REVIEW: Marvel Legends Kingpin Build-A-Figure (Hasbro 2019)

Marvel Legends Kingpin Action Figure Punching Spider-Man

When I asked readers on social media which of the figures in the first 2019 Marvel Legends Spider-Man wave they wanted to see first, it was really just a formality. The de facto winner was always going to be the Build-A-Figure—and in a landslide, he was. The Marvel Legends Kingpin BAF is selling for over 100 bucks now on the aftermarket—almost as much as the six figures you have to buy for all his parts! Does the Kingpin live up to his enormous hype?

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Spider-Man Marvel Legends Kingpin Series Unboxing Photos & Impressions!

Marvel Legends Kingpin Series Figures Unboxing Photos

It took a wee bit longer than the other two early Marvel Legends 2019 series (Black Panther and Captain Marvel) to arrive, but the case of 2019 Spider-Man Legends Kingpin Series Figures I ordered online is here at last! I’ll go through and review each and every figure from the wave in-depth with lots of hi-res photos in the coming weeks, but to help tide readers over, here’s some initial impressions and unboxing photographs of the Marvel Legends Kingpin Build-A-Figure and more…

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Marvel Legends M’Baku Build-A-Figure REVIEW (Black Panther)

Marvel Legends M'Baku Review Close-Up

When the Black Panther movie hit theaters and became an even bigger hit than anyone expected, it gave Hasbro the confidence that a second wave of Marvel Legends Black Panther movie figures with more secondary characters could be viable at retail. And so, a year after the first wave, the Black Panther Legends M’Baku Series is hitting stores! The Marvel Legends M’Baku figure himself is selling for $60 online—is it worth buying the set or paying inflated prices just to get him?

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REVIEW: Captain Marvel Legends Grey Gargoyle Figure 2019

Marvel Legends Grey Gargoyle Figure Cover Photo

This year’s Captain Marvel Legends is one of the most-weighted series towards movie characters that we’ve seen Hasbro release, with 5 of the 7 characters in the wave hailing from the movie. But while only two single-packed characters are comics-based, both are ones fans have been asking for for a while. And today, I’ll review a figure that collectors seems enthusiastic about, but which seems to be a slow seller online: Marvel Legends Grey Gargoyle!

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X-Men Marvel Legends 2019 Caliban Series Figures Packaged Photos!

X-Men Legends 2019 Figures Packaged

The three waves of Marvel Legends figures hitting this month (the Spider-Man Kingpin Series, Captain Marvel Movie Series and Black Panther M’Baku Series) have been a bit hit-or-miss with collectors, with many fans saying they’re picking-and-choosing just a figure or two or even skipping the waves entirely. But Hasbro posted the first packaging photos today of a wave that’s got “surefire blockbuster” written all over it: the 2019 Marvel Legends X-Men Caliban Series!

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Marvel Legends Mysterio Figure Restock Up for Pre-Order Now!

Marvel Legends Mysterio Figure 2018 Lizard Series

UPDATE (1/17/2019): Well here’s a bit of a (very welcome) surprise! Even though it’s been close to a year since the Spider-Man Marvel Legends Lizard wave began hitting retail in winter 2018, demand for at least one figure in the wave was simply never met and aftermarket prices soared. But seeing as how he’s set to be featured in this summer’s second-biggest superhero flick, Hasbro must have figured now was the time to strike with an upcoming restock: the Marvel Legends Mysterio figure is back up for pre-order online now!

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Marvel Legends “Best Of” 2019 Repacked Figures Series Revealed!

Best of Marvel Legends 2019 Figures Series Packaged

It’s become a bit of a tradition each year that an international “Best of Marvel Legends” wave gets released merging many of the difficult-to-acquire movie figures from the prior year into one big MCU wave. Hasbro has produced an intermixed wave like this every year for the past three years, and now it’s confirmed that international collectors will be getting a new Marvel Legends “Best Of” wave for 2019, featuring figures from “Avengers Infinity War” and “Ant-Man and the Wasp”! US collectors need not apply…

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REVIEW: Marvel Legends T’Chaka Figure (Black Panther M’Baku Series)

Marvel Legends King T'Chaka 6" Figure Review

One of the most difficult collecting decisions I had to make last year was ultimately to pass on the Hot Toys T’Chaka Black Panther figure. As much as I loved having at least one of every MCU character in my Hot Toys 1/6 figure Collection, King T’Chaka just isn’t a character I felt I needed a $220 figure of. But while I wouldn’t pay that price for T’Challa’s dad, I was willing to drop 20 bucks on the Marvel Legends T’Chaka 6” figure! At that price, is it worth having the former King of Wakanda in your collection?

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Captain Marvel Marvel Legends Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure REVIEW

Hasbro Kree Sentry Captain Marvel Legends Series Build-A-Figure Review

Oftentimes the Build-A-Figure of a Marvel Legends series is the most in-demand character in the wave and acts as a sort of carrot to sell the rest of the figures (a la Kingpin). But sometimes the BAF is a little… less… demanded. Such is the case with today’s subject of review: the Captain Marvel Marvel Legends Kree Sentry Build-A-Figure! Despite being a classic comic book based character and an army-builder, the Kree Sentry BAF is already selling for just 60 bucks two weeks after release. Is this first ML BAF of 2019 an underrated one?

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REVIEW: Captain Marvel Movie Marvel Legends Nick Fury Figure

Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Nick Fury & Goose Cat Review

Although the Captain Marvel movie will primarily be featuring a slew of characters that are new to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are still a couple familiar faces in the film. And the most hype-worthy of the returning MCU mainstays is Samuel L. Jackson, who reportedly will be getting an origin story of a sorts in the film. And to celebrate, he’s also getting his first mass-released 6” figure: the young Nick Fury Marvel Legends movie figure (with Goose “cat”!) is now available online—is the future director of SHIELD worth your 20 bucks?

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Marvel Legends Professor X & Deadpool Scooter Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Rider Professor X with Hoverchair and Psychic Energy Effects Piece

UPDATE 1/7/2019: Hasbro decided to get the week started in a hot way by allowing online retailers to open POs for one of the most-demanded Marvel Legends figures of all-time: the Marvel Legends Professor X in Hoverchair (with Shadow King head!) is now up for order! And oh yeah–Deadpool with Scooter, Dogpool or Squirrelpool? Yeah–he’s available too, both by himself and bundled with Professor X!

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REVIEW: Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Figure (& Goose Cat!)

Marvel Legends Captain Marvel & Goose the Cat Figures Review

Fact of action figure industry life: tooling has got to be reused when possible to save money and make costs even out logistically. That’s why we got the weird Astral Doctor Strange figure a few years back, and it’s why we’re getting this Captain Marvel Legends figure in flight jacket. But unlike that Doctor Strange, this figure has a few things in its favor, including a new Brie Larson portrait and an exclusive Goose the Cat figure. Do these new additions warrant dropping $19.99 on this version of Carol?

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Captain Marvel Legends 6″ Figures Series Unboxing & Impressions!

Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Figures Unboxing

Way, way back in September 2018, Amazon shocked the Marvel collecting world when they put up super-early pre-orders for half of the Captain Marvel Legends figures series, including Carol Danvers herself, Starforce Commander (Yon-Rogg), young Nick Fury, and Talos the Skrull Commander. I put my POs in for all those figures four months ago and then put them on the back-burner in my mind, knowing they’d show up in early 2019. And lo and behold–they have arrived! I’ll post full reviews of them in the coming days, but here’s my unboxing photos and first impressions…

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Marvel Legends 2019 Kingpin Series Figures Singles Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Kingpin Series Packaged Photos Full Series Hasbro 2019

UPDATE 1/1/2019: For those who don’t want the whole wave to build Kingpin and who’ve been waiting for individual fgures of the first 2019 Marvel Legends Spider-Man wave, wait no more: singles are now available online of all the figures in the wave, including Silver Sable, Night Thrasher, Puma, Black Cat, Red Goblin, Six-Armed Spider-Man and Symbiote Spider-Man! (Well, okay. You’ll have to wait a little–these don’t ship for a couple weeks yet. But still!)

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Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Series Figures Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Captain Marvel Movie Figure Packaged

UPDATE 1/1/2019: The new year has rolled in–and as expected, it’s brought new Marvel Legends figure pre-orders with it! The Captain Marvel movie 6″ figure series–plus comic-based Grey Gargoyle and Genis-Vell–are now all up for order as singles!

Finally, we can get those orders in for that Marvel Legends Goose the Cat figure that we’re all been waiting for…! Happy New Year!

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