Funko Ravagers Dancing Groot Exclusive POP Vinyl Revealed!

Entertainment Earth Exclusive Ravagers Dancing Groot POP Vinyl Figure

The masters of Marvel exclusives are at it again! Even though the hotly-anticipated Funko POP! Vinyls Dancing Groot figure isn’t due to hit stores for a few more weeks, Funko already has the very first exclusive variant of the figure lined up.

This one is definitely a niche exclusive that won’t appeal to everyone, but if you’re a Groot completist, the Funko Ravagers Dancing Groot POP Vinyl exclusive figure is now up for order!

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Funko POP Vinyls Baymax Glow-in-The-Dark Review & Photos

Big Hero 6 Funko POP! Vinyls Baymax Glow-in-the-Dark Review

The buzz surrounding the summer blockbuster hit Guardians of the Galaxy movie hasn’t even had a chance to quiet down, but already it’s time for the next (and last) Marvel movie of 2014: Big Hero 6! I’m not even close to being all-in on Big Hero Six merch until I see the movie, but there was no way I could resist the Amazon exclusive Funko Glow-in-the-Dark Baymax POP! Vinyls figure, which is sure to be another fast sell-out and quick riser on the aftermarket. Is this super-sized Funko POP vinyl balloon man worth your shelf space?

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Marvel Legends Radioactive Man Figure Review & Photos

Marvel Legends Radioactive Man Figure Review

Remember a couple weeks ago when I warned readers not to pay scalper prices for the Target Exclusive Marvel Legends Three-Pack, because eventually there would be plenty to go around? Yeah–that time is now.

I wasn’t planning to pick up the set until it hit clearance, but with a dozen sealed boxes in front of me, I couldn’t resist picking one up to review, starting with my favorite character in the set–Marvel Legends Radioactive Man…

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Marvel Legends Target Three-Pack Released! Radioactive Man!

Marvel Legends Target Three Pack Ms Marvel Captain America Radioactive Man

It’s been a very weird year for Hasbro Marvel Legends collectors. After kicking off the year in grandiose fashion with the Amazing Spider-Man Marvel Legends and Captain America Marvel Legends 2014 series, we got the X-Men Marvel Legends and Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends in July. And, well… that’s it for the 2014 Marvel Legends figures. With one exception: announced at SDCC 2014, the Target Exclusive Marvel Legends three-pack of Marvel Legends Ms. Marvel, Captain America and Radioactive Man has now been released!

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Funko Hikari Dangerous Spider-Man Vinyl Figure Released!

Dangerous Spider-Man Funko Hikari Barnes and Noble Exclusive

Back at San Diego Comic Con 2014, Funko shocked Marvel vinyl collectors’ wallets when they unexpectedly debuted a half-dozen super-sized 8-10″ Funko Hikari Spider-Man figures at the show. But other than the Blaze Spider-Man Hikari going up for order, we haven’t heard a peep about these since summer. At least, not until today! The exclusive Funko Hikari Dangerous Spider-Man figure is now up for order, but the most “dangerous” thing about it may be the price…

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 LEGO Electro Minifigure Polybag Released!

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Electro LEGO Minifigure Polybag 5002125 Promo Close-Up

LEGO Marvel collectors got a highly unexpected–and highly expensive–surprise this weekend when a totally unannounced LEGO Marvel minifigure polybag sold online for $187 after being given out at a LEGO KidsFest event in Virginia.

This minifigure polybag is going to be of major interest to LEGO Marvel completists, because the LEGO 5002125 polybag is currently the only known way to get an Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie Electro LEGO minifigure!

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Funko Blue Stealth Iron Man POP Vinyl Exclusive Revealed!

Funko Blue Stealth Iron Man POP Vinyls Exclusive

When I say that Funko loves exclusives, I really, really mean it. The chances of Funko not releasing or announcing a Funko exclusive of some sort in any given week are about equivocal to the chances of the world ceasing to spin. So another Marvel Funko POP! Vinyl exclusive for Comic Con is nothing to be astonished about. What will catch some people off-guard, however, is that the Funko Blue Stealth Iron Man POP! Vinyl is a 2014 Rhode Island Comic Con exclusive…

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Comikaze Exclusive Funko GITD Storm & Unmasked Captain America!

Funko Comikaze Exclusive Unmasked Captain America POP Vinyl Figure

Funko didn’t get quite as much money from Marvel POP! Vinyls collectors at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 as they would have liked (with Flocked Rocket Raccoon POP Vinyl being the only SDCC 2014 Marvel POP Vinyls exclusive), but they’re making up for missed chances (and dollars!) on the fall 2014 convention circuit. A few weeks back the NYCC 2014 Funko Frost Giant Loki POP Vinyls debuted, and now the Comikaze 2014 exclusives have been announced: Funko POP Vinyls Glow-in-the-Dark Storm and Unmasked Captain America!

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Sideshow Deadpool Sixth Scale Figure Up for Order!

Sideshow Deadpool Sixth Scale Figure

It used to be that you could count on any new Marvel line of toys or collectibles beginning with one of the “go to” headliner characters of Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America or Iron Man.

Things have clearly changed a little bit, as the hottest character at Marvel is a little bit less heroic (and a whole lot more insane!) and Sideshow is planning to capitalize! The Sideshow exclusive Deadpool sixth scale figure is now up for order!

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Funko Black & White Loki POP Vinyls Hot Topic Exclusive!

Funko Loki Black and White POP Vinyls Exclusive Figure Hot Topic

Funko is the king of exclusive toys in 2014. There’s literally no question about it. Funko quite frankly produces more limited exclusives across their POP! Vinyls, Hikari and Mystery Mini figures in a single year than basically every other major toy company out there all put together. And oftentimes, I love Funko exclusives a whole lot more than I do their regular releases. But sometimes, Funko comes up with an exclusive that is just unspeakably lame. Coming this fall, it’s the second black-and-white Loki in under a year–the Hot Topic Exclusive Funko Black & White Loki POP! Vinyl!

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NYCC 2014 Funko Frost Giant Loki POP! Vinyls Exclusives!

Frost Giant Loki Funko POP Vinyls Exclusive NYCC 2014

We’re just under a month away from New York Comic Con 2014 now–but you sure wouldn’t know it from the lack of any major Marvel NYCC 2014 exclusives being announced.

As usual, however, if there’s one company we can count on to deliver exclusives, it’s Funko! Today, Funko officially announced the two Marvel Funko POP! Vinyls Frost Giant Loki NYCC 2014 exclusive figures!

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Sideshow Thor Dark World Premium Format Statue Up for Order!

Sideshow Collectibles Chris Hemsworth Thor The Dark World Head Sculpt for Premium Format Figure

In my eyes, Marvel Studios can just about do no wrong. But if they could do wrong, that wrong would likely be called “Thor The Dark World”. While I didn’t think that “Thor The Dark World” was bad, per se, it was definitely the lowest-quality Marvel Studios movie released thus far. Even so, there are three things I love about “Thor The Dark World” (in this order): Natalie Portman, Loki, and Thor’s new costume. Though I would have preferred the other two, Sideshow has crafted a killer new statue for one of these aspects: the Sideshow Exclusive Thor The Dark World Premium Format Figure goes up for order this week!

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Marvel Unlimited Exclusive Marvel Legends Rocket Raccoon Figure!

Marvel Legends Rocket Raccoon Variant Figure Marvel Unlimited Plus

2014 has been the unofficial Year of Rocket Raccoon, with more Rocket Raccoon figures and toys being released in this year than every other year of Rocket’s 38 years of existent combined. Everything is perfect so long as you want movie-style Rocket Raccoon collectibles–but comic-based Rocket Raccoon toys have been non-existent in 2014. Luckily, Hasbro is stepping up to give us a new Marvel Legends Rocket Raccoon exclusive repaint–but he won’t come cheap…

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Hot Toys Peacemaker Iron Man Exclusive Figure Up for Order!

Exclusive Hot Toys Iron Man Peacemaker Figure with Light-Up Features

I woke up this morning to the most beautiful orange sight that I’ve ever seen in my life. No, it’s not something as disgustingly romantic as the sunrise (and I haven’t been awake early enough for the sunrise in about a decade). The sight I’m talking about is even more breathtaking–at least, from a hopelessly addicted Marvel collector’s point of view. For I awoke today and immediately set my gaze upon the official announcement of the most orange Iron Man armor ever–the MMS 258 Hot Toys Peacemaker Iron Man Summer 2014 exclusive figure is now up for order!

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Marvel Select Electro Figure Exclusive Up for Order!

Marvel Select Electro Figure Released

I spent the months leading up to this year’s Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie lamenting the fact that we were getting so few quality action figures for the movie–particularly in the form of a Marvel Select Amazing Spider-Man 2 Electro figure. But fate has smiled upon me–it turned out that I utterly hated Amazing Spider-Man 2 and wouldn’t want another toy of that movie Electro anyway. But what I would still want is a classic version of Electro, wearing my favorite green-and-yellow spiky mask. And what do you know? Diamond Select Toys read my mind–the Marvel Shop exclusive Marvel Select Electro figure has now been revealed and put up for order!

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