X-Men Marvel Legends 2016 Figures Hi-Res & Packaged Photos!

Marvel Legends X-Men Series Figures Packaged

Yesterday, the most-anticipated wave of Marvel Legends that I can remember ever went up for order: the set of 8 Marvel Legends X-Men Series figures with Juggernaut Build-A-Figure! At the time, Hasbro still hadn’t released clear images of most of the figures in the series. But this afternoon, the hi-res photos of Marvel Legend Deadpool, Phoenix, Rogue, Cable and more finally appeared! And I gotta say: these figures look good

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Marvel Legends X-Men Juggernaut Series Up for Order!

Marvel Legends Phoenix Figure X-Men Series

Heads up, true believers! Hasbro has been teasing us about it for over half a year, but the time has finally arrived for the most talked-about Marvel Legends wave in years: the Marvel Legends X-Men Juggernaut Series is now up for order!

With one of each of eight new 6″ figures and an impressive Juggernaut Build-A-Figure in every case, this hands-down may be the best case of Hasbro Marvel Legends 6″ figures ever released!

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Marvel Legends Juggernaut Build-A-Figure Fully Revealed!

Marvel Legends Juggernaut Build-A-Figure

I don’t think that there’s any contest as far as what’s being the most talked-about and most anticipated Hasbro Marvel Legends 6″ series of 2016–the X-Men wave!

And while Hasbro teased us last week with the first look at the head of the wave’s BAF, in honor of Memorial Day they’re showing us the full toy for the very first time: it’s the X-Men Marvel Legends Juggernaut Build-A-Figure!

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Marvel Legends 2016 X-Men Series Wolverine! Juggernaut!

Wolverine Marvel Legends X-Men Juggernaut Build-A-Figure Series Packaged

I thought it was safe to go out to lunch for an hour today, secure in the assumption that there probably wouldn’t be any important Marvel toy news while I was out in the middle of the day. But you know what they say about “assumptions”, and that proved true again today! This afternoon, Hasbro dropped a bombshell by revealing not only the eighth and final figure in the 2016 Marvel Legends X-Men Series–Wolverine–but they also officially confirmed the long-rumored build-a-figure: Juggernaut!

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Funko Retires 3 Marvel POP Vinyls! Cyclops! Professor X!

Funko Cyclops POP Vinyls Figure

Seeing as how Funko releases eleventy-billion new POP Vinyls figures each year, sometimes old favorites have to go to that big toy factory in the sky. And this week, three Funko Marvel POP Vinyls met their makers! Though they’re still available online for below retail price (for now!), Funko Cyclops and Professor X have now joined Director Coulson and Lola the Flying Car in retirement…

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Kotobukiya Magneto ARTFX+ Statue White Version Review

Kotobukiya X-Men Magneto ARTFX+ Review White Version

I used to find it virtually unthinkable that I would ever prefer any modern costume over Magento’s classic red and purple duds. But then a crazy thing happened: I fell in love with ** Magneto in the Marvel Puzzle Quest game, and white costume Magneto quickly became my favorite costume for him ever. And now, as unlikely as it seemed, the Marvel NOW! white costume has been captured in statue form, and for just over 50 bucks the white Kotobukiya Magneto ARTFX+ Statue is now mine

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Kotobukiya Wolverine ARTFX+ Statue Photos & Order Info!

Wolverine Kotobukiya ARTFX+ Statue Close-Up

At this time last year, I was still whining about how Kotobukiya hadn’t even brought unpainted prototypes of any of their Marvel Now X-Men ARTFX+ statues series to New York Toy Fair 2015. Barely over a year later, and that’s a complaint of the past! Not only did Koto have the entire range of ARTFX+ X-Men statues on display at New York Toy Fair 2016, but with this week’s pre-order, the cycle–and the team–are complete: the Kotobukiya Wolverine ARTFX+ statue is now up for order!

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Toy Fair 2016: Marvel Minimates! X-Men! Netflix Daredevil!

Best of Marvel Minimates 2016 Toy Fair Figures

While it seems I’ve (obviously) fallen a little bit short of my goal of completing my New York Toy Fair 2016 coverage before the end of February, I still want to finish discussing everything shown as quickly as possible. And to further that goal, I’m going to combine all of my many Diamond Select Toys Marvel Minimates photos into one giant preview article today, including new Minimates from Netflix Daredevil & Jessica Jones, Civil War, Giant-Size X-Men, Walgreens Series 2.5 and more!

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Toy Fair 2016: Marvel Legends X-Men Series Photos! Phoenix!

X-Men Marvel Legends 2016 6 Inch Series Toy Fair

We’ve been wondering about the 2016 Marvel Legends X-Men wave ever since it was announced in mid-2015, but now we need wonder no more! At the New York Toy Fair 2016 Hasbro press event today, Hasbro finally revealed the seven figures making up this summer’s X-Men Legends wave–including Phoenix, Kitty Pryde, Iceman, Cable and more!

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Toy Fair 2016: Kotobukiya Wolverine ARTFX+ Statue Photos!

Since Kotobukiya already showed off the official photos of Rogue and put her up for order earlier this week, I had my hopes high that we’d at least get to see an unpainted prototype of the last figure in the Kotobukiya X-Men ARTFX+ statue line at New York Toy Fair 2016 this weekend. Instead, the finished, painted prototype made its debut: the Kotobukiya Wolverine ARTFX+ Statue has now been revealed!

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Kotobukiya X-Men Rogue ARTFX+ Statue Up for Order!

Kotobukiya Rogue ARTFX+ Statue Pre-Order

My, how time flies! It feels like just yesterday, but it was actually almost exactly a year ago to the day that I was lamenting that Kotobukiya didn’t have a single one of their X-Men ARTFX+ statues on display at last year’s Toy Fair.

And now, as I get ready to leave for the New York Toy Fair 2016, the penultimate character in the line has been fully revealed: the Kotobukiya X-Men Rogue ARTFX+ Statue is now up for order!

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Sideshow Dark Phoenix Premium Format Figure Up for Order!

Premium Format Dark Phoenix Statue

When XM Studios released their amazing Phoenix quarter-scale statue last year, collectors took note–and many paid $1,500 and up to own one of the beautiful statues.

Sideshow Collectibles apparently took note as well, and have now lined up a different–but equally impressive–Phoenix of a different color: the Sideshow Exclusive Phoenix Premium Format Statue is now up for order!

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Kotobukiya Rogue Statue Released & Unboxing Photos!

Kotobukiya Rogue Jim Lee Head Close-Up

All good things must come to an end in the collectibles world, and it looks like–at least for now–the beloved Kotobukiya X-Men Danger Room Sessions statues have come to an end. Sadly, it looks like there’s no Beast, Iceman or Jubilee on the horizon anytime soon. But before the end, the long-awaited Kotobukiya Rogue statue is finally shipping out this month! After years in development, did Koto do justice to the beauty of the X-Men’s southern belle?

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Sideshow Sentinel Maquette Final Production Photos!

Sideshow Sentinel Maquette Final Product Photo Head

Pop Quiz! What’s purple and blue, stands thirty-two inches tall, has light-up LED eyes and chest, and is limited to just 750 pieces produced for the entire world? Yep, you guessed right–it’s the Sideshow Collectibles Sentinel Maquette Statue that we last heard an update on way back in 2014! Production certainly wasn’t fast on this beast, but it’s finally complete and shipping out this month! Let’s take a look at the final production photos and see if it was worth the wait…

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Marvel Infinite Series Juggernaut Colossus Review & Photos

Marvel Infinite Series Colossus Juggernaut Review

Over the weekend I posted my review of one of the three “make-good” figures included in the final wave of Hasbro Marvel Infinite Series 3 3/4″ figures: Emma Frost. I was mostly satisfied with that figure of the White Queen, but even so, one of the other Marvel Universe leftovers has stolen Emma’s thunder, in my opinion! I almost didn’t order the Marvel Infinite Series Juggernaut Colossus figure, as I wasn’t sure I needed a toy of this character. I was so, so wrong… this just may be my favorite 4″ Marvel figure of 2015!

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