X-Men Marvel Legends 2014 Case Ratios & Release Info

2014 Marvel Legends X-Men Storm Infinite Series Figure Packaged

There’s good news and bad news for Marvel collectors who are getting pumped for this summer’s Hasbro X-Men Marvel Legends Infinite Series with Jubilee Build-A-Figure. The good news is that the series is going to have additional availability beyond Toys R Us, as online retailers and comic book stores will also be taking pre-orders for the 6″ X-Men Legends figures. The bad news is that the case ratios for the series have also been revealed, and two of the figures coming with Jubilee Build-A-Figure parts are in fact shortpacked…

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X-Men Days of Future Past Blu-Ray Set with Magneto Helmet!

X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive Blu-Ray Set with Magneto Helmet

“X-Men: Days of Future Past” may have just hit theaters a few days ago. There’s no release date yet for its DVD/Blu-Ray yet at all, nor any specs or bonus features listings available yet for the movie. But all that means nothing to Amazon, as they’re ready to move in and stake their claim to X-Men movie fans’ dollars! If you ever wanted to be Magneto– well, you still can’t. But you can at least channel your daydreams around a very cool Magneto item: the X-Men Days of Future Past Blu-Ray set with exclusive Magneto Helmet replica is now available for order!

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Exclusives Released & Photos

Toys R Us Exclusive Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Max Dillon & Flashback Spider-Man

If there’s one thing that we’ve learned to count on for each and every Marvel movie that gets released, it’s a corresponding series of Diamond Select Toys’ Marvel Minimates figures! Oftentimes the Minimates series may miss the premiere of the movie it’s tied into, but we’ve grown accustomed to getting movie Minimates without fail (eventually). Toys R Us used to almost always have their own remixed exclusive wave of movie Minimates, but they’ve cut way back in recent years. However, Toys R Us did invest in their own exclusive Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates series, and it has now arrived in stores!

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Marvel Legends X-Men Series Details & Photos

Marvel Legends Stryfe X-Men Jubilee Build-A-Figure Wave Packaged

Last week word broke (fresh from Japan!) that we were getting a quasi-unexpected Marvel Legends X-Men Infinite Series this summer! Sweetening the deal, the long-lost (and much-wanted) first-ever Jubilee Build-A-Figure has been moved from last year’s cancelled Marvel Legends wave to this new X-Men Legends wave!

I was wondering why we hadn’t heard about these figures sooner, though, and now we know why–the X-Men Marvel Legends figures are a Toys R Us exclusive series…

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Funko Metallic Amazing Spider-Man 2 POP Vinyl Exclusive!

Funko Metallic Amazing Spider-Man 2 POP Vinyls Variant Figure Japan Premiere Exclusive

Funko is the uncrowned king of toy exclusives in the modern day collecting world, so it should surprise no one that yet another unannounced Funko Marvel POP! Vinyls figure has now appeared. What may surprise some folks, however, is where, as the latest Marvel Funko POP! Vinyl has turned up only in Japan!

But if you want this exclusive Funko Metallic Amazing Spider-Man 2 POP! Vinyl figure, you may have to not only travel to Japan, but travel back in time as well…

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Funko SDCC 2014 Exclusives Marvel POP Vinyls & Mystery Minis

Funko SDCC 2014 Flocked Rocket Raccoon POP Vinyl Figure

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year, but we’re a scant two months away from San Diego Comic Con 2014, and the march toward the biggest Comic-Con of the year is beginning now in full force! And if there’s one company that knows how to fully exploit collectors at SDCC each year, it’s Funko. This year, Funko will be bringing a soul-crushing 86 exclusives to SDCC 2014, and based on the list of hints Funko has given us, we know at least thirteen of those will be Funko Marvel SDCC 2014 exclusives…

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Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series Starfox & Nebula Figures Leaked!

Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series Starfox Figure SDCC 2014

It’s been a tad slow around here lately, but today we’ve got some news to report from the most bizarre of places: a Chinese auction site! Yes, Taobao, the much-beloved auction site preferred by many sellers with stolen factory products, has uncovered two previously-unannounced possible SDCC 2014 exclusive Hasbro Marvel Universe 2014 Marvel Infinite Series figures: Starfox and Nebula! If your first reaction to those names is “Wait… who?”, read on…

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Marvel Minimates Deadly Foes of Spider-Man Exclusive Set!

Marvel Minimates Carnage Sandman Lizard Doc Ock Deadly Foes Set

At last week’s C2E2 2014, Diamond Select Toys did a surprise reveal of their Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique figure to much fanfare. But while Mystique grabbed all of the headlines and glory, she wasn’t the only new item that DST debuted at C2E2. No, at the show Diamond Select unveiled yet another in a huge string of recents Marvel Minimates announcements–but this one’s a good one! Coming in September 2014–the Deadly Foes of Spider-Man Minimates set! But if you want the first Minimates Carnage in over a decade, there’ll only be one store to get it from…

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Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Revealed & Pre-Order

Marvel Minimates Amazing Spider-Man 2 Figures Green Golbin Gwen Stacy

The announcement floodgates have opened and new Marvel Minimates series are being unveiled one after the next! Following up on the three new Minimates series revealed last week, the next Marvel movie to be released is getting in on the act as well. Though these have been shown previously to press, Diamond Select Toys is now giving collectors everywhere their first official look at the Amazing Spider-Man 2 Minimates Series 56 figures!

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Sideshow Green Hulk Premium Format Statue Photos & Order Info

Green Hulk Premium Format Figure Sideshow Exclusive Edition Extra Head Portrait Sculpt

While the Incredible Hulk is one of the most popular and in-demand characters in the Marvel Universe, not every collector has an extra two grand lying around with which to purchase the original Sideshow Hulk Premium Format Figure statue off the aftermarket. Sideshow Collectibles finally seems to have realized that fact, and is preparing to give Hulk aficionados another crack at a Green Hulk Premium Format Figure this year, as the Sideshow Exclusive Premium Format Hulk statue is up for order as of this afternoon!

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Bowen Designs Classic Beast Statue Up for Order! LE 75!

Bowen Designs Classic Beast Statue Red and Blue Costume

Despite the fact that no new contract has been signed yet with Marvel, Bowen Designs had a highly unexpected ace left up their sleeve: one more Marvel Phase V state that previously had not been solicited! We didn’t know it was coming for certain at all, but tonight the Rocky’s Vault Exclusive Bowen Designs Classic Beast Statue was put up for order… with an insanely low edition size of just 75 pieces produced! If you blinked, you missed one of the shortest-run Bowen sculptures ever!

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Marvel Select Unmasked Captain America Revealed & Photos

Winter Soldier Marvel Select Captain America Unmasked Figure

It’s becoming a bit of a tradition for the Disney Store and Marvel Store to share all of the “easy” Marvel Select repaint exclusives from Diamond Select Toys. From Marvel Select Unmasked Spider-Man to War Machine repainted into Marvel Select Iron Patriot, Disney Store and MarvelStore.com has become the de facto home for minor Marvel Select exclusives. And we can add one more character to the list, as today DST officially announced the Marvel Select Unmasked Captain America figure from “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”!

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Marvel Legends All-New X-Men In-Hand Photos & Impressions

Marvel Legends All-New X-Men Set Toys R Us Exclusive

One of the advantages of living north of Boston is that it’s a short jaunt up to sales tax-free New Hampshire. This pays off for me pretty frequently (shocker: I buy a lot of stuff), and it had the potential to pay off once again today, as I made a quick trip up to a NH Toys R Us with this week’s 20% Off coupon. I had designs on picking up a Marvel Legends All-New X-Men Box Set for a reasonable price, and I had the opportunity to pick from three sets at the store. In the end, though, I decided to pass and save my $71.99. Here’s why…

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Funko Metallic Electro POP Vinyls Exclusive Figure Released!

Metallic Electro Funko POP Vinyls Exclusive Hot Topic Boxed

It’s been over three weeks since the last unannounced Funko Marvel POP! Vinyls exclusive turned up in stores. There was a real possibility that we might end up going a full month without a new Marvel POP! Vinyl variant turning up (oh, the humanity), but that peril has been avoided! Out of the blue (no pun intended), a Hot Topic Exclusive Funko Metallic Electro POP! Vinyls figure from Amazing Spider-Man 2 has shockingly appeared! (Okay, that last pun was intentional…)

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Hot Toys Captain America Golden Age Movie Promo SOLD OUT!

Golden Age Captain America The Winter Soldier Hot Toys MMS 240 Sixth Scale Figure

When we saw the first teaser photo of the Hot Toys Captain America The Winter Soldier 1/6 figures, we found out that Hot Toys had an extra special treat for Captain America collectors who have to have every costume Captain America wears in the Marvel movies: the limited Captain America The Winter Soldier Hot Toys Golden Age Captain America is now up for order! He’s fundamentally similar to the original Hot Toys Captain America The First Avenger MMS, but this time Cap’s got an extra red stripe on his torso–and the first-ever Hot Toys die-cast Captain America shield as an accessory!

UPDATE: The Hot Toys Captain America Golden Age Movie Promo figure sold out in just 12 hours! If you want him, get on the Wait List now.

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