Marvel Legends Civil War 3-Pack Hi-Res Photos! Spider-Man!

Marvel Legends Civil War Spider-Man Photo Hi-Res

Last week, Hasbro broke the internet with the reveal of the first MCU Spider-Man figure by any company, followed by pre-orders being opened for the Marvel Legends Captain America Civil War 3-Pack containing that movie Spider-Man figure. And by all indications, this has been one of the hottest-selling Marvel Legends multipacks ever–and that’s before we even got clear images of the figures! But the wait for hi-res images is over, as Hasbro sent over gorgeous shots today…

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Civil War Minimates Falcon & Ant-Man Figures Revealed!

Toys R Us Exclusive Ant-Man Minimates Figure

If your goal is to collect the single most comprehensive line of Captain America: Civil War figures, there’s one company that has every other merchandiser beat: Diamond Select Toys!

DST is producing the full rosters of both Team Cap and Team Iron Man–plus several other characters. To fulfill this lofty ambition, some of these Civil War Minimates needed to be exclusive–including the just-revealed Toys R Us exclusive Falcon and Ant-Man Minimates figures!

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Exclusive Funko 75th Anniversary Captain America POP Vinyl!

Exclusive Funko 75th Anniversary Captain America POP Vinyls Figure Revealed

I promise I’m not planning to change the name of this site to “Funko Toy News”, but I gotta talk about what’s new in Marvel toy news… and the last few days, it’s all Funko!

The latest newly-revealed figure will help reinforce Funko’s reputation as “The King of Exclusives”, because it’s yet another exclusive Marvel POP. Coming exclusively to Kohl’s (yes, Kohl’s) this spring, it’s the Funko 75th Anniversary Captain America POP Vinyls figure!

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Kotobukiya Magneto ARTFX+ Statue White Version Review

Kotobukiya X-Men Magneto ARTFX+ Review White Version

I used to find it virtually unthinkable that I would ever prefer any modern costume over Magento’s classic red and purple duds. But then a crazy thing happened: I fell in love with ** Magneto in the Marvel Puzzle Quest game, and white costume Magneto quickly became my favorite costume for him ever. And now, as unlikely as it seemed, the Marvel NOW! white costume has been captured in statue form, and for just over 50 bucks the white Kotobukiya Magneto ARTFX+ Statue is now mine

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Civil War Collector Corps Box Spoilers Review & Unboxing!

Civil War Collector Corps Box Spoilers Review Unboxing

I arrived home this afternoon to find an unexpected arrival on my doorstep: the April 2016 Marvel Collector Corps Civil War box! Maybe I just wasn’t paying attention and missed it the shipping notice, but I was totally caught off-guard to discover this latest Funko Collector Corps box had arrived! And not only did this box look larger and heavier than any Collector Corps box to date–it has more figures in it than any of them as well! What do I think of the box? Read on for my review, full of spoilers and unboxing photos…

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Funko Marvel Collector Corps Women of Power Box!

Marvel Collector Corps Women of Power Captain Marvel

The growing popularity and number of female-centric Marvel comic books over the past several years has been met with a roar of positive approval from fans, with Marvel now having a record-high 20 series with female leads in them! Women are finally getting the limelight they deserve by Marvel Comics–and now, they’re getting their own Funko box! The June 2016 Marvel Collector Corps Women of Power Box is now available for order!

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Hot Toys New Avengers Scarlet Witch Figure Movie Promo!

Hot Toys Movie Promo Scarlet Witch Sixth Scale Figure

It was a little bit of a head-scratcher when Hot Toys debuted the Hot Toys New Avengers Scarlet Witch from the closing seconds of Avengers Age of Ultron at Toy Soul 2015 alongside the upcoming Civil War figures. Since Wanda has a new costume in Captain America: Civil War, this version seemed like a really odd choice. Hot Toys must have decided this was a weird choice as well–because the Hot Toys Scarlet Witch New Avengers figure has now been announced as a limited exclusive!

UPDATE 4/15/2016: The Sideshow Exclusive Movie Promo Scarlet Witch New Avengers figure is now up for order!

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Captain America Civil War Minimates Released! Exclusives!

Toys R Us Exclusive Civil War Minimates Hawkeye Vision Pack

Even with the veritable onslaught of Captain America: Civil War toys that have hit stores in the last few months, I still felt a bit of a void in my life. While on a toy run to Toys R Us today, I realized what it was: Minimates! But just as we’ve come to expect for every MCU movie released each year, a new series of Marvel movie Minimates is now arriving–including the Toys R Us Exclusive Minimates Vision and Hawkeye two-pack!

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Walgreens Exclusive Civil War Mystery Minis & Case Layout!

Walgreens Captain America Civil War Mystery Minis Exclusives Case

Though they got off to a bit of a slow start, Funko Mystery Minis have really taken off and exploded in popularity over the last year. In fact, more Mystery Minis are being released in 2016 than ever before–including a trio of Walgreens Exclusive Civil War Mystery Minis!

Want to know which Mystery Minis Civil War exclusives Walgreens has and where they are in a sealed case layout…? Or where to find each character in a non-exclusive Captain America Civil War Mystery Minis case? Read on!

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GameStop Exclusive Marvel Dorbz! Suit Vision GITD Hulk!

Gamestop Exclusive Dorbz Civil War Vision in Suit Vinyl Figure

Life is tough when you’re a Marvel Funko vinyls figure collector, because you never know when–or where–the next figures in the endless parade of exclusives are going to come from. But the exclusives aren’t just confined to the Marvel POP Vinyls line! We haven’t gotten many store exclusive Marvel Dorbz up until now, but that’s coming to an end: three new Gamestop Exclusive Dorbz are on the way: Glow-in-the-Dark Hulk, Reverse Deadpool and Civil War Vision… in a suit!

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Funko Target Battle Damaged Crossbones POP Vinyl Out!

Target Exclusive Battle Damage Crossbones Funko POP Vinyl

Get ready for more fun times, Marvel Funko POP Vinyls collectors! Though the “official” release date isn’t until later this week, many Target stores have started to put out the Target exclusive Funko Battle Damaged Crossbones POP Vinyls figure!

He’s already getting gobbled up and selling for $20 on the aftermarket, so check your stores religiously if you don’t wanna pay an inflated price for this slightly-battered nefarious villain…

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Marvel Collector Corps Civil War Box POP Vinyls Rumors!

Captain America Civil War Spider-Man with Shield Screenshot

We’re just one month away from the biggest Marvel event of 2016: the release of the Captain America Civil War movie in theaters! But before the film arrives in theaters, the April 2016 Marvel Collector Corps Civil War box will be arriving in our mailboxes! Funko has been unusually quiet as far as hints for the Civil War Collector Corps box go, so let’s round up the rumors and evidence regarding this month’s box…

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Marvel Legends Namor War Machine Mark III Disco Iron Man!

Packaged Marvel Legends Namor Walgreens Exclusive Figure

Fresh off of Hasbro releasing long-awaited official hi-res photos of the Giant-Man series yesterday, we’ve got our first good (totally unofficial) look at a trio of upcoming Marvel Legends exclusives! A scrapper has posted photos of a trio of upcoming exclusive Marvel Legends figures including a non-glam shot for the first time of the Marvel Legends Namor figure–and the Submariner has also brought along the first images of Civil War War Machine Mark III and Disco Iron Man!

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Marvel Legends Kate Bishop Vision Falcon Captain America!

Marvel Legends Sam Wilson Captain America Kate Bishop Hawkeye Vision Pack

And the hits keep right on coming on the Marvel Legends front! Hasbro showed off a number of exclusives to the press at the 2016 Toy Fair, but wouldn’t allow photography at that time. One of those exclusives was a comics-based three-pack including Marvel Legends Kate Bishop Hawkeye, Sam Wilson Captain America and All-New Vision. Well–surprise! That exclusive Marvel Legends 3-Pack has now appeared in a Hong Kong Toys R Us!

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Funko Marvel Collector Corps Founders Gift Statue Review!

Close-Up of Marvel Collector Corps Gold Captain America Statue

Back when Funko announced the Marvel Collector Corps subscription box service in February 2015, they promised Founder’s Program members are special gift on the one-year anniversary of their subscriptions. Time has flown, and the much-discussed Marvel Collector Corps Founder’s Gift has arrived: a gold chrome Captain America statue! If you’re not a Founder, you can nab one of these exclusive statues for under $35 right now… but should you?

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