LEGO Doctor Strange Set Revealed & Photo! LEGO 76060

It’s taken a lot longer than I expected for the first image of the LEGO Marvel Doctor Strange set to appear. While the set was shown at the UK Toy Fair in January (with photography forbidden), the Sorcerer Supreme was absent entirely at the New York Toy Fair 2016 in February. But it was only a matter of time until the Master of Mysticism made his brick-form presence felt, and the LEGO Doctor Strange 76060 movie set has now been revealed!

UPDATE: Images have been removed from the site as per the request of The LEGO Group.

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Toy Fair 2016: LEGO Marvel Spider-Man Bridge Battle Set!

Toy Fair 2016 LEGO Marvel Ultimate Bridge Battle 76057 Box

Usually I can fit the entire name of a product into the allowed number of characters for an article title, but such is not the case with this year’s single biggest LEGO Marvel Summer 2016 set: the LEGO Marvel Spider-Man Web Warriors Ultimate Bridge Battle 76057 (try saying that three times fast). I gained a new appreciation for the LEGO Doc Ock’s Tentacle Trap set at New York Toy Fair 2016, but even so, that set can’t even approach the sheer coolness of what is almost certainly my favorite LEGO Marvel set yet…

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Summer 2016 LEGO Marvel Sets Photos! Vulture! Scorpion!

Ghost Rider LEGO Minifigure Summer 2016 Set

Traditionally, LEGO doesn’t allow photography of its licensed summer sets until the New York Toy Fair that takes place in February. But some traditions are made to be broken, and at the Nuremberg Toy Fair 2016, TLG is allowing photography of three out of the four summer 2016 LEGO Marvel sets for the very first time! It looks like it’ll be at least a few weeks before we see the Doctor Strange set, but the Spider-Man sets (including Scorpion, Spider-Woman, Kraven, Vulture, Scarlet Spider and more!) are looking mighty fine…

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LEGO Marvel Summer 2016 Sets List! Ghost Rider!

LEGO Marvel Summer 2016 Sets List! (UK Toy Fair 2016)

We’re now less than three weeks away from the biggest United States toy event of the year: the New York Toy Fair 2016!

And while we’ll get to see and take photos of the Summer 2016 LEGO Marvel sets there for the very first time in the U.S., those in the UK already got see the sets debut these weekend–including the first-ever LEGO Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider, Aunt May, Hobgoblin and more!

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LEGO Civil War Crossbones’ Hazard Heist 76050 Set Preview!

LEGO Civil War Crossbones' Hazard Heist 76050 Set Box

Now that the non-movie based LEGO Marvel sets for the winter have had a chance to appear, it’s time to look forward to the trio of sets that will round out the Winter 2016 wave from “Captain America: Civil War”! While there are only three new characters present in these sets, TLG has split them up. And if you want the supposed main antagonist, Crossbones, there’s only one place to get him: the LEGO Crossbones’ Hazard Heist 76050 set!

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2016 LEGO Marvel & DC Sets Released In Stores & Photos!

LEGO Avenjet Space Mission Set Released

I had a thoroughly invigorating New Year’s Eve, full of playing LEGO video games and then getting to bed soon after midnight. Why? Because I wanted to be well-rested, as today is one of my favorite holidays–the first LEGO new release day of the year! And though the Mighty Micros won’t show up for a while, the rest of the Winter 2016 LEGO Marvel (and DC!) sets are now available online and at the LEGO Store!

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LEGO Marvel 2016 Mighty Micros Sets & Minifigures!

2016 LEGO Mighty Micros Marvel Sets Revealed

When the chibi-styled LEGO Star Wars Micro-Fighters first hit stores in 2014, initial reactions to the cutesy take on classic Star Wars vehicles was a bit mixed (to say the least). But the low-priced Micro-Fighters sets found their footing and have become a consistent top-seller for LEGO–so much so that now the style is expanding to other licenses! I imagine that these 2016 LEGO Marvel Mighty Micros sets are going to be a but, uh… controversial… but no one can say they’re not “unique”, that’s for sure!

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2016 LEGO Marvel Civil War Sets Revealed! GIANT-MAN!

2016 LEGO Civil War Sets Revealed

Obviously I went and jinxed myself by making the assertion that this was going to be a slow Marvel toy news week because of the release of Star Wars, because now I’m getting positively slammed with new photos, news and pre-orders for all manner of Marvel toys! And the latest news to leak out continues the trend of early-announced Captain America: Civil War movie toys–this time, in brick form! They won’t be out for a few months yet, but the 2016 LEGO Marvel Civil War sets have now been revealed–including a mega Giant-Man figure!

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LEGO Marvel 2016 Sets Revealed! THANOS Minifigure!

LEGO Marvel 2016 Avenjet Space Mission Box

Seeing as how the calendar claims today is the first day of December 2015, it’s probably time that we heard about the Winter 2016 LEGO Marvel sets, right…? Well, yes and no. While most of LEGO themes’ sets for the new year roll out January 1st, the LEGO Marvel 2016 sets are not among them. We’ll have to wait a while longer for those. Even so, at least we now know a few sets we can look forward to this winter–including the first-ever LEGO Thanos and Captain Marvel minifigures!

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SDCC 2015 Exclusive LEGO Throne of Ultron Set!

SDCC Exclusive LEGO Throne of Ultron Set 2015 203 Pieces

With hype for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie in full swing last July, the SDCC 2013 Exclusive Rocket Raccoon Warbird set became a hot commodity that blew away everyone’s expectations, at one time selling for well over $200 on the afternarket. This year’s exclusive LEGO Marvel box set… is probably going to be a tad less desirable: it’s the just-announced exclusive SDCC 2015 LEGO Throne of Ultron set!

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LEGO Electro Minifigure Polybag Released in Stores!

Pile of LEGO Marvel Electro Minifigure Polybags

Way back in October 2014, LEGO shocked the Marvel collecting world with a totally random, out-of-left-field release of an Amazing Spider-Man 2 Electro minifigure polybag at the LEGO KidsFest event. Marvel collectors have been waiting with bated breath for details on when they could acquire the ASM2 Electro figure ever since. And at long last, more than half a year later, we know–the 5002125 Electro figure has now been released in stores!

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LEGO Marvel Carnage’s SHIELD Sky Attack 76036! Toy Fair 2015!

LEGO Carnage's SHIELD Sky Attack 76036 Box

Though it’s going to take me several more weeks to complete my coverage of each and every new LEGO Summer 2015 set shown at New York Toy Fair 2015 over on my LEGO site, there’s just one more LEGO Marvel set to discuss here! It may be a small and cheap entry in the line, but LEGO Carnage’s SHIELD Sky Attack 76036 is going to be a blockbuster value-priced set!

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Toy Fair 2015: LEGO Rhino & Sandman Team-Up Set!

New York Toy Fair 2015: LEGO Rhino and Sandman Supervillain Team-Up 76037 Box

I had the great honor this morning of beginning the New York Toy Fair 2015 with the LEGO Preview Breakfast Event–two hours in the LEGO booth… with free danishes! Free! Of course, as delicious as the danishes were, that wasn’t the high point of the event. No, the high point was getting to see all of the summer 2015 LEGO Marvel sets in person–including the huge and awesome LEGO Marvel Rhino and Sandman Supervillain Team-Up 76037!

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LEGO Marvel Iron Man vs. Ultron 76029 Released Early!

76029 Iron Man vs. Ultron LEGO Marvel Avengers Age of Ultron Set Box

This past week has been a huge–and expensive–week for Marvel collectors, as the official street date for boatloads of Avengers Age of Ultron toys finally arrived! But while tons of Hasbro Avengers Age of Ultron figures and collectibles have begun to stockpile on the shelves, one brand that hasn’t made its Avengers movie presence known at retail yet is LEGO. But fear not! Though the official release date for the LEGO Avengers Age of Ultron sets isn’t until March 2015, the LEGO Iron Man vs. Ultron 76029 set slipped out early and is now up for order!

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LEGO Hulkbuster Rescue Mission 76031 Set Photos Preview!

LEGO Hulkbuster Rescue Mission 76031 Set

Say what you will about them, but Marvel Studios knows how to get people excited about their upcoming movies. And the way they got folks stoked beyond belief about the Avengers Age of Ultron movie was with a concept drawing of Hulkbuster Iron Man. That’s why it’s no surprise that among the half-dozen LEGO Avengers Age of Ultron sets revealed this week, we find the LEGO Hulkbuster Rescue Mission 76032!

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