Amazing Spider-Man 2 LEGO Electro Minifigure Polybag Released!

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Electro LEGO Minifigure Polybag 5002125 Promo Close-Up

LEGO Marvel collectors got a highly unexpected–and highly expensive–surprise this weekend when a totally unannounced LEGO Marvel minifigure polybag sold online for $187 after being given out at a LEGO KidsFest event in Virginia.

This minifigure polybag is going to be of major interest to LEGO Marvel completists, because the LEGO 5002125 polybag is currently the only known way to get an Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie Electro LEGO minifigure!

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SDCC 2014 LEGO Rocket Raccoon’s Warbird Set Revealed!

LEGO Marvel SDCC 2014 Exclusive Rocket Raccoon Warbird Set Revealed

This is going to sound like complete and utter blasphemy coming from me, but I was sort of hoping that there wasn’t going to be a SDCC 2014 LEGO Marvel exclusive this year. The San Diego Comic Con LEGO Marvel minifigure exclusives have traditionally been both difficult and extremely expensive to acquire, so I would have been just fine with LEGO forgoing any Comic-Con exclusive LEGO Marvel sets this year.

But with a week to go until Comic-Con, they just had to go and announce an exclusive I can’t live without–it’s the SDCC 2014 LEGO Rocket Raccoon’s Warbird set exclusive!

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LEGO X-Men vs. The Sentinel 76022 Review & Photos

LEGO Marvel X-Men vs The Sentinel Summer 2014 Set Scale Photo

LEGO knows how to make money better than any other toy company on Earth, so even though their sole LEGO Marvel X-Men set wasn’t scheduled to be released until June/July 2014, there was no way that LEGO was going to miss out on the chance of moving the set more quickly by having it out in time for the release of the X-Men Days of Future Past movie debut. I spotted the LEGO X-Men vs. The Sentinel 76022 set unexpectedly last week before the movie premiered, but ended up not picking it up myself due to the outrageous amount of money LEGO and other Marvel licensees have already gotten from me this month. Luckily, it turns out that the set may actually be worth its price…

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Summer 2014 LEGO Marvel Starblaster Showdown Set Photos

LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Starblaster Showdown 76019 Box

Despite LEGO’s best efforts, photos leaked out from the 2014 Toy Fair International of all of the Guardians of the Galaxy LEGO Marvel Summer 2014 sets. All of the sets–save one! Perhaps it was because it was the smallest of the sets and most difficult to photograph, or perhaps because folks were less interested in it than the other sets on display. Regardless of the reason, we’ve yet to get a good look at the LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Starblaster Showdown 76019–until now! And while the set includes just one exclusive minifigure, it’s one many fans will want to army-build…

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LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Knowhere Escape Mission 76020 Photos

New York Toy Fair 2014 LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Knowhere Escape Mission 76020

LEGO was a lot more successful with prohibiting photos of the upcoming LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy sets at Toy Fair 2014 than I expected them to be. Marvel did not want LEGO to allow photography of the Summer 2014 LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy sets, and as such no one was permitted to take photos. Of course, it was only a matter of time until some images leaked anyway, and now we can share a first look at the Guardians of the Galaxy LEGO Knowhere Escape Mission 76020!

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LEGO Marvel X-Men vs The Sentinel 76022 Photos – Toy Fair 2014

LEGO 76022 X-Men vs The Sentinel Box and Storm Minifigure Toy Fair 2014

The existence of the LEGO Marvel 2014 set featuring a LEGO Sentinel, Blackbird jet, and minifigures of Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops and Magneto is one of LEGO’s worst-kept secrets. Images of prototypes of the set have been circulating for months on various sites (including here), so it was a veritable certainty that the set would be shown at the New York Toy Fair 2014 this weekend. It was. The LEGO X-Men vs. The Sentinel 76022 set is coming in summer 2014!

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LEGO Marvel 2014 Hulk Lab Smash Review Part 1: Minifigures

LEGO MODOK Minifigure from LEGO Hulk Lab Smash 76018

Though I run both a LEGO blog and a Marvel blog, I don’t buy every LEGO Marvel set. With LEGO there are just so many high-priced items each year, and usually they’re better than the Marvel LEGO ones. That said, as soon as I saw the LEGO Marvel Hulk Lab Smash 76018 set, I knew it would be coming home. And sure enough, I walked into the LEGO Store Tuesday, saw LEGO 76018, bought it on sight, and built it immediately. I’ll review the playset portion of this set later, and discuss what everyone really wants to hear about first: the minifigures!

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LEGO Marvel 2014 Sets Finally Released & Photos!

LEGO 2014 Marvel Super Heroes Sets Released

When speculation hit the net that the major licensed 2014 LEGO sets would be delayed past January 2014 until after the theatrical release of The LEGO Movie (so as not to damage LEGO Movie sets’ early sales), I thought that notion was silly.

But I guess maybe there was something to that rumor after all… the LEGO Movie hit theaters just days ago, and like magic, all of the LEGO Marvel 2014 sets have suddenly appeared in LEGO stores!

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LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Milano Spaceship Rescue Photo!

76021 LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Set The Milano Ship Rescue

LEGO has been trying their best to keep the LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy sets under wraps and images of the sets off the Internet. And their efforts have paid off–LEGO came very close to making it to this weekend’s New York Toy Fair 2014 without photos of any of the sets leaking out. But with just a few days until NYTF, the first photo of the LEGO Guardians of The Galaxy The Milano Ship Rescue 76021 set has snuck out…

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LEGO Guardians of The Galaxy Sets Confirmed for Summer 2014!

LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy Sets Announced

Despite consisting entirely of fairly obscure characters, the Guardians of the Galaxy have managed to land themselves a starring role in a huge summer blockbuster (I hope) coming to theaters in August 2014. It’s been rumored that LEGO might take advantage of the hype surrounding the GOTG with a LEGO Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy theme, and it’s now confirmed that the rumors are true! Coming Summer 2014–LEGO Guardians of the Galaxy sets!

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LEGO Marvel 2014 Spider-Helicopter Rescue 76016 Photos Preview

2014 LEGO Marvel Spider-Helicopter Rescue 76016 Box

Not to be outdone by Batman, Spider-Man is busting his Spider-Helicopter out of the garage next year and taking his fight against crime to the sky! Didn’t know Spider-Man owned a giant attack helicopter? Neither did anyone else, but LEGO has the inside scoop! Last but not least in my coverage of the LEGO Marvel 2014 sets, it’s the set that can rival all of the others from this wave in both minifigures and wackiness factor–the 2014 LEGO Marvel Spider-Helicopter Rescue 76016!

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LEGO Marvel 2014 Doc Ock’s Truck Heist 76015 Set Photos Preview

LEGO Marvel 2014 Doc Ock Truck Heist 76015 Set Box

Doctor Octopus has appeared more times in LEGO minifigure form than any other LEGO Marvel villain. So you would probably think that with there being five previous LEGO Doc Ock minifigure releases, at least one of those would have been a classic comic-inspired Doctor Octopus figure. Nope! Every single one of those LEGO Doctor Octopus (Octopi?) figures has been based on the Spider-Man 2 movie or Ultimate Spider-Man. But the classic Doctor Octopus LEGO minifigure we’ve all been dreaming of will finally arrive in 2014, as part of LEGO Marvel Doc Ock’s Truck Heist 76015!

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2014 LEGO Marvel Captain America vs. Hydra 76017 Set Photos Preview

76017 LEGO Marvel Captain America vs. Hydra Box

We’re at the halfway mark of discussing the five new-for-2014 Marvel LEGO sets, and this time I’m going to take a look at what’s only the second LEGO set ever built around Captain America! While logic dictates that this winter-releasing Captain America LEGO set would be related to the Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie, it’s actually more like a blast from the past–it’s the LEGO Marvel Captain America vs. Hydra 76017 set!

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LEGO Marvel 2014 Spider-Trike vs. Electro Set Photos & Preview

LEGO Marvel Superheroes Spider-Trike vs. Electro 76014 Box

I started off coverage of the LEGO Marvel 2014 sets by discussing the largest set coming this winter, and now it’s time to take a look at the smallest set. While you might think at a glance that this set is an actual LEGO Amazing Spider-Man 2 set, it’s actually not quite what it appears to be.

Coming later this winter, it’s the Spider-Man LEGO Spider-Trike vs. Electro 76014!

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2014 LEGO Marvel Hulk Lab Smash 76018 Set Preview & Photos

LEGO Marvel 2014 Hulk Lab Smash 76018 Box

Slowly but surely we’ve learned the early 2014 plans for Marvel toys from Hasbro, Hot Toys, Diamond Select and so on, and now it’s LEGO’s turn! LEGO is ready to capitalize on the blockbuster sales of the LEGO Marvel video game by rolling out five new LEGO Marvel 2014 sets this winter! I’ll begin by looking at the set most likely to be the favorite of collectors everywhere–the 2014 LEGO Marvel Hulk Lab Smash 76018 set with LEGO MODOK and Falcon minifigures and more!

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