Marvel Legends Ant-Man & Stinger Exclusive Set Up for Order!

With Toys R Us going the way of the dodo, there’s been a lot of concern and confusion about exactly where the exclusives intended for them would end up. While the jury is still out on what will happen with the Marvel Legends Sentinel and Infinity War Thor/Rocket/Groot sets, we now know the fate of at least one set: the exclusive Marvel Legends Ant-Man & Stinger two-pack is now up for order online!

Marvel Legends Ant-Man and Stinger Two-Pack

One of the exclusives that Hasbro revealed at New York Toy Fair 2018 that not many collectors were expecting was a comics-based two-pack including a modern Astonishing Ant-Man Scott Lang Marvel Legends figure, as well as a figure of his daughter Cassie Lang in her Stinger costume!

This is a pretty fun and interesting two-pack of a couple characters who not many would have expected to get the Marvel Legends 6″ treatment until the line exploded in popularity in recent years, so it would have been a real shame if the set got scrapped because of Toys R Us’ tragic demise.

Toys R Us Exclusive Marvel Legends Ant-Man Scott Lang FigureThankfully, we won’t have to live in a world without Marvel Legends Stinger and Ant-Man figures, as the two-pack was already produced by the factories and getting ready to enter distribution by the time Toys R Us announced their closure.

Marvel Legends Exclusive Ant-Man and Stinger FiguresAnd so, while some Toys R Us stores actually seem to have received small quantities of this set, online retailers are coming to the rescue for the rest of us! The Marvel Legends Ant-Man & Stinger two-pack is now up for order via EE, where it’s being sold for the standard MSRP of $39.99 (plus shipping).

While it’s a bit of a bummer that we won’t be able to purchase this set from TRU as intended, I’m just happy that we’re going to get to own these figures at all at this point. Whether or not the other exclusives that were meant for Toys R Us distribution will get the same treatment remains to be seen.

Marvel Legends Stinger Figure ExclusiveRegardless, comics-based Scott Lang and Cassandra Lang figures are now ready to come home to our collections! Will you be adding this dynamic duo to your collections, Marvel collectors, or are you satisfied with the movie-based Ant-Man toys that are coming our way this summer?


Marvel Legends Ant-Man & Stinger Exclusive Set Up for Order! — 11 Comments

  1. Nah. They look like cartoons, not comic book figures. Of course, a lot of comics are now looking like cartoons, but… I don’t buy those either.

    • It’s because sadly with comics like squirrel girl, gwenpool, and a few others they are going for more laughs than action or story telling. I love guardians but don’t like the new artist on the book.

    • To be fair, comics have always been stylized in cartoonish ways – from Kirby to Allred.

      Hyper-realism in comics is a relatively new thing given that comics have been around for 85 years.

      I think it is a little misleading to say these don’t look like comic book figures. It really depends on subjective elements.

      That said, you are absolutely entitled to your own opinion. If you’re into other artistic styles of comic characters or prefer cinematic versions of the characters I could totally understand not wanting to pick up this set.

      Personally, I’m glad we’re getting a modern Scott Lang that isn’t an MCU version. To me, the only good thing about MCU figures is the money I save by not getting them lol. I think it is also cool to get Stinger, who is a character that has not yet been featured in 6″ scale.

      The costumes are accurate and articulation seems on point so I will definitely be grabbing these guys.

      Happy hunting!

  2. Would have preferred Cassie as Stature, but I’ll take what I can get. She’ll at least fit in with Mayday. Yeah, I’ll probably grab this at some point.

    • To each their own, but I don’t get it. Toybiz’s figs look HORRIBLE compared to Hasbro of the last 5 years. The only thing Toybiz still has/had over is/was their paint washes. They made the figures stand out. But you have to admit, the anatomical differences between the two companies are night and day (with Toybiz representing the night). Like I said: to each their own.

      • At least ToyBiz didn’t include alternate heads that pandered to the “I don’t know how to shave my face” crowd.