Marvel Sofbinal Venom Vinyl Figure 16″ Statue Announced by Sentinel!

Close-Up of Sentinel Sofbinal Venom PVC Figure

New York Toy Fair is such an immense spectacle of toy reveals and announcements that it’s veritably impossible to cover everything that premieres at the event. And one item that I didn’t have the opportunity to talk about that debuted at the 2019 Toy Fair in unpainted form is now ready to be officially shown off in all its surprising glory: the Sentinel Marvel Sofbinal Venom Statue is now up for order! If you never thought you’d be interested in a soft vinyl figure, this just might change your mindset…

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Sideshow Miles Morales Spider-Man Statue Released! Review & Photos!

Sideshow Collectibles Miles Morales Spider-Man Statue Review

Sideshow Collectibles has been on a hot streak lately with world-class statues coming out one after the next, including their recent Captain America, Wolverine, Magneto and more. Of course, those were all highly-hyped pieces expected to get top marks–but their latest release is more of a sleeper hit! Even though it’s only been shipping for less than a week, the Sideshow Miles Morales Premium Format Figure has already gone to Wait List and is poised to sell out! Should you get one before it does? Let’s hear some reviews and see some photos of the final statue…

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REVIEW: Marvel Gallery Venom PVC Figure Statue (Diamond Select Toys)

Marvel Gallery Venom Statue Review Photos

Diamond Select Toys has spent the last few years revolutionizing the size, detail and quality that we can expect from value-priced PVC statues, and as they’ve become one of my absolute favorite companies, it only seems right to kick off 2019 with a Marvel Gallery review to see how far the line has come. The less than $45 Marvel Gallery Venom Statue just started shipping this winter, and despite its low price, it’s one of my favorite (and the most unique) Venom figures in the land…

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Kotobukiya Venom ARTFX Statue Photos & Order Info! 16″!

Venom Kotobukiya ARTFX Statue

2018 has been a bit of a quiet year for Kotobukiya, with zero new Marvel Bishoujo statues released and little buzz surrounding their ARTFX+ Infinity War and Avengers Series 2 1:10 PVC figures. But one item that exceeded expectations and got a lot of love was the 1:6 scale Webslinger Spider-Man ARTFX Statue. So much love, in fact, that it’s getting a pretty magnificent (and huge!) companion piece next year: the 16.5” Kotobukiya Venom ARTFX Statue is now up for order!

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Exclusive Marvel Select Venom Figure Up for Order! DST 2018!

Disney Store Exclusive Marvel Select Venom Figure Packaged

Over half a decade ago, the first review I ever wrote on this site was for the exceptional Marvel Select Venom figure—a figure I still think stands out today as one of the best toys of the character ever. But as that figure has been sold out and unavailable for a while now, many collectors may still need one—and now they’re getting a chance at an updated version: a new Disney Store Exclusive Marvel Select Venom figure is now up for order! And the stylized heads in this set feel anything but rehashed…

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REVIEW: Marvel Legends Typhoid Mary Figure (Venom Series)

Venom Legends Typhoid Mary Figure Close-Up

With somewhere between a month and a month and a half before the 2019 Marvel Legends Black Panther M’Baku Series starts appearing, we’ve got a bit of time to wait before we’re likely to see more Hasbro ML news. But hey, it’s not a total loss, as I still have plenty of review-less 2018 figures to cover! The Venom Legends series has been almost a unilateral win across the board so far, but there’s one figure left to review: Marvel Legends Typhoid Mary is already selling for below retail price, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a solid figure…

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Gentle Giant Carnage Mini Bust Up for Order! Limited to 450 Pieces!

Gentle Giant Carnage Mini Bust Close-Up

One of the most extravagant Marvel collectibles of the entire year went up for sale yesterday, in the form of the ultra-huge and ultra-expensive Sideshow Venom Life Size Bust. But what about collectors who dig symbiote busts and don’t have $1,200 to spare or a mansion to display humongous statues in? Well, Gentle Giant Ltd. has something worked up just for you! We don’t see many mini busts released these days, but a surprisingly limited Gentle Giant Carnage Bust has now been put up for order… with just 450 pieces being produced!

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Sideshow Collectibles Venom Life Size Bust Up for Order!

Venom Life Sized Bust Sideshow Collectibles NYCC 2018

UPDATE 11/8/2018: Sideshow’s Venom Life-Size Bust was the single thing that impressed me most at NYCC 2018, and just a month later, the 27.5″ tall Sideshow Venom LSB is up for PO! It’s both WAY WAY too big and WAY WAY too expensive for me to add to my collection, but is anyone planning to pick up what has to be among the coolest (and biggest) Venom items ever made?

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Venom Marvel Legends Carnage REVIEW & Photos (2018)

Close-Up of Marvel Legends Carnage 6" Figure 2018 Hasbro

New York Comic Con 2018 is less than a week away, and as usual, the anticipated pre-NYCC Marvel toy news lull is upon us. But while we wait to see new offerings revealed by Hasbro, Kotobukiya, Diamond Select and more next week, it’s the perfect time for me to dig back into my cache of Marvel Legends figures needing a review. And this time, it’s a figure guaranteed to be one of this year’s most popular figures: Venom Marvel Legends Carnage may be two per case and fairly easy to order online for MSRP , but he may actually (rightfully) be the fastest seller in the Venom series!

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MAFEX Venom Figure Up for Order & Hi-Res Photos!

Medicom Venom MAFEX Figure Swinging on Web

Venom is one of the most popular villains in all of comic books to begin with, and with the Venom movie set to hit theaters next week, he’s become even more relevant and marketable than ever before. While we’re not getting quite as much merch for the character as you might expect (especially considering the zero movie-based toys announced), we are getting loads of comic-based collectibles goodness. And the newest addition is the first-ever from Medicom: the import MAFEX Venom figure is now up for order!

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Venom Marvel Legends Venom Series Figure Review (2018)

Marvel Legends Venom Series Venom Figure Review

Having talked about some of the coolest Symbiote figures Hasbro has ever done over the last two weeks, it’s only fair that today I turn my attention to the one figure in the Marvel Legends Venom Series that’s a big letdown for me: sadly, Venom himself. We last got a single-carded Venom figure back in 2016 as part of the Spider-Man Absorbing Man Series. Does this newly-released ML Venom figure bring anything valuable to the table for those who have the previous version…?

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REVIEW: Marvel Legends Monster Venom Build-A-Figure

Close-Up of Monster Venom Marvel Legends Figure Head

I’m at the halfway point in my series of Venom Legends reviews, so I think it’s time I spotlighted the character more people requested a review of than any other in the wave: the Marvel Legends Monster Venom Build-A-Figure! The Monster Venom BAF is burning up the aftermarket and selling for about 75 bucks alone right now–is Hasbro’s bulkiest symbiote action figure ever worth the big money that collectors are paying for it?

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REVIEW: Marvel Legends Scream Venom Series Figure

Marvel Legends Scream Review

I was pleasantly surprised earlier this week, when I reviewed an action figure that turned out to be near-perfect for a character I wasn’t especially familiar with: Venom Legends Poison. Wanting to see if lightning might strike twice, I decided to focus my next review on another character I wasn’t exactly giddy over being in this wave. The Marvel Legends Scream figure that’s now available for order is the first female Symbiote figure that Hasbro has ever done, so she’s automatically the best—but is she good?

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REVIEW: Venom Marvel Legends Poison Spider-Man Figure

Poison Peter Parker Marvel Legends Six Inch Figure

When I asked readers on social media what recently-released Hasbro Marvel Legends figures I should prioritize reviewing first, I was pretty stunned to see a multitude of votes for the Venom Legends Poison figure. Having never read even one panel with the character before, I rushed to buy the Venomverse TPB so I wouldn’t be writing blind. Now that I’m thoroughly acquainted with both the character and the Marvel Legends Poison figure that’s now available, what’s the verdict? Read on…

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Marvel Legends Venomized Punisher Venom Exclusive Figure!

Marvel Unlimited Plus 2019 Marvel Legends Venomized Punisher Figure

Sharp-eyed readers noticed that earlier today I mentioned Hasbro had unveiled five new Marvel Legends figures today, even though only four new ML debuted at Canada Fan Expo 2018. The fifth one sort of flew under the radar, because it was quietly and unceremoniously announced via the Marvel Unlimited Plus website. That’s right, the MU Exclusive figure for 2019 has now been revealed, and I suspect its one no one on Earth guessed: Marvel Legends Venomized Punisher!

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