REVIEW: Avengers Marvel Legends Citizen V Figure (Thunderbolts)

“Justice, Like Lightning…!” If those words don’t mean anything to you, then you’re probably in the majority of collectors who are scratching their heads at this release from the first wave of Avengers Legends 2010 figures. Whether you know him or not, you’ll need to buy the Marvel Legends Citizen V figure if you want his Armored Thanos Build-A-Figure piece—but is the original Thunderbolts leader a worthwhile figure in its own right?

Marvel Legends End Game Citizen V Figure Review

Believe it or not, Hasbro has quietly been building the Thunderbolts in Marvel Legends form since the revival of the 6” line in 2012. Songbird was in last year’s Infinity War Legends series, and Moonstone/Meteorite was part of the modern Thunderbolts SDCC exclusive box set back in 2013.

And now, big daddy Baron Zemo himself is joining the team in his heroic do-gooder attire! Straight out of the 1997 Thunderbolts comic book by Kurt Busiek, it’s Citizen V!

Packaged Citizen V Marvel Legends FigureI’m not gonna lie: I loved me some Thunderbolts back in the day. It was one of only two comic books I ever subscribed to via direct mail order with Marvel. So was I psyched to see Citizen V in this lineup? Uh, yes. Yes I was!

Box Back Avengers Legends Citizen V FigureWhile Citizen V is relatively unknown among fans who weren’t readers in the 90s, I love the breadth and depth that Hasbro is giving us with the modern 6” Marvel Legends series. This figure won’t be for everyone, but for those who know the character, this is rockin’.

Citizen V Marvel Legends Figure Close-UpThe Citizen V Marvel Legends figure looks straight-up awesome. The character design was always slim and athletic in the comic books, and this mold captures that absolutely perfectly. And the colors and paint job are just beautiful.

Pearlescent Paint on Hasbro Citizen V Legends FigureI love that Hasbro chose to go for a pearlescent paint deco for Citizen V’s shoulder pads and V for Vendetta-looking mask. The sheen on the paint really pops, and is a gorgeous contrast to the nice dark wash on the red portions of the costume.

Side View of Avengers Endgame Marvel Legends Citizen V Action Figure ThunderboltsThe sculpting on the forearm wraps and boots looks great, and I love the detailing of the laces on the boots.

ML Citizen V 6" Figure CapeThere’s good new and bad news about Zemo’s cape: it’s got a terrific dynamic flowing look to it—but it also somewhat restricts poseability just by virtue of the fact that it’s a sculpted cape. The cape is removable (but stays on tightly when you want it to)—and I don’t think there was any better way for Hasbro to do the cape—but I know capes that hinder posing get on many folks’ nerves.

Marvel Legends Avengers 2019 Citizen V and Captain America FiguresAbout that articulation—! As is standard for the Marvel Legends Avengers series (and all 6” ML in general), Citizen V has a solid super-articulation scene. It consists of: Ball-Hinge Head and Shoulders; Swivel Waist/Thighs/Biceps/Boots; Ball-Jointed Hips; Double-Jointed Knees and Elbows; Swivel-Hinge Wrists and Upper Torso Ab Crunch.

Marvel Legends 2019 Citizen V Articulation with Cape Off

If you remove the cape you can fully utilize all this articulation to do lots of fun things, but I actually prefer V at his maximum aesthetic with the cape on, even though it does limit what can be done with him.

Citizen V Avengers End Game Marvel Legends Figure and Accessories

This is a beautiful figure—but it’s not a perfect one. Along with the restrictions the cape causes, the blue plastic used on this figure is noticeably gummy. Although not nearly as bad as we’ve seen on some releases (primarily those utilizing black plastic), the gummy plastic that causes wobbliness and occasionally broken limbs always worries me.

In addition, I think it’s unfortunate that none of Citizen V’s sword has paint deco on it. The figure itself is so good-looking that it’s a shame the one accessory (besides the Thanos BAF piece) looks so plain and under-detailed.

Avengers Endgame Legends Review Citizen VOverall: I suspect this won’t be popular, but I have to give near-top marks to ML Citizen V. From the accurately proportioned body to the wonderful pearlescent look of the mask and shoulders of the cape to the dynamically flowing cape and the great-looking wash on the red parts of the costume, this is a gorgeous rendition of Citizen V that looks like it popped right out of the classic comics.

If Kurt Busiek’s Thunderbolts were your jam, you’re gonna love this figure. If you’ve never read a comic with Citizen V and don’t intend to, you’ll likely be less impressed. Either way, it’s a solid figure of a character I never thought Hasbro would consider doing. Thumbs up.



REVIEW: Avengers Marvel Legends Citizen V Figure (Thunderbolts) — 16 Comments

  1. I think this figure is dynamite. I’d love for Hasbro to start doing cloth capes with bendy wire. I really can’t imagine it is too expensive. Toybiz did cloth capes for decades and I’d like to think after 30 years, toy developers would be able to make it cost effective and safe for kids (if dangerous wires is the rationale they use for not doing it).

    Again, I love Citizen V and am super glad they have started diving deeper in the B-List and even C-list characters from the past.

  2. A question I’ve always wanted to ask: Is he Citizen “V” as in the letter, or “V” as in 5? And does that stand for anything?

    • I assume its letter V and is meant to both evoke “V for Victory” from WW2 and also make the character remind us of V from V for Vendetta (which I assume the Guy Fawkes-type mask is designed to do as well).

      This figure looks good, but i have mixed feelings about him taking a slot in this wave over someone with a more solid Avengers connection. I guess i just don’t feel a need to assemble the original, villains-in-disguise T-bolts team. But since i don’t plan on building Thanos, he’s easy enough to skip.

  3. I really wish someone would explain to both Marvel and acdc what “thunder” is. You can’t have a bolt of the noise that lightning makes.

    • Not to be pedantic (okay, especially to be pedantic), they’d have a lot of explaining to do, as the word originates in the 15th century.

      • Lightning is electricity. Thunder is the sound that lightning makes. Therefore there is no such thing as a “thunder bolt”. A lightning bolt? Yes. But thunder is a noise. A bolt of thunder is an impossibility.

    • The phrasing in this case comes from Old English, where the sound and the sight were not so distinguished. Citizen V attributes his inspiration for the name in the first issue to poet Thomas Randoph, but later retcons his true meaning. The attribution of the poem itself was doubly invented as Citizen V was making it up just as much as author Kurt Busiek was in his writing, and Randolph had nothing to do with the origin of the quote. The original line is delivered by an anti-feminist character (based on a real person) in a pro-feminism play from 1620 (think Shakespeare) in which the character delivers the line (translated to modern English):

      “Justice, like lightning, ever should appear to few men’s ruin, but to all men’s fear.
      Of mortal justice if thou scorn the rod, believe and tremble, thou art judged of God.”

      Citizen V later admits that its a none-too-sly play on the Nazi blitzkrieg, almost daring his fellow post-nazi fascists to call him out as a bad guy.

  4. Made of weak, gummy plastic, has a plain plastic sword with no deco at all, and you can’t pose him well with his big, stiff cape on. Forgot to mention how plain he is without the cape on too. Sounds like an A-?

    • I mean, can you fault the figure for being plain if you take off the cape, the most interesting part of the character design?

  5. I picked up this figure at Walmart and not really knowing that much about him but after I got home I did some research and he’s pretty cool tricking captain America by being a villain long story short my cousin told me to not waste my time by getting it because he said he was a obscure comic character but I kind of like him now so I’m glad I didn’t listen.

  6. There are only two ways this Citizen V figure could have been better. One, if it had come with an “unmasked” Zemo head. Two, if it was in a wave with BaF Atlas. All things considered, this is one of my favorite figures so far this year.

    • Screw Jolt! I want Meteorite ASAP along with aforementioned Atlas, Fixer, and Mach 1, 2, 3, or whatever the hell he call himself nowadays.