Marvel Legends Civil War Scarlet Witch Review & Photos

Of all the Hasbro Marvel Legends figures that were on display at New York Toy Fair 2016 in February, the one that I was most instantly infatuated with was the Marvel Legends Civil War Scarlet Witch figure. And evidently, I wasn’t the only one–Scarlet Witch is selling for $50+ on the aftermarket already, making this one-per-case figure the most difficult Marvel Legends 6″ figure of the year to acquire. Is Wanda worth the hype and the hunt? Here’s my review…

Marvel Legends Civil War Scarlet Witch ReviewThe Right:

The moment that the case ratios for the 2016 Captain America Legends Wave 3 hit the web and it was discovered that the movie Scarlet Witch figure was going to be shortpacked at one-per-case, I knew tracking this action figure down was going to be one of the most arduous tasks of the year for Marvel movie figure collectors.

And now that the wave has been out for over a month, I can see that my instincts were correct and trying to find this movie Scarlet Witch action figure for a non-inflated price is a real nightmare. But is this figure worth the fuss and effort necessary to acquire it? Let’s take a look…

Movie Scarlet Witch Marvel Legends Action FigureFirst off, let me give mega-props to Hasbro for giving us a newly-tooled mold for this figure which is probably not going to be usable for any other character in the future. Unique-molded characters are never a cheap investment, and I’m really happy Hasbro put in the money to do movie Wanda Maximoff justice.

Back of 6" Marvel Legends Scarlet Witch FigureThe amount of sculpted detail in this mold is absolutely off-the-charts, making it among the most-detailed Marvel Legends MCU figures yet. Her boots have tiny buckles on them, there’s a necklace sculpted around her neck, and she has sculpted gloves and even rings!

Details on Captain America Civil War Legends Scarlet Witch Jacket HairScarlet Witch’s jacket is totally covered in detail as well, with a sculpted belt, an itty-bitty texture pattern etched into every millimeter of the jacket, and even different-colored patches on her shoulders and elbows! The shaping and shading on Wanda’s hair also looks fantastic–this is one great-looking figure.

Captain America Civil War Marvel Legends Figures Scarlet WitchAs far as the likeness to actress Elizabeth Olsen goes, well… it’s decent. It’s not Hot Toys level–nor should we ever expect it to be–but it’s world’s better than the portraits on the Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. heads we’ve received in the Marvel Legends six inch lines.

Scarlet Witch Elizabeth Olsen Action Figure Hasbro Civil WarWanda looks quite pretty and has a fair enough resemblance to Elizabeth Olsen, and that’s good enough for me.

Civil War Iron Man vs. Scarlet Witch Hasbro Marvel Legends FiguresFinally, we’ve got the articulation. I feared it might be limited in order to make all the new tooling this toy required make budget, but Hasbro has given us a wonderfully-articulated action figure once again.

The Marvel Legends Civil War Scarlet Witch figure’s articulation includes a ball-hinge neck, ball-hinge shoulders/elbows/hands, ball-jointed upper torso and hips, swivel thighs, double-jointed knees and ball-hinge feet with ankle rockers.

Civil War Marvel Legends Wanda Maximoff 6" FigureI would have liked to finally see a female with double-jointed elbows (as well as the swivel biceps we usually get), but in this case I’ll let it slide since Scarlet Witch should be a bit restricted by wearing a jacket anyway.

Hasbro 6" Scarlet Witch Movie Marvel Legends Figure MCUScarlet Witch’s hair is made of a soft, flexible plastic that allows her to look laterally easily, although she can only look down slightly and not upwards at all.

It might sound like I’m ragging on this figure’s articulation, but I’m really not: every pose I’d want to get this character into is achievable and looks nice, and the “spell-casting” hands make for great posing opportunities.

Effects Pieces on Hasbro Civil War Scarlet Witch FigureThe Wrong:

Considering that I’m usually a total whore for effects pieces, it’s probably going to surprise a lot of readers that the primary thing I dislike about this Marvel Legends movie Scarlet Witch action figure is, in fact, her effects pieces.

On the one hand, Hasbro went to the trouble of creating brand new molds for these magical effects, wholly different from the magic effect pieces we’ve seen reused over and over now for Wanda Maximoff, Enchantress and Doctor Strange.

Unfortunately, I think these particular add-ons look awful. Seriously–with the opaque reddish plastic used, it looks like Wanda has licorice ropes wrapped around her hands. Hasbro effects to date have always pleased me, but these fall a bit flat.

Close-Up of 6" Scarlet Witch Civil War Marvel Legends FigureIn addition, I think some of the loveliness of the face sculpt is compromised by the amount of “blush” shading on Wanda’s face. Her eyes and lips are painted wonderfully, but I think a more natural flesh color with less shading would have looked even better.

Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War Scarlet Witch PackagedFinally–and of course this won’t count against her review grade–I’m really disappointed Hasbro hasn’t announced solid cases available of their 6″ Scarlet Witch Civil War figure to date. Hasbro must know the demand for this figure is likely 10 times or more that of the demand for “The Eel” and so forth, so I just can’t fathom why they made this particular decision to not distribute a figure that likely cost a ton to develop as much as possible.

Review Marvel Legends Civil War Scarlet Witch Six Inch FigureOverall: The Captain America Civil War Scarlet Witch Marvel Legends 6″ figure is easily the best non-Hot Toys Scarlet Witch toy ever made. The all-new sculpt is covered in fine details, the articulation is close to perfect, and the likeness is better than usual. I think there’s a bit too much blush on Wanda’s face and I’m surprisingly unhappy with the look of the magic effects pieces, but there’s no doubt that this is a lovely and well-made figure.



Marvel Legends Civil War Scarlet Witch Review & Photos — 15 Comments

  1. “One step forward, two steps back” does not begin to describe how much of a misstep shortpacking Wanda is.

    Just… Marvel knows that female figures sell, or at least the age old “female figures don’t sell” myth has been debunked for years. Wasp shelfwarmed? Well, so did the rest of the Ant-Man wave, Wasp was the only really good figure IN it. Most other female character figures have done well at retail, or at least comparatively well to their casemates. (The Allfather wave is pegwarming everywhere, apparently. It sucks.) And the absolute debacle with Black Panther… why on Earth would Wanda NOT be the double-packed figure? An obscure Cap costume and an animated Red Skull probably have the biggest “star power”, and Wonder Man and Captain Britain are in moderate demand, but Wanda?

    Figures of Wanda in every scale consistently sold very well in the Age of Ultron line. She has a crucial part in Civil War and she’s a fan-favorite to boot- a fan favorite who has’t gotten a movie figure before this one. We’ve got like two dozen Iron Men, at least four Caps, three Thors, a couple Black Widows, two Hawkeyes, two Hulks (three if you count Bruce Bannner) but Wanda? Bupkis. Hasbro decides to take this information and… releases solid cases of every figure in this wave EXCEPT the character who’s the most in the public eye.


    Freaking EEL is getting solid cases while Wanda is just kind of… left to fend for herself.

    [drags fingers down face] Ooooohhh man I sincerely hope whoever made that decision got fired.

    • It seems ridiculous to me as well. Especially after we didn’t get one in AOU, I’d think there’d be a pretty big demand for an MCU Scarlet Witch figure.

      I had a similarly impossible time trying to find a Black Panther too before I finally lucked out and found the last one at my local comic shop.

  2. Speaking of Eel, unless I missed something and everyone (even Cap) sold out but him, he is currently available on Amazon for $19.99, and listed as being sold from Amazon, not some other store. Of course, they al;so have him listed as King Cobra, which may explain something, but can anyone confirm if this wave actually did go up on Amazon at some point today? I managed to snag a Scarlet Witch on ebay yesterday for $30 + shipping (bid, not BIN), so if I missed it on Amazon, I won’t be too upset (once it arrives, that is). Then I can sit out the Marvel Legends for awhile until Cyclops comes out.

  3. Based on the packing numbers, there is a VERY good chance that I will never see this figure in person at a retail store, seeing as how we still haven’t had the first Civil War wave show up here in Central Ohio. Boo.

  4. She looks great! I don’t really collect movie Marvel Legends anymore but I still would like to get her if the price is right. I will wait for the Hot Toys version.

  5. As a side note, the MU Scarlet Witch figure that’s part of that Civil War set shipping from China ain’t half bad — and it’s way more than half the price that the ML is going for in the secondary market. Here’s the link where I purchased mine, followed in the comments to this reply by a review I originally published on another site.

    [DB EDIT: Please don’t ever link out to illegal bootleg sellers from this site. I let pretty much anything go in the comment, but that’s where I’ve gotta draw the line. Sorry.]

    • And here’s my original review (with a few updates):

      Just received my bootleg Scarlet Witch and I have to admit that I was very pleasantly surprised! She’s really quite beautiful — and definitely fits in with my ML collection, standing at a hair under 6″.

      Sure, the plastic is a bit soft and the articulation is limited compared to Legends, but the sculpt is very detailed and the paint apps are well-applied (though not as luminous as on the ML one) — and she looks a lot more like Elizabeth Olsen than the Legends figure.

      As gorgeous as that one is, the Legends face sculpt is a dead ringer for Kate Beckinsale — and it won’t take much for an enterprising customizer to turn her into UNDERWORLD’S Selene. (Has anyone else noticed how much the recent Legends Phoenix looks like Celine Dion — or the uncanny resemblance between the Legends Iron Skull’s expression and the one often sported by Bill Nighy?)

      Frankly, the sculpt is more feminine too — she doesn’t looks like she’s wearing linebacker pants. And there’s really more than enough articulation to suit me. My figures stand on my desk — I don’t pose them for action photos or play with them. 😉

      Note: the detailing on the bootleg’s boots is more of a flat bronze color than the metallic gold it appears to be in most photos. (Though I don’t think there was any gold detailing on the actual movie costume.)

      And there’s no figure packaging. Mine arrived in a tiny little box — shipped quickly and relatively securely, though her legs were bent at the knee to fit into her mailer — so I thought I’d gotten a 4″ at first.

      There IS a “©Marvel 2016” on the bottom of her foot. Not sure if that makes these in any way “official”, though.

      I just wish the same company had done a movie Quicksilver figure! From the photos, their Bettany Vision looks spot-on, as does the Renner head sculpt. Black Widow looks VERY cartoonish in comparison, though. And as several other folks have pointed out, the bootleg Winter Soldier does look like he’s sporting lipstick! 🙂

  6. Sidenote: Since Hasbro is big on reusing parts, I wonder if they could reuse the coat for a Monica Rambeau figure.

  7. Are you people for real? It’s pretty obvious what they’re doing. They did it for black panther and Nick fury.

    They know the figures will be in high demand, so they don’t double pack them the first time around. Then when their revision cases hit, there was one with BP double-packed and I believe one with Fury was too. And I guarantee it’ll be the same for Wanda. Hasbro literally m released a case of 8 of Deadpools. So yeah. Calm down.

  8. And, as I predicted, these NOR the Hobgoblin wave aren’t showing up in stores, because the pegs are clogged with the DR. STRANGE (or dregs of other previous waves) wave that nobody wants!

    • Agreed. I have no idea what Hasbro’s business model looks like, but a fair guess would be “a 7 year olds attempt at drawing an explosion in a spaghetti factory.”