Marvel Legends 2019 Nighthawk! Living Laser! Kree Sentry BAF!

I had a little bit of an ulterior motive for talking about the 2019 Marvel Legends Hercules & Genis Captain Marvel Figures this morning. And that motive was: I didn’t want to be too far behind when Hasbro revealed more new Marvel Legends 2019 Figures tonight! Because for the first time ever, Hasbro unveiled upcoming Marvel Legends figures at the Unboxing Toy Convention in Mexico: 6” Living Laser, Nighthawk and the Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure!

2019 Marvel Legends Figures Kree Sentry Living Laser Night Hawk

To my knowledge, Hasbro has never revealed a new Marvel action figure during an event in Mexico before, so I honestly wasn’t 100% certain that they really were going to do so at the Unboxing Toy Con taking place there this weekend.

But as I should have expected, Hasbro was true to their word—by debuting three very unexpected new 2019 Marvel Legends Avengers/Captain Marvel Figures at the show!

You know you’ve got a pretty crazy trio of characters that have just had new 6” action figures revealed when the most high-profile among them is Nighthawk…!

Marvel Legends Nighthawk Figure 2019While Nighthawk isn’t exactly a household name, he does add another member to the Marvel Legends Squadron Supreme team that Hasbro is seemingly building over the long term!

I’ve seen some people already griping about the costume choice for Marvel Legends Nighthawk, but I think this classic look is the most iconic and recognizable appearance for the character. That said, here’s hoping we can get a box set of the whole team with an alternate costume someday…!

Marvel Legends Living Laser Avengers 2019 Six Inch FigureThe modern version of the Living Laser is the second new reveal. I really dug this figure when we got him in the now-defunct Marvel Universe 3.75” scale a few years back, and I’m loving that we’re getting a 6” Version at last. Now, if only we could have a classic costume Living Laser to make up for the one Toybiz cancelled many years ago…!

Last but not least, we’ve got the first Avengers/Captain Marvel Build-A-Figure of 2019: the Kree Sentry BAF! This character is another really off-the-wall pick that I can only assume will have some prominence in the Captain Marvel movie next year.

Meanwhile, I wonder if there’s any way Hasbro can re-purpose some of this Build-A-Figure tooling to give us an Alpha Flight Box figure somewhere down the line. It sure would be amazing to have a whole Marvel Legends Alpha Flight lineup someday, wouldn’t it…?

2019 Marvel Legends Kree Sentry Build-A-FigureThe Marvel Legends Avengers/Captain Marvel Series should go up for order online this winter, and is scheduled to be released in early 2019. It’s still not entirely clear if all these figures are in the same wave or spread across multiple waves, but I’ll post more information and specific lineups once those details are made available. I’ll also send out alerts via the Marvel Toy News social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook just as soon as pre-orders for these figures launch in a few months.

What do you think about this latest trio of Captain Marvel/Avengers Marvel Legends 2019 Figures? Are there any characters in this threesome you’ve been dying for, and is the Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure something that you’d consider buying an entire wave just to put together?


Marvel Legends 2019 Nighthawk! Living Laser! Kree Sentry BAF! — 20 Comments

  1. I’d try and get a Kree Sentry for my Captain Marvel collection, since it’s the first thing Mar-Vell fought in the comics, but wouldn’t go nuts to get one.

    Nighthawk is good for Defenders fans and classic Squadron Supreme/Sinister fans, for sure, but I’d definitely rather have the Supreme Power version, and other modern versions from the post Secret War Squadron Supreme comic.

    Living Laser looks cool, but does nothing for me. Easy fig to skip.

  2. The Sentry design here reminds me a lot of the Sentinel from the old MVC games. Wouldn’t be surprised if that body were reused for a new Sentinel in an upcoming X-Men wave.

  3. I think Nighthawk is great since he completes (in my mind) the classic defenders lineup. The BAF doesn’t thrill me , he’s a bit rock-em-sock-em robot looking. Honestly thats OK, its kind of a relief to get a wave now and then with a BAF I consider skippable. Living Laser seems like he would pegwarm but still kind of a fun figure.

  4. I’m a huge Defenders nerd so this Nighthawk is a much wanted character! I would have preferred the more classic Laser but I like this design pretty well. Sentry is very cool as a BAF! More for Capt. Marvel fans…ill add it to my Kree army.

  5. Damn it hasbro. Stop using the bucky mold with the small man baby feet. Posing with the use of articulation is pointless if the figure cant stand with a certain amount of stability.

  6. Hasbro clearly respects my wallet. After a year of turning out tons of awesome figures, they are kindly letting me know they have tons of mediocre figures lined up for 2019. Thanks Hasbro.

  7. Yea, I’m not a fan of any of these characters. What wand are these supposed to be in?

  8. And if that Kree Sentry is the baf, I certainly won’t be completeimh that wave if not neccassary. Not a fan at all.

  9. IT’S NIGHTHAWK!!! YES!!! One of my Holy Grail Trinity is FINALLY on the way!!! Now, I only have classic JACK OF HEARTS and STINGRAY left to pine for and I’ll die a happy man!!! While Nighthawk is not an exact counterpart of his awesome Marvel Universe version from some years back, he still looks close enough to pass muster! The Living Laser does match the smaller version and looks cool, but count me in on the classic Arthur Parks bandwagon! The Sentry BAF is simply out of this world! As for Box and the rest of Alpha Fight, I say bring ’em on!!!

    • But which Box?? Original John Byrne (although the layer Rd over Blue?) Or the Jim Lee era Brown? And trees, more Alpha Flight!

  10. These are for such a specific fanbase, that you just know they’re gonna be warming pegs.

  11. I’m probably one of the eldest fan/collector around and as such I tend to go with the classic versions with all my figures. For that reason I’m not really too thrilled with this version of The Living Laser.. I really like the Nighthawk figure. He displays well with my other Defenders figures. Would be qreat if they made a variant of him sporting the uniform he used in the alternate Earth in the 1st Squadron mini series.That way I could place him with other Squadron members.

  12. I would love to see a Nighthawk variant that boasted his costume from. The Squadron. Then just a few more characters from that team like Princess Power

  13. Something seems really off about that sentry. It’s pretty comic accurate but still feels wrong. Maybe it’s the complete lack of paint detailing.

  14. Hard pass on all of these. The 2 figures besides the kree sentry look like happy meal toys. Not something I would pay $20 for.

    And as far as the kree sentry, meh. He looks “ok”, but I feel like his sizing is off and should be atleast a little taller. The short stubby sentry isn’t how I pictured them in toy form.

    • Love the 70’s Defenders.
      Nighthawk fills a huge spot in the team I have been trying to finish over the years.
      Hellcat, Valkyrie, just need a female Red Guardian.
      Glad they finally made that figure in 6 inch. Especially the classic version.
      Was hoping ever since the 3.75″ was released.

  15. In 2018 Hasbro released wave after wave of great figures, but for me the streak ends in 2019, I see a lot of these figures as peg warmers as mainstream buyers will likely have no idea who these characters are. This is great for me, as Mattel is back with excellent DC Multiverse figures which will take a lot of my money in 2019