Guardians of the Galaxy Minimates Figures Released! Yondu!

Guardians of the Galaxy Yondu Sakaar Soldier Minimates Figures Set

It was fun while it lasted, but now it’s time to put the craziness of SDCC 2014 behind us and get back to business as usual–and that means new toys hitting stores! The Marvel Minimates Guardians of the Galaxy figures series is running late, and won’t make it into stores in time for the movie… or so we thought! While perusing my local Toys R Us, I did a double-take when I walked past their exclusive blue-skinned, red-mohawked figure, accompanied by (most) all his friends! The Guardians of the Galaxy Minimates figures have now been released, including the exclusive Yondu figure!

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Marvel Select Falcon Movie Figure Released & Photos!

Marvel Select The Falcon Figure Packaged Captain America The Winter Soldier

They say that good things come to those who wait. And if you were a fan of the movie version of The Falcon in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” in the spring, you’ve definitely had to wait for a quality action figure to be released. Hasbro missed the boat with no Marvel Legends Falcon figure and a mediocre 4″ Falcon, and the Hot Toys Falcon won’t be released until 2015. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel–an outstanding rendition of Anothony Mackie as the Falcon has now come home! The Marvel Select Falcon figure has now been released and is for sale online and in stores!

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Marvel Select Savage Hulk Figure Exclusive Revealed & Photos!

Marvel Select Savage Hulk Figure Packaged

When the Marvel Select Unmasked Spider-Man figure from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie surfaced for sale a few weeks ago with no prior announcement whatsoever, I made a pretty big deal of how flabbergasted I was that Diamond Select Toys managed to secretly get a figure through design and production and into collectors’ hands without the secret leaking out. Well, they’ve done it again! Though it most likely wasn’t meant to appear just yet, a new Disney Store exclusive Marvel Select Savage Hulk figure has appeared for sale online this weekend!

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Classic X-Force Marvel Minimates Box Set Figure Revealed!

Marvel Minimates Classic X-Force Box Set Figures Cannonball Cable Domino Shatterstar

Diamond Select Toys seems bent on making the most comprehensive Marvel action figures line ever with their Marvel Minimates. The Marvel Minimates line has been running now for over a decade, and includes hundreds of different figures. At this point, the Minimates Marvel Universe even includes multiple versions of some characters that otherwise haven’t gotten action figures in many years–and we can add several more to the list with this latest set! The Classic X-Force Minimates box set of figures is now up for order!

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Marvel Select Amazing Spider-Man 2 Released & Photos!

Marvel Select Amazing Spider-Man 2 Figure Released

I’m pretty “with it” as far as getting my pre-orders in early goes, but occasionally something will slip through the cracks. Such was the case with the Marvel Select Amazing Spider-Man 2 Fireman Edition figure. This first release Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Select figure pre-sold out like lightning, so I told myself I didn’t need him in my collection. But today I found myself waiting outside my local comic book store as they opened, as today was the official release date for the Fireman Edition Marvel Select Amazing Spider-Man 2 figure…

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SDCC 2014 Exclusive Minimates X-Men Days of Future Past Set!

SDCC 2014 Exclusive X-Men Days of Future Past Minimates Set

With a month and a half to go until San Diego Comic-Con 2014, most companies have unveiled the details on their SDCC 2014 exclusives. Today we can add Diamond Select Toys to that list, as they’ve now revealed their Marvel Minimates exclusive set for SDCC 2014: the X-Men Days of Future Past Minimates box set is now up for pre-order! We may not be getting much in the way of X-Men Days of Future Past movie toys, but now we at least have some more comic-based X-Men Days of Future Past figures to look forward to…

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Marvel Select Unmasked Amazing Spider-Man 2 Figure Revealed!

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Select Unmasked Spider-Man

There aren’t very many major action figure companies in existence today that can manage to get a high-profile Marvel figure through development and up for sale without any forewarning whatsoever, but that’s a feat that Diamond Select Toys has pulled off today! While there’s still no Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Select Electro or Green Goblin forthcoming (nor are any expected to be), a new Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Select figure is now up for sale: Marvel Select Unmasked Spider-Man!

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Marvel Minimates Villains Zombies Box Set 2 Announced!

Marvel Minimates Zombie Villains Box Set #2 Kingpin Dr. Doom Morbius Sabertooth

If there’s one thing that you can always find space for in your home (assuming you want to), it’s more Marvel Minimates! And after last year’s successful set of Minimates Marvel Zombies Villains (gotta love Zombie Galactus), Diamond Select Toys is ready to let the zombified villains of Earth-2149 run wild once again! Coming in time for Halloween 2014–the Marvel Minimates Villain Zombies Box Set #2 is now up for order!

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Exclusives Released & Photos

Toys R Us Exclusive Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Max Dillon & Flashback Spider-Man

If there’s one thing that we’ve learned to count on for each and every Marvel movie that gets released, it’s a corresponding series of Diamond Select Toys’ Marvel Minimates figures! Oftentimes the Minimates series may miss the premiere of the movie it’s tied into, but we’ve grown accustomed to getting movie Minimates without fail (eventually). Toys R Us used to almost always have their own remixed exclusive wave of movie Minimates, but they’ve cut way back in recent years. However, Toys R Us did invest in their own exclusive Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates series, and it has now arrived in stores!

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Marvel Minimates Deadly Foes of Spider-Man Exclusive Set!

Marvel Minimates Carnage Sandman Lizard Doc Ock Deadly Foes Set

At last week’s C2E2 2014, Diamond Select Toys did a surprise reveal of their Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique figure to much fanfare. But while Mystique grabbed all of the headlines and glory, she wasn’t the only new item that DST debuted at C2E2. No, at the show Diamond Select unveiled yet another in a huge string of recents Marvel Minimates announcements–but this one’s a good one! Coming in September 2014–the Deadly Foes of Spider-Man Minimates set! But if you want the first Minimates Carnage in over a decade, there’ll only be one store to get it from…

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Revealed & Pre-Order

Marvel Minimates Amazing Spider-Man 2 Figures Green Golbin Gwen Stacy

The announcement floodgates have opened and new Marvel Minimates series are being unveiled one after the next! Following up on the three new Minimates series revealed last week, the next Marvel movie to be released is getting in on the act as well. Though these have been shown previously to press, Diamond Select Toys is now giving collectors everywhere their first official look at the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Series 56 figures!

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Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique Figure Photos

Mystique X-Men Days of Future Past Action Figure

Friday afternoon we got our first look at the Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique figure via the photo that Diamond Select Toys shared of Mystique, but I wanted to see a couple more shots of Mystique from several different angles. Luckily, a friend was in attendance at C2E2 2014 this weekend, and was kind enough to send me a couple more small photos of the X-Men: Days of Future Past Marvel Select Mystique figure for me to give my impressions of…

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Marvel Select Mystique Revealed at C2E2 2014!

Friday afternoon we got our first look at the Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique figure via the photo that Diamond Select Toys shared of Mystique, but I wanted to see a couple more shots of Mystique from several different angles. Luckily, my wife’s friend Sarah was in attendance at C2E2 2014 this weekend, and was kind enough to send me a couple more photos of the X-Men: Days of Future Past Marvel Select Mystique figure for me to give my impressions of…

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 Green Goblin & Spidey Movie Busts!

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Green Goblin Mini Bust Diamond Select Toys

With the once-mighty Bowen Designs unlikely to release a single Marvel mini bust in 2014 (and maybe not ever again), superhero mini busts definitely appear to be on life support. Even so, Diamond Select Toys will give Marvel bust collectors at least something to smile about later this year, when they release a pair of Marvel mini busts based on 2014’s not-quite-hottest Marvel movie: the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Green Goblin and Spider-Man mini busts are now available for order!

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Marvel Minimates Series 59 All-New X-Men Figures Revealed!

Marvel Minimates Marvel Now X-Men Wave 59 Series Beast Angel Bobby Drake

I’ve had a tough time getting excited about the last couple series of Marvel Minimates figures revealed by Diamond Select Toys. It’s not because they’re not awesome–they are. But seeing most of the upcoming movie-based Marvel Minimates figures first-hand at New York Toy Fair 2014 in February spoiled me, and it’s hard to muster up enthusiasm when something you’ve already seen is unveiled.

Thankfully, today I got my chance to be genuinely exuberant about new Minimates for the first time in a couple months, as the previously-unnannounced Marvel Minimates Series 59 All-New X-Men wave is now up for pre-order!

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