Now that the flurry of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals have mostly come to an end (though there’s still a sweet 47% off sale for the 14.5” Marvel Legends Hulk going on), it’s time to stop looking at this year’s discounted items and start looking at upcoming 2018 Marvel toys again! And on that front, Funko made a pretty surprising announcement this week, when they announced a whole series of Marvel Contest of Champions POP Vinyls figures—including King Groot, Punisher 2099, Venompool and more!
That said, this batch of announcements has to be one of the coolest things to ever happen to collectors who are avid players of the Marvel Contest of Champions mobile game!
Let’s take a look at what Funko has lined up…
There are five figures scheduled to be released to all stores: four regular releases and one 6” POP:
- Civil Warrior
- Guillotine
- Venompool
- King Groot
- 6” Howard the Duck in DuckMech
Guillotine isn’t exactly a household name, but I think the wacky takes on the other characters in this wave will appeal to plenty of fans—even those who don’t necessarily play Contest of Champions.
I really never thought we were ever going to see another Howard the Duck POP Vinyl figure ever released, but Funko has totally blown my mind by actually releasing a toy of Howard in the DuckMech. Craziness!
Of course, Funko isn’t called the king of exclusives (by me) for nothing, so it’s not a shocker that there are a quartet of store exclusive POP Contest of Champions figures coming up as well.
Hot Topic will be getting an exclusive green and gold colored Secret Empire Civil Warrior POP Vinyl. This is a bit of a surprise, as I wasn’t sure we’d ever see any merch released related to the mainstream-reviled “Hydra Cap”.
Meanwhile, Target may have the single coolest-looking exclusive: a Glow-in-the-Dark Scorched King Groot POP Vinyl! This exclusive Groot looks downright demonic—love it!
GameStop has by far the least impressive exclusive, which is just the regular VenomPool POP Vinyl holding a phone with one hand and pointing with the other. I don’t know about anyone else, but I won’t be terribly broken up if I miss this minor variant.
The Punisher 2099 Funko POP Vinyl will be exclusive to Walgreens stores. This is a bit of a weird version (to say the least), but every Funko Punisher figure released thus far has been a hit, so I reckon this exclusive iteration will sell just fine as well.
The non-exclusive Funko Contest of Champions POP Vinyls are now up for order, and are scheduled to be released in February 2018. The four store exclusives should all be available for order online once they’re released next year as well.
What do you think about this wild and crazy wave of Marvel Funko POP Vinyls? Are you psyched to see more figures being released for games like Contest of Champions under the GamerVerse banner, or would you prefer if toy companies kept their focus on comic and movie-based Marvel toys?
I would love to see Diamond Select do some of the characters from Contest of Champions. They have done Mini-Mates versions but say Civil Warrior, Guillotine and Punisher 2099 would look GREAT in the 7” collection. Or if if there was a way they could get round their ridiculous rules of how many figures they can do how many movie figures they can do per movie and all the hoops they seem to have to jump through and do a movie Vision as both MCU and comic book Visions are in the game. They could really do justice if they pulled out the stops and did him right. Might have to get on to ASK DST and get a No or a Very vague answer !?! Worth a try

I don’t do Pops… but I would pick up Howard the Duck in a mechsuit.