NYCC 2017: Marvel Samurai Deadpool Hulk Wolverine Figures!

NYCC 2017 Bandai Ogre Hulk Manga Realization Figure

As anticipated, Bandai Tamashii Nations brought along their four previously-solicited Marvel Manga Realization Samurai figures to New York Comic Con 2017 (even the poor Samurai Spider-Man that’s 40% off online). What was not anticipated—at all—however, was that Bandai would be bringing “Approval Pending” designs of five more characters for the Manga Realization line: including Hulk, Wolverine, Deadpool and more!

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NYCC 2017: Kotobukiya Daredevil ARTFX+ Defenders Statues!

Kotobukiya Defenders ARTFX+ Statues NYCC 2017

Kotobukiya has been teasing their next series of 1/10 Marvel ARTFX+ statues all year long, and at San Diego Comic Con 2017 in July they officially announced the new series would be the Defenders. As soon as that was confirmed, I had a hunch who would be leading off the line as the headliner, and it was verified today at NYCC 2017: the Kotobukiya Daredevil ARTFX+ Statue has now been revealed! And hey—it comes in black, too!

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Marvel Gallery Black Panther Netflix Daredevil & Punisher Statues!

DST Black Panther Gallery Statue

Diamond Select Toys has slowly but surely been building one of the largest presences in the modern Marvel statue collecting world, with multiple new resin and PVC statues being released practically every month of 2017. DST is becoming a major player on the statue scene with their low-priced, high-quality releases–and this fall, they made an impact with three more major statues! The Marvel Gallery Civil War Black Panther, Netflix Daredevil and Punisher statues have now all been released! Let’s take a look at the finished products…

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Marvel Select Netflix Daredevil Figure Packaged Photos!

Marvel Select Daredevil Netflix Figure Packaged

While the recently-revealed Planet Hulk figure is drawing most of the Marvel Select headlines, that’s not the only figure in that line heading for a release next month! The long-awaited Marvel Select Netflix Daredevil figure that went up for sale over the summer (the first Netflix-based Marvel Select action figure ever) will finally be hitting stores in October, and Diamond Select Toys shared photos online of the production Daredevil figure and packaging this week!

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REVIEW: SDCC Marvel Legends 12″ Daredevil Exclusive Figure

Close-Up of Marvel Legends Daredevil 12 Inch Figure

For the first time ever, Hasbro opted to go with a Marvel Legends 12″ figure instead of a 3.75″ set as their second SDCC 2017 Marvel Legends exclusive. And moreover, this limited exclusive isn’t some mere variant costume of a previously released character–it’s an all-new figure in by far the more gorgeous packaging ever for one of these sixth scale figures! The Marvel Legends 12″ Daredevil figure is selling online for slightly above his MSRP, and it’s easy to see why: this figure is excellent…

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Gentle Giant Spider-Man Bust & Animated Daredevil Up for Order!

Close-Up of Spider-Man All-New All-Different Bust Gentle Giant

Having been thoroughly buried by the overwhelming amount of Hasbro Marvel Legends news coming out of SDCC 2017, I haven’t quite gotten around to completing my Gentle Giant coverage for event. Luckily, Gentle Giant Ltd. is saving me the trouble of posting SDCC photos by releasing hi-res photos and solicitation info already! Among other new Marvel collectibles, the Gentle Giant Spider-Man Mark IV bust and Animated Daredevil statue are now up for order!

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SDCC 2017 Gentle Giant Marvel Animated Daredevil & Squirrel Girl!

2017 SDCC Gentle Giant Skottie Young Daredevil Squirrel Girl Marvel Animated Babies Statues

I’m sure that tomorrow we’ll be seeing a cornucopia of new Marvel Legends 2018 figures unveiled at the SDCC Hasbro Marvel panel, but in the meantime, other companies get their time in the limelight. And one of those companies is Gentle Giant, who just so happens to produce my absolute favorite Marvel collectibles line: the Skottie Young Marvel Babies statues! And GG brought the goods to SDCC 2017, where they’ve now revealed Marvel Animated Daredevil and Squirrel Girl statues!

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SDCC 2017 Kotobukiya ARTFX+ Defenders & Bishoujo Captain Marvel!

Kotobukiya ARTFX+ Defenders Statues Concept Art SDCC 2017

While Kotobukiya didn’t manage to pack quite as many new Marvel statue reveals into their SDCC 2017 booth as they have in some years, they did throw us a bone in the form of concept art for five upcoming Marvel statues! If you loved the ARTFX+ Avengers, Spider-Man and X-Men series, get ready: the Kotobukiya ARTFX+ Defenders statues series has now been announced! Plus: Carol Danvers returns for a new Bishoujo Captain Marvel!

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Marvel Legends Netflix Series Up for Order & Ragnarok Case Ratios!

Marvel legends Netflix Series Case Ratios

UPDATE 7/10/2017: We’ve been hearing about an August 1st order date for the Marvel Legends Netflix Series since last month, but it looks like that’s no longer true! Cases of the Marvel Knights Legends Man-Thing Series are now up for order online, with the case assortment confirmed that I reported in this article over the weekend!

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Marvel Legends Netflix Series Hi-Res Photos! Blade! Man-Thing!

Blade Marvel Legends 2017 Figure Packaged

Way back at New York Toy Fair 2017 in February, Hasbro showed off finished prototypes of the first four figures from a new “Marvel Knights” Netflix series of 6″ Marvel Legends. Rumors and speculation have run rampant for months regarding what characters would round out these series, but the time for debate is over: the 2017 Marvel Legends Blade, Bullseye and Man-Thing Build-A-Figure have now been revealed!

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Marvel Gallery Daredevil & Premier Captain America Statues!

Diamond Select Toys Daredevil Marvel Gallery Statue

Diamond Select Toys is fast becoming the premiere manufacturer of low-priced, high-quality Marvel statues, and their newest solicitations will add a new pair of statues of two Marvel icons into their various series. For the PVC crowd waiting for a non-Netflix version, the Marvel Gallery Daredevil statue is now up for order! And for those who love their 1/6 resin (like me!), there’s also a new Premier Collection Captain America statue on the way…

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SDCC 2017 Exclusive Marvel Legends Daredevil 12″ Figure!

Packaging for 2017 SDCC Hasbro Exclusive Marvel Legends Daredevil

As part of the deluge of photos of upcoming Marvel Legends exclusives that leaked out a few weeks ago, we got our first look at a previously unannounced 12″ Daredevil figure. At the time, it seemed pretty likely where this specially-packaged DD was going to be released, but we didn’t quite know for certain. But now… we do! Today, Hasbro has officially announced their first Marvel SDCC 2017 Exclusive: Marvel Legends 12″ Daredevil!

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Marvel Select Netflix Daredevil & Spider-Gwen Up for Order!

Marvel Select Spider-Gwen and Netflix Daredevil Figures

If you’re a Diamond Select Toys Marvel collector, the time to run in terror is right now. Because DST is coming for your (yes, specially your) money, with a massive list of new Marvel figures and statues going up for order this month! I’ll talk about the various PVC and resin statues that Diamond Select Toys has lined up a bit later on, but for now let’s focus on the two headliners of this month’s solicitations: the Marvel Select Spider-Gwen and Netflix Daredevil figures are now up for order!

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NECA Daredevil & Doctor Strange 18″ Figures Up for Order!

NECA Doctor Strange Figure Close-Up Benedict Cumberbatch Head

I’m slowly but surely working my way through the last of the photos and new that I compiled while at New York Toy Fair 2017 last month, but there’s one company that definitely wasn’t going to wait for my slow behind to catch up: NECA! In fact, NECA wasn’t waiting for anybody’s news coverage to catch up, because they debuted their two newest Marvel quarter-scale figures at Toy Fair and then had them up for order the very next day: the 18″ NECA Daredevil & Movie Doctor Strange figures are now up for order! (And for the moment, you can use code “RSDEAL17” on EE to get either one for under 85 bucks shipped…)

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Hot Toys Punisher Netflix Sixth Scale Figure Up for Order!

Hot Toys Punisher Sixth Scale Figure Up for Order

Get those wallets ready, Netflix Daredevil fans! After announcing that Netflix Punisher was on the way last summer and then teasing him for the better part of a year, Hot Toys finally made the full reveal of their Punisher sixth scale figure overnight. And while the Punisher isn’t “my guy”, I gotta say–the Jon Bernthal portrait just may be the best likeness Hot Toys has ever done! The Hot Toys Punisher Netflix figure is now up for order!

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