NYCC: Kotobukiya ARTFX+ Thanos Vision Domino & X-Men Statues!

NYCC 2018 Kotobukiya Booth Marvel Statues Thanos Vision Domino

Kotobukiya is one of my favorite companies to visit every time I’m in New York City for a major toy event, as they’ve always got at least something new for Marvel collectors to ogle at. And New York Comic Con 2018 was no exception! While the Weapon X statue I was hoping to see in-person wasn’t present, Koto unveiled their upcoming Vision and Thanos ARTFX+ statues, reveal their next Marvel Bishoujo Statue, and had a killer X-Men Animated figure diorama set up…

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NYCC: Spider-Man Marvel Legends Kingpin Series Figures Photos!

Marvel Legends NYCC 2019 Kingpin Series Spider-Man Wave

My apologies for the large gap in New York Comic Con coverage! I had braces put in this week, and what I thought was going to be a minor irritant ended up sidelining me for days. Alas. But I’m back now, and looking to fill in the NYCC blanks with the last of the Marvel Legends Hasbro brought along to the show: the previously-announced 2019 Marvel Legends Spider-Man Kingpin Series!

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NYCC: Marvel Legends Beta Ray Bill! Forge! Caliban Build-A-Figure!

Marvel Legends NYCC 2018 Reveals Forge Caliban BAF Beta Ray Bill

I’m ready to move on to taking about other companies’ showings from New York Comic Con 2018, which means it’s time to finish up my Hasbro Marvel Legends 2019 coverage. There were three more new ML 6” figures announced at the event, with one having been all but confirmed months ago and the other two are a complete surprise. Coming our way next year: Marvel Legends Beta Ray Bill, Forge and the… Caliban Build-A-Figure?!

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NYCC: Marvel Legends Kraven’s Last Hunt Figures Two-Pack!

Marvel Legends Spider-Man vs Kraven 2-Pack Official Photo

Hasbro hit us with quite a few curveballs at NYCC 2018, and one of them that I definitely did not see coming was the next Marvel Legends two-pack to be announced! Although we got a modern Kraven Legends figures just a few years ago as part of the Rhino Series, that Kraven wasn’t to the liking of a lot of classic fans. But as usual, the Hasbro Marvel team had something up their sleeve to please fans of all eras, and they revealed it at New York Comic-Con: a Marvel Legends Kraven’s Last Hunt two-pack with classic Kraven and Black Costume Spider-Man figures!

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NYCC: Marvel Legends Deadpool Scooter! Bob Agent of Hydra Photos!

Marvel Legends Series 6-inch Deadpool with Scooter Vehicle

New York Comic Con 2018 comes to an end today, and that means I can dig in and start to work on comprehensive coverage of the convention, including the biggest event of the show for Marvel collectors: the NYCC Hasbro Marvel Legends Press Event! This featured an interview Q&A with the Hasbro team and numerous new reveals, including a few that really sold me on one of next year’s ML sets I was previously lukewarm on: the Marvel Legends Deadpool Scooter set now comes with a Bob Agent of Hydra head and more!

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NYCC 2018: Marvel Legends Jubilee & Night Thrasher!

Hasbro had plenty of major reveals at their New York Comic Con 2018 Press Event yesterday, but the one that just about brought me to tears is one that was actually revealed on a Marvel livestream: at long last, the first-ever 90s Jim Lee Marvel Legends Jubilee Figure is coming our way next year! And oh yeah—looks like it’s time to start a new team, as Night Thrasher is on the way as well…

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NYCC: Marvel Legends 2019 Ebony Maw & Corvus Glaive Photos!

Marvel Legends Ebony Maw and Corvus Glaive NYCC 201 Hasbro

Pretty much all of my NYCC 2018 Marvel Legends photos are now posted (or will be posted shortly) on Facebook (with a healthy dose on Instagram and Twitter), and I’ll begin posting about most of them here on the main page over the weekend. But as so many people have asked about this duo, I figured I’d throw up a quick post regarding two of the most-demanded characters revealed by Hasbro at the show: 2019 Marvel Legends Corvus Glaive and Ebony Maw!

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Marvel NYCC 2018 Funko POP Exclusives! Carnage! Spider-Woman!

Funko NYCC 2018 Exclusive POP Vinyls Figures

UPDATE 10/5/2018 #2: And for those who have been waiting for her, the NYCC Exclusive Okoye with Wig POP Vinyl is now up for order online as well!

UPDATE 10/5/2018: For those who want it, the NYCC 2018 Exclusive Funko Spider-Woman POP Vinyl figure is now up for order online while she lasts! This was easily the most interesting of the Funko Marvel Exclusives for New York Comic Con this year, so I’m very pleased she was shared with an online retailer. If you think you’re gonna want comic-based Jessica Drew Spider-Woman as a POP–now’s the time!

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NYCC: Marvel Legends Arnim Zola & Hydra Captain America Exclusive!

NYCC 2018 Hydra Supreme Leader Captain America and Arnim Zola

The Hasbro NYCC 2018 Marvel Legends Press Event came to a close a few hours ago, and the embargo on news and information from that event is at an end! Most of my photos will be posted on the Marvel Toy News social media pages this afternoon, but I wanted to post about one new reveal particularly—because its on-sale date is today! First hinted at at SDCC, the Exclusive Marvel Legends Arnim Zola & Hydra Captain America set is now up for order!

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New York Comic Con 2018: Marvel Toy News Photos & Coverage!

NYCC 2018 Logo

With a near-constant influx of new Marvel figures and toys being released almost every month, this year has flown right by. Q4 has arrived—and that means it’s time for NYCC 2018! Just like every year, I’ll be in New York City this week posting photos and coverage of new Hasbro Marvel Legends, as well as upcoming items from Diamond Select Toys, Kotobukiya, Bandai Japan, Sideshow Collectibles, Hot Toys, Good Smile Company and more! You can follow our coverage on the Marvel Toy News Facebook page, the Marvel Toy News Twitter feed, and the Marvel Toy News Instagram!

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Sideshow Exclusive X-23 Premium Format Figure Statue PO Info!

Sideshow Collectibles X-23 Premium Format Figure Size Scale Photo with Apple

2018 has been a banner year for Sideshow X-Men statues, and it appears that the likely final X-Men Premium Format Figure pre-order of the year is also the one with arguably the most hype around it. Following the popular Mystique, Emma Frost, Rogue and Psylocke POs, the last of this year’s X-Women is officially on the way: the Sideshow Exclusive X-23 Premium Format Statue goes up for pre-order Thursday afternoon! And if you want her awesome masked head, you’re gonna need the EX…

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Sentinel RE:EDIT Iron Spider Spider-Man Figure Up for PO!

Iron Spider Sentinel REEDIT Action Figure Sixth Scale Robot Arms

It’s been a little while since I’ve talked about a Sentinel RE:EDIT Marvel figure, but they’ve really made me sit up and take notice with their latest solicitation. No, it’s not (quite) another in their seemingly endless parade of Iron Man armor permutations (and repainted)—it’s actually a character Sentinel has never tackled before at all: the Sentinel Iron Spider RE:EDIT figure is now up for order!

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Marvel GamerVerse 2-Packs Up for Order! Ryu! The Collector!

Contest of Champions Civil Warrior vs. Collector Figures Two-Pack

Given the sheer mass of Marvel toys and figures being released at retail the past few years, it’s no surprise that a few items are going to slip through the cracks and fall totally off the radar. Such is the case with the latest wave of GamerVerse figure two-packs–the sole Hasbro Marvel Universe-scaled 3.75″ figures wave being released this year! Easily one of the most eclectic groupings of Marvel action figures ever, the GamerVerse wave containing Ryu, Mr. Negative, Black Widow, PS4 Spider-Man and more is now up for order online and also beginning to pop up in stores!

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Venom Marvel Legends Carnage REVIEW & Photos (2018)

Close-Up of Marvel Legends Carnage 6" Figure 2018 Hasbro

New York Comic Con 2018 is less than a week away, and as usual, the anticipated pre-NYCC Marvel toy news lull is upon us. But while we wait to see new offerings revealed by Hasbro, Kotobukiya, Diamond Select and more next week, it’s the perfect time for me to dig back into my cache of Marvel Legends figures needing a review. And this time, it’s a figure guaranteed to be one of this year’s most popular figures: Venom Marvel Legends Carnage may be two per case and fairly easy to order online for MSRP , but he may actually (rightfully) be the fastest seller in the Venom series!

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Marvel Legends Mandarin Pepper Hot Rod Set Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Iron Man 3 Exclusive 3-Pack Mandarin Pepper Potts Hot Rod Iron Man

UPDATE 9/26/2018: Just like fans never saw the twist coming with the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 (okay, I did, I admit), a lot of collectors never saw it coming when the Marvel Legends Iron Man 3 three-pack went straight from pre-order to out of stock last week and immediately spiked to 180+ bucks on the aftermarket. But fear not, Gwyneth Paltrow fans: the Amazon Exclusive Marvel Legends Pepper Potts/Mandarin/Hot Rod Iron Man set is back up for order for MSRP while it lasts!

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