Marvel Legends Spider-Man Space Venom Series Info!

Over the weekend, many sites published “Confidential”-stamped images of the next wave of Spider-Man Marvel Legends 2016 figures: the Space Venom Build-A-Figure series! Posting and discussing that manner of info goes against my policy, so I’ve stayed quiet about it for a few days. But not anymore–! The clock has struck midnight on June 1st, and the Marvel Legends Spider-Man Space Venom Series is now up for order!

Marvel Legends 2016 Spider-Man Wave 2 Figures

I’ve been practically bursting at the seams (that’s not a pretty picture) to talk about the remainder of the Marvel Legends Spider-Man 2016 Wave 2 figures–and at last, now I can!

Most of this wave–namely Silk, Miles Morales, Ultimate Peter Parker and Classic Hobgoblin– debuted at New York Toy Fair 2016 back in February, but Hasbro had a few surprises up their sleeves that I can finally talk about.

But first, let’s discuss the case assortment…

Marvel Legends Spider-Man Wave 2 Space Venom SeriesThe Marvel Legends Space Venom Series case ratios are as follows:

(2) Ultimate Spider-Man Peter Parker
(2) Miles Morales Spider-Man
(1) Electro
(1) Ashley Barton Spider-Woman
(1) Silk
(1) Classic Hobgoblin

Toy Fair 2016 Hasbro 6" Marvel Legends Miles Morales Spider-Man FigureAlright, put down the pitchforks, guys. Yes, it’s true that half of the case will be made up of Spider-Man variants. But in this instance, Hasbro has picked Spideys that will really sell. 

Miles Morales is a red-hot character right now that Hasbro could triple-pack and still sell out of, and the new teenage boy buck “Ultimate” Peter Parker Spider-Man is going to be in demand as well. In this instance, I think these really are the best choices to double-pack in the cases.

Silk Marvel Legends 2016 Figure Toy Fair 2016On the female front, we’re getting two never-before-done female characters: Cindy Moon (AKA Silk) and Ashley Barton Spider-Woman (AKA Spider-B*^$#).

Silk has been semi-popular since her debut (though not nearly to the extent of Spider-Gwen), and her figure looks pretty gorgeous, so I’m happy to see her getting released.

The Ashley Barton Spider-Woman is the daughter of Hawkeye and Peter Parker’s daughter from “Old Man Logan”, where she murdered the Kingpin and took the title for herself (no, really). She’s not a character I’m particularly fond of, but hey–every character is somebody’s favorite.

Marvel Legends Spider-Man Wave 2 Space Venom SeriesFor villains, we’re getting Electro and Roderick Kingsley Hobgoblin figures. Electro replaces the Marvel Legends Shocker figure that was in the earliest lists sent to big retailers, but hopefully we’ll still see Shocker sometime soon.

Neither of these characters is a bit want from me, as I have decent six-inch action figures of both already, but I imagine newer collectors will be jazzed for cheap Marvel Legends Electro and Hobgoblin figures.

Venom Space Knight Issue 1 Variant Cover Action Figure

Rounding out the series is the Marvel Legends Venom Space Knight Build-A-Figure. This is based off of Venom’s appearances in Brian Michael Bendis’ Guardians of the Galaxy comic book series and the (doomed) Venom: Space Knight comic book series.

A Space Venom Build-A-Figure is a pretty crazy choice, but as I’ve read basically every issue he’s ever appeared in in this form, I definitely kind of dig it. Classic fans’ opinions may vary (and likely will).

Marvel Legends Spider-Man 2016 Wave 2 Ultimate Spider-ManThe Marvel Legends Spider-Man Space Venom wave is now up for order, and is scheduled for release in June/July 2016. The “hard-to-find” figures in this wave will almost certainly be Hobgoblin and Electro, although Marvel Legends Miles Morales selling out quickly won’t surprise me at all. I’ll post an update with photos of Electro, Space Knight Venom and Ashley Barton Spider-Woman once Hasbro makes official images of those figures available.

Now that it’s official, are you planning on collecting the Space Venom Marvel Legends series, Marvel collectors? Are you going to pick-and-choose your favorites, or is your heart set on building Space Knight Venom?


Marvel Legends Spider-Man Space Venom Series Info! — 14 Comments

  1. Gorram, I’m going to be so broke….
    The number of these figures in the Civil War Wave 3, Spider-Man Wave 4, and X-Men Wave 1 that are going to be hard to find for less than $35-60 is nuts.
    Might as well order whole waves and only spend like half or 2/3rds the money, I guess.

    The Cap Wave I wouldn’t bee too worried about, except that Scarlet Witch is gonna be crazy expensive pretty much immediatly, and I have no idea what’s going to happen with Captain Britain.

  2. I wanna buy spider-b*tch, hobgoblin, and miles Morales. These figures are going to be very hard to find!

    • Ashley Barton is probably gonna be the easiest to find, since I doubt most people know or care about her.

      Miles, Silk, teenage Peter will probably sell like CRAZY.

      Hobgoblin and Electro will probably just sell well.
      Hobgoblin’s not the biggest improvment over the ToyBiz one, and Electro is a lesser known villain (at least in his classic form).

  3. I went from slightly intrigued to just plain unconvinced. The figures for Miles, Spidey, and Hobgoblin don’t look to be stylistically different from previous releases of the characters. Electro would have to look better than the Toybiz one to consider him as well.
    Silk isn’t even on my radar, but I would totally turn that into a Netflix Elektra.
    I’m still hoping that Venom Space Knight is a joke here.

    • Miles and Peter are on a 100% new molded teenage boy buck. When they’re right in front of you, you’ll understand the difference and how awesome it is to finally get versions of these characters with the proper scale and proportions.

    • Peter and Miles are both smaller teenaged figures, Hobgoblin is slightly better than the ToyBiz version, Electro is waaaay better than the ToyBiz version, and the Venom SpaceKnight figure looks pretty awesome if he turns out to be a fairly large figure.

      The only figure in this wave that’s kinda weak is the Ashley Barton Spider-Woman, because she’s just some weird alternate reality granddaughter of Peter Parker/daughter of Hawkeye that nobody cares about.

  4. This is the first build a figure I’ve actually had legit interest in tracking down, but really have no desire to pick up the majority of the wave. However, looking at past BAF figures, I’m likely going to have to pick up the entire wave to ensure I get the Space Knight Venom figure.

  5. Will someone please tell me where I can buy those stands ? I would love to buy them but it seems nobody knows the answer 🙁