Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique Figure Photos

Mystique X-Men Days of Future Past Action Figure

Friday afternoon we got our first look at the Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique figure via the photo that Diamond Select Toys shared of Mystique, but I wanted to see a couple more shots of Mystique from several different angles. Luckily, a friend was in attendance at C2E2 2014 this weekend, and was kind enough to send me a couple more small photos of the X-Men: Days of Future Past Marvel Select Mystique figure for me to give my impressions of…

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Marvel Select Mystique Revealed at C2E2 2014!

Friday afternoon we got our first look at the Marvel Select X-Men Days of Future Past Mystique figure via the photo that Diamond Select Toys shared of Mystique, but I wanted to see a couple more shots of Mystique from several different angles. Luckily, my wife’s friend Sarah was in attendance at C2E2 2014 this weekend, and was kind enough to send me a couple more photos of the X-Men: Days of Future Past Marvel Select Mystique figure for me to give my impressions of…

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Marvel Minimates Series 59 All-New X-Men Figures Revealed!

Marvel Minimates Marvel Now X-Men Wave 59 Series Beast Angel Bobby Drake

I’ve had a tough time getting excited about the last couple series of Marvel Minimates figures revealed by Diamond Select Toys. It’s not because they’re not awesome–they are. But seeing most of the upcoming movie-based Marvel Minimates figures first-hand at New York Toy Fair 2014 in February spoiled me, and it’s hard to muster up enthusiasm when something you’ve already seen is unveiled.

Thankfully, today I got my chance to be genuinely exuberant about new Minimates for the first time in a couple months, as the previously-unnannounced Marvel Minimates Series 59 All-New X-Men wave is now up for pre-order!

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X-Men Days of Future Past Minimates Figures Revealed!

X-Men Days of Future Past Minimates Xavier Mystique Magneto

As crazy as it sounds, we’re just one month away from the X-Men Days of Future Past movie–and up until today, not a single toy has been shown for the movie by any manufacturer. But wait! As usual, swooping in to save the day, it’s Diamond Select Toys! While Hasbro has shown a great big nada as far as X-Men Days of Future Past figures go, Diamond Select Toys has a whole lineup of X-Men Days of Future Past Minimates figures heading our way–including past and future versions of Xavier and Magneto!

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Sideshow Jean Grey Premium Format Statue Photos & Order Info

Sideshow Jean Grey Premium Format Statue Revealed and Photos

I’m an X-Men guy at heart, and “my” iconic X-Men are the Jim Lee X-Men designs that made up the 90’s X-Men squads. It was the 1990’s X-Men cartoon series that really got me hooked on reading superhero comics, and as such, I’m a total mark for any new X-Men collectibles from that era.

So when Sideshow announced their next statue, I was thrilled as an X-Men collector but despairing for my wallet–the exclusive edition of the Sideshow Premium Format Jean Grey statue is now available for order!

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Marvel Infinite Series Wave 3 Figures Announced & Case Ratios!

Marvel Infinite Series 3 Ares Figure Hasbro 2014

Even though many collectors have yet to see a single Marvel Infinite Series 1 figure on shelves (not one of my local stores have even stocked them yet), but Hasbro is going full steam ahead with the Marvel Universe 2014 successor line of figures! Hasbro gave us a glimpse at Marvel Infinite Series 3 figures at the 2014 Toy Fair in February, but today Hasbro allowed pre-orders for Marvel Infinite Series Wave 3 to open, revealing fantastic case ratios and some unreleased figures we thought might be lost forever…

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Bowen Designs Classic Beast Statue Up for Order! LE 75!

Bowen Designs Classic Beast Statue Red and Blue Costume

Despite the fact that no new contract has been signed yet with Marvel, Bowen Designs had a highly unexpected ace left up their sleeve: one more Marvel Phase V state that previously had not been solicited! We didn’t know it was coming for certain at all, but tonight the Rocky’s Vault Exclusive Bowen Designs Classic Beast Statue was put up for order… with an insanely low edition size of just 75 pieces produced! If you blinked, you missed one of the shortest-run Bowen sculptures ever!

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Marvel Legends All-New X-Men In-Hand Photos & Impressions

Marvel Legends All-New X-Men Set Toys R Us Exclusive

One of the advantages of living north of Boston is that it’s a short jaunt up to sales tax-free New Hampshire. This pays off for me pretty frequently (shocker: I buy a lot of stuff), and it had the potential to pay off once again today, as I made a quick trip up to a NH Toys R Us with this week’s 20% Off coupon. I had designs on picking up a Marvel Legends All-New X-Men Box Set for a reasonable price, and I had the opportunity to pick from three sets at the store. In the end, though, I decided to pass and save my $71.99. Here’s why…

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Bowen Designs Spiral Statue Revealed & Images!

Spiral Bowen Designs Statue Revealed 2014 Jason Smith

Just because Bowen Designs hasn’t put a single new statue up for order in 2014 (and may never put another new Marvel statue up for order period if a new licensing contract isn’t signed) doesn’t mean that the sneak peeks of what could be have to cease! Today, Randy Bowen gave sculptor Jason Smith permission to share photos of another spec piece the release of which is contingent upon a new Marvel contract being signed–and it’s a good one! Coming from Bowen Designs in 2014 (maybe)–the Bowen Spiral Statue!

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X-Men Marvel Legends Phoenix Five Cyclops Figure For Sale!

Phoenix Five Cyclops Marvel Legends Prototype Figure

Hasbro has really dropped the ball over the past few years as far as getting Marvel Legends variant figures that they’ve shown off publicly into stores. While there’s still hope for some of these figures (like Bulldozer and Classic Hawkeye) to make it to retail, some of them are lost to us forever. One such figure is the Marvel Legends Phoenix Five Cyclops figure. But although Hasbro has confirmed they’ll never mass-produce this action figure, you still have a chance to own one, as a Wolverine Legends Phoenix Five Cyclops figure prototype has now surfaced for auction this week!

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X-Men #12 Review & Spoilers (Marvel Comic Book – 2014)

X-Men #12 Cover March 2014 Issue Brian Wood

When Brian Wood’s all-female X-Men comic book series launched last year, I was quick to applaud the book as being fresh, fun and on it’s way to being the best X-Men title published by Marvel Comics. To my disappointment, things quickly went astray and a once-promising comic book fizzled into mediocrity. X-Men #12 continues the downward spiral and is unfortunately the worst issue of the series to date…

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Marvel Select Zombie Magneto Figure Announced & Photo!

Marvel Select Zombie Magneto Figure Marvel Zombies

Marvel movie figures have been hogging the Marvel Select spotlight for the past few months, but this summer Diamond Select Toys has an all-new comic book-based Marvel Select action figure coming our way. This isn’t going to be for everyone (and certainly not for the squeamish, non-horror fans like me), but if you’re into the macabre, the Marvel Select Zombie Magneto figure from the Marvel Zombies comics that is now up for order may be right up your alley!

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Bowen Designs X-Force Psylocke Statue Released & Photos!

Bowen Psylocke X-Force Statue LE 400 Statue 2014

The countdown is on, as there are now only two Bowen Designs Marvel statues left to be released until when and if Bowen signs a new licensing contract with Disney/Marvel! The third-last Bowen full-size statue was just released last week, and it’s perhaps the final X-Force statue that will be released by Bowen Designs. Digitally sculpted by Jason Smith, the Bowen X-Force Psylocke statue is now in-stock and available for order–and with an edition size of 400, this one is selling out quickly!

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LEGO Marvel X-Men vs The Sentinel 76022 Photos – Toy Fair 2014

LEGO 76022 X-Men vs The Sentinel Box and Storm Minifigure Toy Fair 2014

The existence of the LEGO Marvel 2014 set featuring a LEGO Sentinel, Blackbird jet, and minifigures of Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops and Magneto is one of LEGO’s worst-kept secrets. Images of prototypes of the set have been circulating for months on various sites (including here), so it was a veritable certainty that the set would be shown at the New York Toy Fair 2014 this weekend. It was. The LEGO X-Men vs. The Sentinel 76022 set is coming in summer 2014!

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Bowen Astonishing X-Men Wolverine Statue Released!

Bowen Designs Astonishing Wolverine Statue with Gambit Statue X-Men

With no Bowen Designs contract extension with Marvel confirmed, Spring and Summer 2014 (and perhaps even beyond that) are going to be a drought for Bowen Marvel statue collectors the likes of which haven’t been seen in years. But before that, we still have a couple months to bask in the glory of the deluge of the final Marvel Bowen statues solicited in 2013. And the latest statue to arrive is the modern incarnation of one of Marvel’s top-tier characters–the Bowen Designs Astonishing Wolverine statue!

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