Hulk Agents of SMASH Figures and Toys Released & Photos!

Hulk is a unique character in that he doesn’t just change his costume–he changes his entire person when he changes into different forms of himself. But not content with the one-man-army of iterations of himself, Hulk has joined a super-team composed entirely of Hulk-related characters for a currently-airing animated series–“Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.”! The “Hulk and the Agents of SMASH” cartoon series has been running for almost a full year now and has had a successful run, and that means that Hasbro has finally deigned to give fans what they really want: toys! The first Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. figures and toys have now been released!

Hulk Agents of SMASH Hulk and Red Hulk FiguresThe 1990’s X-Men, Fantastic Four and Iron Man cartoon series were a huge influence on me in my teenage years, so I can definitely appreciate the “Hulk and the Agents of SMASH” TV series and its fans’ desire for Hulk Agents of SMASH figures and toys.

It’s taken longer than you might expect for it to happen, but Hasbro has finally released the first Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. toys exclusively at Toys R Us retail stores!

Toys R Us Exclusive Skaar Action Figure Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.

The Agents of SMASH Hulk cartoon series is aimed at children, and so are the toys that Hasbro is producing for it. Would I love a Marvel Legends Hulk Agents of S.M.A.S.H. line of 6″ action figures with really good 6″ Marvel Legends A-Bomb, She-Hulk, and Red Hulk figures in their cartoon designs? Absolutely. But I’m not the target audience for the show or the toys, and Hasbro is making what they think will best appeal to their actual intended demographic.

Hulk Agents of SMASH Skaar Figure Packaging CardbackFor Hulk Agents of Smash Action Figures, three are being released at this time: Sword Slashin’ Skaar, Dual Blastin’ Red Hulk and Fist Smashin’ Hulk. These are action figures with built-in action features (in case you couldn’t tell from the names).

Sword Slashin' Skaar Figure Hulk Agents of SMASHIf I was going to buy anything from this line it would have been an A-Bomb or She-Hulk figure, but it’s hard to fault Hasbro for releasing three different characters as their first three figures. It would have been way more disappointing if the line was composed of just three green Hulk figures, that’s for sure.

Crashin' Crew Hulk Green Car Toy Hulk Agents of SMASHIn addition to the regular-sized action figures, there are also two Toys R Us exclusive mini figure and vehicle packs released: Crashin’ Crew Red Hulk and Crashin’ Crew Hulk.

Hulk and the Agents of SMASH Crashin' Crew Red HulkThese aren’t the kind of thing that I’d be interested in myself–ever–but I can see where younger kids might have fun with this kind of a toy.

Hasbro Hulk Agents of SMASH Dual Blastin' Red Hulk FigureThe packaging for these toys doesn’t indicate any further future releases, and I haven’t heard of any either, but I’d be surprised if the line doesn’t expand to include at least A-Bomb in the future. She-Hulk? Not so much, but hope springs eternal.

Are you a fan of the Hulk and the Agents of SMASH series, Marvel collectors? Would you like to see collector-oriented product released for the franchise, or are you okay with the Hasbro Agent of S.M.A.S.H. toys being aimed totally at children?


Hulk Agents of SMASH Figures and Toys Released & Photos! — 4 Comments

  1. I like the show, better than nothing at all. I wish we still had good cartoons like X-Men or even Justice Leauge though. Little kids need toys to break. And I bet there are some 4 year old kids just dying to “SMASH” these! I still may buy one just for the heck of it! Thank you for site, I check it daily!

    • Aagh! Ahem! “AVENGERS ASSEMBLE” HelloO!
      Is a good cartoon of similar caliber to the above mentioned.
      I tend to agree with the better than nothing idea about S.M.A.S.H.

  2. This is not my cup of tea, although I’m sure that if I had a 6 year old he or she might go nuts.