Gentle Giant Black Widow 9″ Statue Photos & Order Info!

Gentle Giant’s biggest smash hit Marvel release of 2014 was one of their very first Marvel quarter-scale statues: a gorgeous Scarlett Johansson Black Widow statue based on the Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie! Limited to just 600 pieces produced, aftermarket prices quickly exploded on this piece. But for those who missed the boat with this beauty, you’ve got another chance: a 9″ version of the Black Widow statue is now available for order!

Marvel Collectors Gallery Black Widow Statue

When Gentle Giant Ltd. released their 1/4 Black Widow statue in late 2014, I thought it was among the most stunning movie-based Marvel statues I’d ever seen. And evidently, so did other collectors–the price on this piece rocketed to $800-$1000 on the aftermarket since its release. Yipes!!

One of my big collecting regrets is that I let this masterpiece go earlier this year to create funds–and space–for the new house we were moving into. But it looks like I’m going to have a second chance with Scarlett Johansson, because Gentle Giant is now releasing this low-priced, smaller-footprint version of the statue!

Gentle Giant Captain America The Winter Soldier Black Widow Statue 9 InchOne of the unexpected announcements coming out of the San Diego Comic-Con 2015 Gentle Giant booth was the impending release of a line of Marvel Collectors Gallery 9″ statues, kicking off with Winter Soldier Black Widow, Iron Patriot (Iron Man 3) and Captain America (The Winter Soldier).

GG Ltd. has wisely chosen the statue with the most hype behind it as the very first to be released in this line of smaller Marvel statues: the Black Widow Scarlett Johansson statue.

Gentle Giant Black Widow 9 Inch StatueWhile this new 1:7 Black Widow statue is based off the same model as the 1:4 version, some of the smallest details (obviously) have been lost when shrinking this statue to almost half its original size.

That said, the detailing on this new version of 9″ Black Widow statue is still incredibly intricate, and the statue looks absolutely awesome for its size.

Back of Gentle Giant 2016 Black Widow StatueAnd not only will this statue only take up half the space of its predecessor, but it also has a huge improvement: this time Black Widow has actual details crates as a base to crouch on, as opposed to the traditional (but bizarre) clear blocks that the original was mounted on.

I much, much prefer this new display base to the odd-looking base of transparent cubes that the original statue had.

Black Widow 9 Inch Statue Gentle Giant Ltd

But perhaps the best price about this new line is the price: whereas the 1/4th scale Black Widow statue will run you $800+ today, this version is a steal at 150 bucks (plus EE is offering free shipping).

I’m pretty choosy about Marvel movie statues, but if Gentle Giant can continue this Marvel Collectors’ Gallery statue line at this price-point and level of quality, I very well may be all-in for the line.

Close-Up of Scarlett Johansson Black Widow Statue HeadThe 1/7th scale Black Widow statue is now available for pre-order, and is scheduled to ship in Q3 2016. Given the success of the larger version of this statue and the number of people who want (and can’t afford) it, I strongly suspect that this Gentle Giant Black Widow 9″ statue is going to sell out well before it actually ships. You can get Natasha discounted now for $15 off at BBTS, or else take advantage of the free shipping offer from EE. In the long run, I imagine both offers will work out to be about the same value.

How do you feel about this smaller iteration of the Captain America: The Winter Soldier Black Widow statue, Marvel collectors? Do you like this version as much (or dare I say–more) than the original? Do you prefer a smaller scale statue like this, or is 1/4th scale more to your taste?


Gentle Giant Black Widow 9″ Statue Photos & Order Info! — 5 Comments

  1. Here’s what I think: I just placed my order with EE. Super excited to get this statue. Thanks for the heads-up Dabid!

      • You got it Dabid! Next order of business – create the “perfect” spot to display her, including finding a suitable backdrop…

  2. I missed the boat on the larger statue and was shocked at how quickly the price doubled on the secondary market. I was able to snag a slightly damaged one sold from BBTS on Ebay for $525 this summer. It is an amazing piece.

    The one minor complaint I have with the larger version is that her hair is too brown and not red enough. Maybe that will be changed on this version. Does her facial expression look different to anyone else?

  3. Super-stoked they’re releasing this! I had preordered the 1/4 scale statue, but was then notified that GG did not ship the correct quantity to the retailer I ordered from and would not be sending more—and by then everyone else was sold out. The smaller size will be nice, and the new crates are a huge improvement.