Marvel Premier Collection Netflix Daredevil & Gallery Defenders POs!

DST Marvel Premier Collection Daredevil and Marvel Gallery Jessica Jones Luke Cage

DST hit Marvel collectors hard this week with a big batch of new product solicitations, including a mighty SIX additions to the Gallery statues line! I discussed the new movie statues yesterday, and today it’s time to shine the spotlight onto their Netflix cousins! After debuting at GameStop, the Defenders Gallery statues are getting a wide release this winter. And DST isn’t just bringing us PVC—coming our way in early 2019 as part of the Marvel Premier Collection, the first-ever resin Netflix Daredevil Statue is now up for order!

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Marvel Gallery Corvus Glaive & Unmasked Black Panther Figures!

Marvel Gallery Corvus Glaive and Unmasked Black Panther PVC Statues

While there was absolutely no shortage of Avengers Infinity War collectibles released this year, some important characters from the film still got the shaft merch-wise. The Black Order is among those characters—especially Ebony Maw and Corvus Glaive. Both those characters will be getting love from Hasbro in 2019, but at least one of them is getting his first statue as well: the DST Marvel Gallery Corvus Glaive figure is now up for order! And he’ll be joined by a certain unmasked King of Wakanda…

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New York Comic Con 2018: Marvel Toy News Photos & Coverage!

NYCC 2018 Logo

With a near-constant influx of new Marvel figures and toys being released almost every month, this year has flown right by. Q4 has arrived—and that means it’s time for NYCC 2018! Just like every year, I’ll be in New York City this week posting photos and coverage of new Hasbro Marvel Legends, as well as upcoming items from Diamond Select Toys, Kotobukiya, Bandai Japan, Sideshow Collectibles, Hot Toys, Good Smile Company and more! You can follow our coverage on the Marvel Toy News Facebook page, the Marvel Toy News Twitter feed, and the Marvel Toy News Instagram!

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Sentinel RE:EDIT Iron Spider Spider-Man Figure Up for PO!

Iron Spider Sentinel REEDIT Action Figure Sixth Scale Robot Arms

It’s been a little while since I’ve talked about a Sentinel RE:EDIT Marvel figure, but they’ve really made me sit up and take notice with their latest solicitation. No, it’s not (quite) another in their seemingly endless parade of Iron Man armor permutations (and repainted)—it’s actually a character Sentinel has never tackled before at all: the Sentinel Iron Spider RE:EDIT figure is now up for order!

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Marvel GamerVerse 2-Packs Up for Order! Ryu! The Collector!

Contest of Champions Civil Warrior vs. Collector Figures Two-Pack

Given the sheer mass of Marvel toys and figures being released at retail the past few years, it’s no surprise that a few items are going to slip through the cracks and fall totally off the radar. Such is the case with the latest wave of GamerVerse figure two-packs–the sole Hasbro Marvel Universe-scaled 3.75″ figures wave being released this year! Easily one of the most eclectic groupings of Marvel action figures ever, the GamerVerse wave containing Ryu, Mr. Negative, Black Widow, PS4 Spider-Man and more is now up for order online and also beginning to pop up in stores!

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MAFEX Venom Figure Up for Order & Hi-Res Photos!

Medicom Venom MAFEX Figure Swinging on Web

Venom is one of the most popular villains in all of comic books to begin with, and with the Venom movie set to hit theaters next week, he’s become even more relevant and marketable than ever before. While we’re not getting quite as much merch for the character as you might expect (especially considering the zero movie-based toys announced), we are getting loads of comic-based collectibles goodness. And the newest addition is the first-ever from Medicom: the import MAFEX Venom figure is now up for order!

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Marvel Premier Collection Hobgoblin & Gallery Black Cat Statues!

DST Marvel Hobgoblin and Black Cat Statues 2019

While the much talked-about Sideshow Psylocke Premium Format Figure will be going up for sale tomorrow (for a cool $585 plus shipping), fear not, Marvel statue collectors who can’t afford to drop more than half a grand on every piece! Diamond Select Toys is coming to the rescue again, with an all-new resin Marvel Premier Collection Hobgoblin Statue for just 135 bucks shipped! And a sweet tune for the PVC fans: a Marvel Gallery Black Cat PVC!

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REVIEW: Marvel Premier Collection Deadpool Statue (DST)

Marvel Premier Collection Deadpool Statue Review

Today I’m going to interrupt the seemingly never-ending stream of 2018 Marvel Legends figures that I still have to write reviews for to talk about a statue I’ve been looking forward to writing a review for for almost a year! I analyzed the outstanding Cable companion piece last month, and now it’s Deadpool’s turn! Is the 11” Marvel Premier Collection Deadpool statue worth 135 bucks shipped, or is Cable better off all by his lonesome?

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SH Figuarts Iron Man Mark 50 & Nano Weapons Set Up for Order!

SH Figuarts Iron Man Mark 50 Nano Weapons Set

Avengers Infinity War was a wildly successful movie, so it’s no surprise that figures and merch of the most popular characters from the movie quickly sold out. And one of the fastest sell-outs was the Bandai SH Figuarts Infinity War Iron Man 6” figure. But this story has a happy ending for those who missed out—and those who didn’t may even be a little jealous—because a new S.H. Figuarts Iron Man Mark L Figure with Nano Weapons Set is now up for order in the US!

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ONE:12 Collective First Appearance Doctor Strange NYCC Exclusive!

NYCC 2018 Exclusive ONE12 Collective Doctor Strange First Appearance Figure

It’s looking more and more like it might be a slow year for Marvel NYCC 2018 Exclusives, with next to nothing announced thus far for the show. But one company that will be bringing the goods for Marvel collectors next month is Mezco Toyz, who just revealed their first (and perhaps only) New York Comic Con 2018 exclusive last night. Now that the classic version is sold out just about everywhere, the exclusive ONE:12 Collective First Appearance Doctor Strange is ready to appear!

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STGCC 2018: XM Studios Star-Lord! Rocket & Groot! Red Hulk!

XM Studios Marvel Statues STGCC 2018

Weekends tend to be a pretty slow time for Marvel toy news, but this weekend is an exception. Even though there’s no major convention or event going on in the United States this weekend, there is a rather notable show going on in Asia: the Singapore Toy Games & Comic Convention (STGCC) 2018! And at this year’s show, XM Studios debuted some spectacular new 1/4 scale Marvel statues, including Star-Lord, the Scarlet Witch, Brown Costume Wolverine, Red Hulk, Rocket Raccoon and Groot and more!

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REVIEW: PS4 Spider-Man Collector’s Edition & Statue (Video Game)

Spider-Man PS4 Limited Edition Box

I know that there are tens of thousands of fans hella excited about the release of the Spider-Man PS4 video game—but, well… I half-forgot it was coming out at all until the PS4 Spider-Man Collector’s Edition turned up on my doorstep today. The mystery Spider-Man Statue alone has been selling for $100+ online, so I was dying to dig in and see what it looked like. Was it worth spending the extra 90 bucks to get the limited edition version…?

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SH Figuarts Wasp & Infinity War Thor Figures! US Release Details!

Marvel SH Figuarts Wasp and Infinity War Thor Figures

This week was a mixed bag of good news and bad news for Marvel Figuarts Collectors. Good news: Bandai is releasing SH Figuarts Infinity War Thor and Wasp Figures. Bad news: Both are Tamashii Web Exclusives and not available via the usual import stores. More bad news: Infinity War Thor won’t be getting a domestic release at all. But at least some good news: the SH Figuarts Wasp figure is, and is now up for order in the United States!

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Marvel Animated Cyclops & Nendoroid Iron Man Mark 50!

Marvel Animated Cyclops Statue and Nendoroid Infinity War Iron Man

While it remains all quiet on the mass-release Hasbro toys front this week (don’t worry, I’ll start a new series of Legends reviews this week), we have gotten a couple of new items solicited this week—in the chibi style! Not only does Gentle Giant have their latest Skottie Young-styled Marvel Animated Statue up for order in Cyclops, but Good Smile Company has a rare MCU addition to their Nendoroid line: Infinity War Iron Man Mark 50!

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Marvel MAFEX Deadpool & Evil Gwenpool Figures Up for Order!

Medicom MAFEX Deadpool and Evil Gwenpool Figures

This has been a rather quiet week Hasbro-wise, but several of the other companies making 6”-7” Marvel figures have been taking advantage of the respite to launch new toys of their own. And one of those companies is Medicom, who’s just solicited the third and fourth figures in their new MAFEX series: MAFEX Deadpool and Evil Gwenpool (?!?) are now up for order! I admit I don’t have a clue who Evil Gwenpool is—but that is one sweet action figure…

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