Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Series Figures Up for Order!

One of the things that I hear from collectors pretty much every single week is, “I wish Amazon would do pre-orders for upcoming Marvel Legends figures again!” Back in the good old days (okay, like a year or two ago), Amazon was the first place to offer figures like the X-Men Legends Juggernaut Series and many other 6″ Hasbro figures before any other retailer. Well, it looks like the olden days are back, because the first four Captain Marvel Marvel Legends 2019 figures are now up for order online, including movie Captain Marvel, Young Nick Fury, a Skrull and more!

Captain Marvel Legends Movie Figures Revealed

Earlier this week, pretty virtually everybody was taken off-guard when non-decrepit placeholder listings for what appeared to be the Marvel Legends Captain Marvel series popped up on Amazon totally out of the blue.

A lot of people decided to place orders for whatever random figure ended up corresponding to each of the four placeholder listings and hope for the best–but we don’t have to just sit back and “hope” anymore–now we know exactly which four 2019 Marvel Legends Captain Marvel figures have been put up for sale early!

Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie FigureAlong with the Brie Larson Captain Marvel figure herself (shown above),the following three figures are also now available for order…

Captain Marvel Legends Talos Skrull FigureMarvel Legends Skrull Commander Talos

We don’t know much of anything about the Skrull Talos just yet, but it seems like he’ll be the only movie Skrull figure that we get. Depending upon what the Skrulls look like in the movie, I wonder if we might see any folks buying up this figure in mass to army-build Skrulls…?

Captain Marvel Marvel Legends Kree Starforce Commander FigureMarvel Legends Starforce Commander Kree Warrior

And speaking of army-building: if this “Starforce Commander” doesn’t look like he’ll have army-building potential as a generic Kree Soldier, I don’t know what does! I’ve read zero spoilers or speculation about the movie, but this classic-looking Kree Warrior could probably pass for Mar-Vell in a pinch if the writers wanted him to…

Marvel Legends Nick Fury Captain Marvel Series FigureMarvel Legends Nick Fury (Young)

Poor young Nick Fury! I can definitely foresee a likelihood that thousands of these figures are going to be purchased of young Samuel Jackson to be disassembled and used for customization purposes to make many suited civilian characters! (Can a young Agent Coulson Legends figure be far behind…?)

While there have been blurry images of this quartet circulating for a few days now, this is the first time that we’ve seen beautiful, hi-res photos of all four.

2019 Marvel Legends Kree Sentry Build-A-FigureWe know that there will be three other figures in the Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure Series, but what we don’t know is who two of the three are going to be. Some people believe that two of those slots could be filled by Hercules, Living Laser or even Nighthawk, but I’m not convinced that those figures aren’t being reserved to fill in the gaps in the Avengers Legends series coming out next year instead.

Marvel Legends 2019 Captain Marvel Genis-Vell Kree FigureThe one figure we do know is almost a for-sure lock to be part of the Captain Marvel Series is the Genis-vell figure that was on display at San Diego Comic-Con 2018 in July. It’s not totally impossible that Genis could be an exclusive of some kind instead, but odds are that he’s one of the three comic book figures in the Kree Sentry wave.

The entire Captain Marvel Legends Kree Sentry Series is scheduled to be released on January 1st, 2019. I’ll post an update once we know the full lineup and when packaged figure images from the wave are available.


Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Series Figures Up for Order! — 19 Comments

  1. The Captain Marvel figure looks really good, and I love the gloss on it. I might have to pick that one up.

  2. That’s not “Captain Marvel” and that’s still not “Nick Fury”. No matter how many times they claim it is. Mar-Vell is Captain Marvel. Carol Danvers is MS. Marvel. No more Kamala Khan. No more race-lifted Nicolas. Not my Marvel.

    • This series is not exclusive to Amazon. They should be available everywhere like other waves.

  3. Ordered Talos the Skrull, holding off on the rest. And yeah, I’m sure he’ll be used as a generic skrull by army builders unless some sort of 2-pack army builder set comes out.

    Kind of disappointed that Nick Fury is in this wave, would’ve preferred a cosmic character, plus we’ve seen that suit body used a bunch of times already. I’m assuming Captain Marvel is double-packed and won’t be hard to find later, but I’m sure she and the kree commander will be good figs. That BAF is really stifling my enthusiasm for this wave, although I’m trying to reserve judgement. Usually cosmic characters are among my favorites though.

  4. I went to and did a search (Marvel Legends Captain Marvel), nothing comes up! (once again, your links never work for me). What do you search for?!?!

    • Never mind, I found it! “Marvel Captain Marvel 6-inch Legends Captain in Costume Figure for Collectors, Kids, and Fans”, or “Marvel Captain Marvel 6-inch”.

    • If anyone else is having this problem, You can search amazon prime for marvel legends then sort by newest arrival

  5. So all the other figs are shown with a BAF piece except MCU Captain Marvel… does this mean she won’t have one?
    I think that makes sense if they’re double packing her and expecting a lot of fans to just want her, honestly, but it still seems unusual.
    So far, I’m down for all of these except Fury. The comic figs will determine if I order the whole set, as the BAF isn’t a must-have. I also expect there’ll be at least one or two exclusive sets – maybe a color variant of Carol and other Kree or Skrulls. Whether there are or not will determine if I pick up multiples of Talos or Starforce Commander for army builds.

  6. I wish they would round out this wave with other figures from the movie. Digimon Hunsui and the new chick would be good ones. And that Captain Marvel head is not flattering. Looks like Bruce Jenner!

  7. So, obviously Mar-Vell has to be included in to this set…but I would LIVE if they added an updated Hulkling in to this set too! (And then an updated Wiccan when Doctor Strange 2 comes out.) Part of me wonders if this is going to take place during the Kree-Skrull war and have Princess Anelle introduced. But! I bet this movie ends up setting up for Secret Invasion which would be AWESOME!
    But also…my favorite aspect of Captain Marvel is Kamala Khan. I hope she gets introduced soon!