SDCC 2014 Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Figures Photos!

Marvel Infinite Series 2015 Figures Revealed Sandman

Hasbro waltzed into San Diego Comic Con 2014 this week and really knocked the socks off of Marvel Legends collectors with their previews of the 6″ Marvel Legends 2015 figures lineup. But for fans of the 4″ Marvel Infinite Series figures, things weren’t quite as peachy-keen.

While character selection for the 2015 Marvel Infinite Series is definitely top-notch, the figures themselves that Hasbro has developed are likely to disappoint plenty of collectors…

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SDCC 2014: Kotobukiya Carnage & Rogue Statues Revealed!

SDCC 2014 Marvel Carnage Kotobukiya Statue

San Diego Comic Con 2014 is officially underway, and the reveals are coming at a fast and furious pace–perhaps more so than any year I can remember ever! Though they’re not the biggest company at the convention and may be getting lost in the shuffle just a little bit, Kotobukiya has debuted some major Marvel statues at the show, including a Fine Arts Statue that hadn’t even been teased previously! Coming in 2015–Kotobukiya Maximum Carnage and Rogue Fine Arts Statues!

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Funko Marvel POP! Vinyls July 2014 Retirement List

Funko Marvel POP Vinyls Retired List Summer 2014

All good things must come to an end–and that includes the production runs of some figures in the extensive line of Funko POP! Vinyls figures. While Funko will often keep certain POP Vinyls figures in production for several years, with the crazy number of new characters they’re producing each year, certain figures need to retire–or go out of production–forever. And on this summer’s list of discontinued items, it’s been confirmed that several Marvel POP! Vinyls are going into retirement. Order the retiring Marvel POP Vinyls soon if you’re missing them, because retired Funko POP Vinyls can get very pricey on the aftermarket…

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Kotobukiya Jubilee Bishoujo Statue Photos & Order Info

Kotobukiya Jubilee Bishoujo Statue Close-Up

It’s time to call Hela, because Hel just froze over! For the second time in under a month, I’m excited about a Kotobukiya Marvel Bishoujo statue. Ordinarily I find the statues in this particular line to end up more than a little slutty-looking, but Koto really impressed me with their SDCC 2014 Psylocke Bishoujo exclusive. And now, just a few weeks after unveiling that beauty, Kotobukiya has blown away my expectations with another upcoming release: the Kotobukiya Jubilee Bishoujo statue is now up for order!

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Kotobukiya Brown Costume Wolverine Statue Revealed & Photos!

Kotobukiya Wolverine Brown Costume Fine Arts Statue Revealed

And the hits keep right on coming today! Following up the major pre-orders opening up for the Hot Toys Iron Man Bones Mark XLI figure and the Sideshow Sentinel Maquette, we have a Kotobukiya full reveal that fans have been waiting for literally all year! Kotobukiya meant to display the unpainted prototype of the Kotobukiya Brown Costume Wolverine Fine Arts statue at New York Toy Fair 2014, but snowstorms disagreed with their wishes. Well, it’s taken another five months to get here, but finally, the Kotobukiya Wolverine Brown Costume Fine Arts Statue is now up for order!

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Sideshow Sentinel Statue 32″ Tall Maquette Up for Order!

Sideshow Collectibles Sentinel Statue Maquette

I was pretty lucky during the first ten days of Sideshow Collectibles’ Online Comic Con 2014 event. And by “lucky”, I mean that Sideshow didn’t put up a single item that I was going to be dropping hundreds of dollars on. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending upon your point of view), Sideshow hit the jackpot today with my wallet. Not only did Sideshow put the Hot Toys Bones Iron Man I’ve been lusting after for a year up for sale, but the humongous, long-awaited 32″ Sideshow Sentinel Maquette Statue is now up for order!

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Bowen Designs Mojo Statue Released & Photos! End of an Era?

Bowen Designs Mojo Statue Released Close-Up

And then there were none. I’ve been counting down the remaining Bowen Designs statues left to be released since winter, and to my dismay, no new contract between Marvel and Bowen Designs has been signed despite the dwindling number of Bowen Marvel statues left to be released. And now? Now that number is down to zero.

The era of Marvel Bowen Designs statues may be over–but if it is, Bowen Designs is going out on a high note: the exclusive Bowen Mojo statue has now been released and is available for order online!

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SDCC 2014 Kotobukiya Classic Psylocke Bishoujo Statue Revealed!

Kotobukiya SDCC 2014 Exclusive Classic X-Men Psylocke Bishoujo Statue Revealed

Regular readers know that I’m pretty outspoken about my dislike of the Kotobukiya Bishoujo Marvel statues. I feel that they’re often posed in such a cheesecake way that they’re embarrassing to look at, much less bring into the house where my wife can see them. But Kotobukiya won my first-ever Bishoujo statue sale last year when they released one of my absolute favorite characters, and now they’re going to be removing money from my bank account once more for her variant–the SDCC 2014 Kotobukiya Classic Psylocke Bishoujo statue has now been revealed!

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SDCC 2014 Exclusive Minimates X-Men Days of Future Past Set!

SDCC 2014 Exclusive X-Men Days of Future Past Minimates Set

With a month and a half to go until San Diego Comic-Con 2014, most companies have unveiled the details on their SDCC 2014 exclusives. Today we can add Diamond Select Toys to that list, as they’ve now revealed their Marvel Minimates exclusive set for SDCC 2014: the X-Men Days of Future Past Minimates box set is now up for pre-order! We may not be getting much in the way of X-Men Days of Future Past movie toys, but now we at least have some more comic-based X-Men Days of Future Past figures to look forward to…

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Marvel Legends X-Men Infinite Series BOGO Pre-Order!

X-Men Marvel Legends Storm Pre-Order Toys R Us

Well, here’s something I don’t get to say very often: Toys R Us actually has a great price for something today! Collectors who didn’t want to pay the very high prices for a set of the X-Men Marvel Legends Infinite Series case assortment shipping out to comic book and online stores via Diamond Previews have one other option: to purchase the figures direct from Toys R Us. And to the shock of everyone (or at least me), Toys R Us has now put the whole Marvel Legends X-Men Jubilee Build-A-Figure series up for order… with the best prices around and a BOGO offer!

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X-Men Marvel Legends 2014 Case Ratios & Release Info

2014 Marvel Legends X-Men Storm Infinite Series Figure Packaged

There’s good news and bad news for Marvel collectors who are getting pumped for this summer’s Hasbro X-Men Marvel Legends Infinite Series with Jubilee Build-A-Figure. The good news is that the series is going to have additional availability beyond Toys R Us, as online retailers and comic book stores will also be taking pre-orders for the 6″ X-Men Legends figures. The bad news is that the case ratios for the series have also been revealed, and two of the figures coming with Jubilee Build-A-Figure parts are in fact shortpacked…

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X-Men Days of Future Past Blu-Ray Set with Magneto Helmet!

X-Men Days of Future Past Amazon Exclusive Blu-Ray Set with Magneto Helmet

“X-Men: Days of Future Past” may have just hit theaters a few days ago. There’s no release date yet for its DVD/Blu-Ray yet at all, nor any specs or bonus features listings available yet for the movie. But all that means nothing to Amazon, as they’re ready to move in and stake their claim to X-Men movie fans’ dollars! If you ever wanted to be Magneto– well, you still can’t. But you can at least channel your daydreams around a very cool Magneto item: the X-Men Days of Future Past Blu-Ray set with exclusive Magneto Helmet replica is now available for order!

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Marvel Legends X-Men Series Details & Photos

Marvel Legends Stryfe X-Men Jubilee Build-A-Figure Wave Packaged

Last week word broke (fresh from Japan!) that we were getting a quasi-unexpected Marvel Legends X-Men Infinite Series this summer! Sweetening the deal, the long-lost (and much-wanted) first-ever Jubilee Build-A-Figure has been moved from last year’s cancelled Marvel Legends wave to this new X-Men Legends wave!

I was wondering why we hadn’t heard about these figures sooner, though, and now we know why–the X-Men Marvel Legends figures are a Toys R Us exclusive series…

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X-Men Marvel Legends 2014 Figures Series Revealed w/ Jubilee?!

X-Men Marvel Legends 2014 Figures Jubilee Build-A-Figure Series

Well, this is certainly a first. For what has got to be one of the oddest reveals in Hasbro Marvel Legends action figures history, we’ve learned of a new Marvel Legends 2014 assortment of figures… from a Japanese magazine. No, really.

A hi-res photo has surfaced that gives us the goods on five all-new, never-before-seen X-Men Marvel Legends 2014 figures, as well as what appears to be confirmation that this set will come along with… the long-lost Marvel Legends Jubilee Build-A-Figure!

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Marvel Infinite Series Wave 3 Photos! Cyclops Valkyrie Ant Man!

Avengers Marvel Infinite Series Wave 3 Figures Set Hasbro

A couple weeks back Hasbro let retailers know the contents of this summer’s Marvel Infinite Series Wave 3 assortment so that stores could start taking Marvel Infinite Series 3 figure pre-orders. But while we knew what characters made up the series, we had to give our best guesses as to what the actual figures were going to look like as far as era, costume, and so forth. But now we wait no longer! Hasbro has released hi-res, packaged images of all six figures in Marvel Infinite Series Wave 3, including Valkyrie, Ant Man, Cyclops and more!

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