NYCC 2014 Marvel Minimates Wave 60 Revealed! Banshee! Blob!

Marvel Minimates Wave 60 Banshee Jubilee Storm Gambit Figures

Most of the exhibitors at New York Comic Con 2014 put out all of their new Marvel collectibles on the first day of the show, but at least one company held something glorious back in reserve. Diamond Select Toys had a great booth and display case full of Marvel toys when NYCC 2014 opened, but the display case got even better later on in the show, when an all-new wave of Marvel Minimates figures appeared–the Marvel Minimates Wave 60 Classic X-Men and Brotherhood of Evil Mutants series!

UPDATE: Marvel Minimates Wave 60 is now up for order!

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Hot Toys Days of Future Past Wolverine Photos & Order Info!

X-Men Days of Future Past Wolverine Hot Toys Sixth Scale Figure

If there’s a real tragedy about this summer’s X-Men Days of Future Past movie (besides the absurd lack of merch released for the film), it’s that we never really got to see Future Wolverine in action in his stylish future costume.

But thanks to the considerate folks over at Hot Toys, soon we’ll all be able to make Wolverine fight to our hearts’ content in his future attire: the Hot Toys X-Men Days of Future Past Wolverine Sixth Scale Figure is now up for order!

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NYCC 2014 Kotobukiya Rogue Fine Art Statue Photos!

NYCC 2014 Kotobukiya Rogue Statue 2015

I’ve covered all of the totally new items that appeared at New York Comic Con 2014 now, but there were plenty more freshly updated items on display at the convention as well. One such item was the long in development Kotobukiya Rogue X-Men Danger Room Sessions Fine Arts Statue.

This statue has changed drastically from the first time we saw it years ago, and for the first time ever, we got to see Rogue painted at NYCC 2014! Was she worth the wait?

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NYCC 2014 Kotobukiya X-Men ARTFX+ Statues Announced!

Kotobukiya X-Men ArtFX+ Statues Announcement

This summer Kotobukiya began teasing Marvel collectors about their next line of Marvel NOW! ARTFX+ statues that would be following up the hit Avengers ARTFX+ series.

Once Kotobukiya declared the series would be of another ultra-popular Marvel superhero team, it didn’t take a genius to guess who Kotobukiya was talking about, but today Kotobukiya announced it officially at NYCC 2014: the Kotobukiya X-Men ARTFX+ statues series will begin in 2015!

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Hot Toys X-Men Days of Future Past Wolverine Revealed!

Hot Toys X-Men DOFP Wolverine Figure Revealed

Well, this is new. We’ve learned about Marvel Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece Series sixth scale figures in a variety of ways before, but I am reasonably sure that this is the first time a new Hot Toys Marvel figure has ever been revealed via… small sticker on the front of a Japanese Blu-Ray (does that make the X-Men Days of Future Past Blu-Ray a must for Hot Toys collectors? I wonder…). The Hot Toys X-Men Days of Future license was announced way back in 2013, and it looks like in 2015 Hot Toys may actually have a figure lined up for us–the Hot Toys Days of Future Past Wolverine figure!

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Comikaze Exclusive Funko GITD Storm & Unmasked Captain America!

Funko Comikaze Exclusive Unmasked Captain America POP Vinyl Figure

Funko didn’t get quite as much money from Marvel POP! Vinyls collectors at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 as they would have liked (with Flocked Rocket Raccoon POP Vinyl being the only SDCC 2014 Marvel POP Vinyls exclusive), but they’re making up for missed chances (and dollars!) on the fall 2014 convention circuit. A few weeks back the NYCC 2014 Funko Frost Giant Loki POP Vinyls debuted, and now the Comikaze 2014 exclusives have been announced: Funko POP Vinyls Glow-in-the-Dark Storm and Unmasked Captain America!

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Sideshow Deadpool Sixth Scale Figure Up for Order!

Sideshow Deadpool Sixth Scale Figure

It used to be that you could count on any new Marvel line of toys or collectibles beginning with one of the “go to” headliner characters of Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America or Iron Man.

Things have clearly changed a little bit, as the hottest character at Marvel is a little bit less heroic (and a whole lot more insane!) and Sideshow is planning to capitalize! The Sideshow exclusive Deadpool sixth scale figure is now up for order!

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Funko Deadpool X-Men Costume POP! Vinyl Revealed!

X-Men Deadpool Funko POP Vinyls Figure Revealed

How much Deadpool is too much Deadpool? You probably reach a saturation point where you’ve just plain had enough Deadpool–but I haven’t reached that point yet. And apparently, neither has Funko! Funko has decided to bring the Deadpool POP! Vinyl mold out of retirement (it was a short retirement), and add to the already double-digit list of Deadpool Funko POP Vinyls figures. In just one month, we can add to the Deadpool rainbow, as the blue-and-yellow Funko Deadpool X-Men Outfit POP! Vinyl figure is now available for order!

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Marvel Select Cable Figure Photos & Order Info!

Marvel Select Cable Figure February 2015 Diamond Select Toys

Diamond Select Toys brought the big guns–literally–to San Diego Comic Con 2014, where they unveiled the 2015 Marvel Select Cable figure! It’s been years since a Hasbro Marvel Legends Cable figure has been released, and frankly, none of the ones the Marvel Legends Cable figures that have been released can stand up to the aesthetic quality of DST’s stab at the mutant–the Marvel Select Cable action figure is now up for order!

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Marvel Infinite Series Cyclops Figure Review & Photos

Marvel Infinite Series Cyclops Figure Review

A couple weeks back I reviewed the 2014 X-Men Marvel Legends Cyclops figure. That 6″ Cyclops figure had its share of flaws and failed to impress me, but Hasbro had one other Cyclops figure lined up for this year: the previously-canceled Marvel Universe Astonishing Cyclops figure.

I had high enough hopes for this long-delayed 4″ figure that I didn’t mind ordering Cyclops online, but ultimately the Marvel Infinite Series Cyclops figure ended up disappointing me as well…

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Canceled Wolverine Marvel Legends Rogue Prototype For Sale!

X-Men Marvel Legends Rogue Puck Build-A-Figure Canceled Figure Carded Sample

I don’t typically report on ebay auctions, but sometimes something gets posted that makes me really sit up and take notice. Such was the case with the unpackaged sample of the Marvel Legends Phoenix Five Cyclops figure that was posted earlier in the year, and even more so in the case of the latest Marvel Legends holy grail of all holy grails to make its appearance online: a packaged sample of the canceled Wolverine Marvel Legends Rogue figure has turned up for sale online! But if you want this Rogue prototype, you’re going to have to be prepared to shell out at least the cost of three or four Premium Format statues…

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XM Studios Phoenix Statue Photos! (Jean Grey)

Phoenix XM Studios Statue Close-Up

Are the Marvel Sideshow Premium Format Figures just not doing it for you anymore? Have you been yearning for even more scandalously expensive quarter-scale Marvel statues? Well, then I may have just the statue company for you! The Singapore-based XM Studios is perhaps the biggest up-and-comer in the Marvel high-end collectibles world, and at this weekend’s STGCC 2014 (Singapore Toy, Game, and Comic Convention 2014) they’re showing off a near-finished prototype of their newest Marvel Premium Collectibles Statue: Phoenix (Jean Grey)!

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Funko X-Men POP Vinyls Revealed! Cyclops Storm Colossus!

Classic X-Men Funko POP Vinyls

I’m turning 29 today for the fourth time, and Funko is giving me exactly the Marvel toy news birthday present that I would wished for (presuming a new Bowen Designs Marvel contract wasn’t an option): a half-dozen new classic X-Men Funko POP! Vinyls figures are up for order! Astonishingly, the armada of Funko POP Vinyls figures released up until now contained only three X-Men characters among the hundreds and hundreds of different POP Vinyls out there. But come November 2014, the count is about to be tripled…

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Marvel Mashers Iceman & Ghost Rider Figures Released!

Marvel Super Hero Mashers Ghost Rider Figure Packaged

These are dark and troubling times indeed when I drop what I’m doing and race off to Target on a tip that new Marvel Super Hero Masher figures have been released, but such are the times we find ourselves in.

Online stores received the latest case of basic Mashers last month, but physical stores have been way behind and buried in unsellable Hawkeye figures. But finally, the new Marvel Mashers Iceman and Ghost Rider figures have begun hitting retail stores this week!

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X-Men Marvel Legends Cyclops Review & Photos (2014)

X-Men Legends Cyclops Figure Review Hasbro 2014

I’m a self-admitted X-Men fanboy, so I was anticipating this year’s X-Men Marvel Legends 2014 figures even more than the superb Captain America Marvel Legends and Spider-Man Marvel Legends series (not to mention the so-so Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends figures). As a shared Toys R Us/Diamond Previews exclusive, this wave was also more expensive and harder to get than the others. Are they worth your effort and money? I’ll start my reviews with the 2014 Marvel Legends Cyclops figure…

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