Funko Black Widow w/ Shield Exclusive POP Vinyl Released!

Funko Black Widow with Shield Gamestop Exclusive POP Released

Oftentimes, Funko manages to whisk out exclusive POP! Vinyl figures with such secrecy and expediency that they arrive in stores before collectors even know of their existence.

But sometimes–not so much. And the latest exclusive is definitely of the latter type. After being discovered in the Gamestop database last spring, the long-awaited exclusive Funko Black Widow with Captain America Shield POP Vinyl is finally available online and in some stores!

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More Walgreens Exclusive Funko POP Vinyls! Iron Spider!

Funko POP Vinyls Iron Spider Spider-Man Walgreens Exclusive

I was totally surprised by the lack of a Funko POP Vinyls Green Goblin in the Villains Marvel Collector Corps subscription box that came out last month, as I figured ol’ Gobby was a shoe-in for a release as a limited exclusive in that box. Well, turns out a Funko Green Goblin is on the way–and he is a limited exclusive! A second series of Walgreens Exclusives has been revealed with Green Goblin, Taskmaster and Iron Spider POP Vinyls!

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Marvel Collector Corps Villains Box October Unboxing Review!

Funko Marvel Collector Corps Villains Box Unboxing

I’m pretty sure that the UPS guy hates my guts for making him walk up the steep hill to our doorstep to deliver packages to me basically every single day of his working life, so I typically pretend I’m not home to avoid him. But today was different, as I knew he had my October 2015 Marvel Collector Corps Villains box, so I literally ran down to get the box myself! Wondering what’s inside? Read on for the unboxing photos, along with my review…

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Marvel Collector Corps Guardians of the Galaxy Box!

Funko Marvel Collector Corp Guardians of the Galaxy Box

If you snoozed on the October 2015 Marvel Collector Corps Villains Box, you lose-d, because as of yesterday, that box is totally sold out and no longer available via the Funko Marvel Collector Corps website! But when one door (mystery box?) closes, another opens up–and in this case, that mystery box will be themed after 2014’s most popular Marvel movie! Coming this winter–the December 2015 Marvel Collector Corps Guardians of the Galaxy box! But the big question is: what’s left to put in it that hasn’t been done before…?

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Exclusive 18″ Hulkbuster Iron Man Titan Hero Figure!

Hulkbuster Titan Hero Walmart Exclusive Figure 18 Inches Tall

The Hasbro Marvel Titan Hero series of value-priced figures got off to a roaring start in 2015, releasing loads of electronic figures, new characters and even characters from the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie. The second half of the year has been a mite slow for the Titan Heroes range, however, with very few new toys hitting shelves (although the Titan Hero Vision is finally getting into decent circulation and Black Widow is rumored). But finally one more big release for 2015 has arrived–and I do mean big! It’s the mega-sized, 18″ Hulkbuster Armor Titan Hero!

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NYCC 2015: Marvel Animated Minimates Series 2 Figures!

Marvle Animated Minimates Taskmaster Iron-Spider Figures

Though I was already running a fever and had mucus pouring out of my nose (isn’t that a lovely picture?) by the time I got to the Minimates panel at New York Comic Con 2015 last Thursday night, I stayed for the entire panel to make sure I didn’t miss anything important. And it’s a good thing I did, because Diamond Select Toys announced an entire series of Minimates that weren’t on display on the actual show floor! Coming in early 2016–the Walgreens exclusive Marvel Minimates Series 2 figures, including Taskmaster, Gamora, Thanos and more!

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NYCC 2015 Exclusive Skottie Young Marvel Pins!

New York Comic Con Exclusive Marvel Pins Packs 2015

What with Marvel being owned by Disney and all, I guess it was inevitable that someday I would end up discussing Marvel pins here on Marvel Toy News. And while I’ll forgo discussing the Funko POP Pins for the moment (there’s really not much to say about them), what I won’t skip discussing is what just may be my favorite New York Comic Con exclusive this year: the NYCC 2015 Skottie Young Marvel Pins!

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Funko Carnage & Anti-Venom POP Vinyls Revealed & Photos!

Carnange Funko POP Vinyl Figure Packaged

Ordinarily, nothing on Earth would stop me from immediately talking about two newly-revealed Marvel Funko POP Vinyls–especially when one of those POPs happens to be among the most-requested characters ever for the line. But as it turns out, my being in the E.R. for 9 hours yesterday falls outside the realm of “ordinary”. Alas. Regardless, two sure-to-be best-sellers have now been revealed: the Funko Carnage and Anti-Venom POP Vinyls!

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Walgreens Marvel Legends Yellow Daredevil Released!

Spider-Man Legends Exclusive Classic Yellow Daredevil Figure

Earlier this week I talked about the arrival of one of the two final 2015 Marvel Legends items: the Target Exclusive Marvel Legends three-pack containing figures of Ultron, Indestructible Hulk and the West Coast Avengers Vision. But that’s not to say that the other final item for this year’s range hasn’t been released recently as well: the Walgreens Exclusive Marvel Legends First Appearance Daredevil figure is also at large! And while he was previously only found online, Classic Yellow Daredevil is starting to show up now in Walgreens stores as well…

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Marvel Legends Vision Target 3-Pack Exclusive Released!

Marvel Legends Avengers Target Exclusive 3-Pack

With Q4 2015 beginning tomorrow, it’s almost time to bid our Hasbro Marvel 2015 collecting adieu. Every full series of 2015 Marvel Legends has now been released at mass retail, with just a few exclusives left as holdouts. Or, at least there were some exclusive holdouts left! The exclusive Target Marvel Legends 3-Pack of Vision, Ultron and Hulk figures has now been released in stores! From a certain point of view…

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Kotobukiya Rampaging Hulk ARTFX+ Statue Review!

Entertainment Earth Exclusive Rampaging Hulk Statue Review

Much like a whole generation of kids who grew up swearing to it that Optimus Prime crumbles to dust in the 1986 Transformers movie, it’s likely that there will be millions of viewers out there in a few years who insist there was a grey Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron. But while that too is a fallacy, Hulk does look a more muted green while under the Scarlet Witch’s spell–and that’s the basis for this Entertainment Earth exclusive Kotobukiya Rampaging Hulk ARTFX+ statue that I like far more than I expected to…

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NYCC 2015 Exclusive Funko Dorbz! Punisher & Stealth IM!

New York Comic Con 2015 Exclusive Dorbz Punisher Iron Man Vinyls

We are now just two weeks away from New York Comic Con 2015, the sold-out ever of the season that will hopefully end the recent lull of new Marvel collectibles being announced (rassum frassum Star Wars)! As usual, there aren’t a whole lot of New York Comic Con exclusive Marvel toys–but there are more than last year. And two of them are from this year’s newly-launched Dorbz line: it’s the NYCC 2015 exclusive Funko Dorbz Stealth Iron Man and Thunderbolts Punisher figures!

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NYCC 2015 Funko Deadpool RED Chimichanga Truck?!

NYCC 2015 Exclusive Funko Deadpool Red Taco Truck POP Vinyls Rides

I love Funko an awful, awful lot. So much so, in fact, that I stood in line at the Toy Tokyo booth at New York Comic Con 2014 in a sort-of-successful attempt to claim the NYCC 2014 Funko exclusives. So I was pretty pumped when Funko announced they’d be attending NYCC themselves for the first time in 2015.

But if there were a prize for lamest NYCC 2015 exclusive, even without knowing all of the other possibilities this year yet, I’m pretty sure the winner would be Funko with the POP! Rides Red Deadpool Chimichanga Truck vinyl set…

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Bandai SH Figuarts Ultron Web Exclusive Figure Up for Order!

Close-Up of Bandai Tamashii Ultron SH Figuarts Figure

Bandai Japan shocked Marvel collectors everywhere over the summer by debuting the prototype of not just their first SH Figuarts Marvel villain figure–but a movie Ultron figure whose quality basically destroys the Marvel Legends Ultron BAF! Fans have been waiting to place their orders since, and now they can–so long as they don’t mind importing from Japan at a marked-up price! The Bandai Tamashii Web Exclusive SH Figuarts Ultron figure is now up for order!

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