Cap Marvel wave. Got Yon-Rogg, Genis-Vell, and Gargoyle loose for $9 each and the remaining Panther figs needed to complete M’Baku for $13 each.

  3. I pre-ordered Maw & Ronan from Dorside as soon as they went up last night, and ordered a complete Thanos from a seller on ebay. Based on the other toys I’m seeing right now, I have a suspicion the build-a-figure for the Shuri wave is going to be (Prof.?) Hulk in the Quantum suit, although maybe they surprise us and make him a regular release. Still holding out hope for Quicksilver, but I’m sure that’s a pipe dream.

    Other than Hulk, I have no real desire to get the Quantum suit figures – I’ve got enough versions of the characters already. Probably going to skip the rumored two packs coming out for End Game – just want the upcoming Anniversary packs, of which a release date has yet to be revealed as far as I know. Only Corvis/Loki is out, as WM is getting them on a pallet display – just grabbed the last one today so I could cancel my pre-orders.

  4. I dunno. None of this “hush hush” hype seemed necessary or even successful. That being said, for there being a wide release date of the 31st, none of my local stores have them. (And we still have not seen Captain Marvel’s Binary form released anywhere in the US!?!?!)
    I’m just gonna go for Hercules and Ebony Maw though.
    And! Since this is the first of 3 Avengers waves, I am still super hopeful that Black Swan and Supergiant get added in to the movie or made in the final wave.

  5. This works so well for me. They have lately been almost putting these out just to fit my needs. The one figure I don’t want (again) is the one without a BAF piece. And it’s the double packed figure, so I can easily get one later at a good price if I change my mind about it. And this wave gives me Nighthawk and Hercules. The others I’m just fine with, but those two meet needs I didn’t know I had until I saw them.

  6. Found these in Walmart last week, left all behind because packaging looked terrible, I’ll just stick with dorkside.

  7. I’ve gotten four so far, and I’m ready to read some reviews here!. My take from the four I’ve gotten is that the biggest surprise has been Living Laser. I had no interest in him at all, but the figure in hand is way better than I expected. I’ve already gotten some sweet photos of him with very little effort or thought put into it. Also, Citizen V is just as dull as I expected, although I do like the cape, white on the inside and blue on the outside. Lastly, I don’t have all of Thanos, obviously, but my first impression was that the plastic was very VERY lightweight. Ultron lightweight. Feels really cheap, but the sculpting is cool so far. The torso had me worried that he was going to be too small, but once a leg and arm got attached, I could see a decent size shaping up for him.