Loot Crate Exclusive Doctor Strange Q-Fig Figure Up for Order!


I quickly fell in love with Loot Crate over two years ago when they had their first major Marvel exclusive: the Glow-in-the-Dark Groot Funko POP Vinyls figure. Just as quickly, I fell out of love and cancelled my subscription when I realized how much junk I was accumulating from mystery boxes I didn’t even enjoy anymore. It’s been a long time, but LootCrate has pulled me back in this month with an awesome exclusive in this month’s box–the Exclusive Doctor Strange Q-Fig Figure is now up for order!

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Sideshow Exclusive Deadpool Heat-Seeker PF Statue Pre-Order!


Earlier today, I posted the official photos and pre-order information for Square-Enix’s Deadpool Play Arts Kai figure, which I knew I was going to hear some grumbles about the pricing of (because PAK are, well… pricey). The price on that item didn’t sting me too much, though, because I had the foreknowledge that a way more expensive Deadpool figure would be going up later in the day–and so it now has! The insanely dynamic Sideshow Exclusive Deadpool Heat-Seeker Premium Format Figure is now up for orderwith a price-tag that’s as crazy as this statue’s aesthetic!

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Funko Wolverine POP Vinyls & Dorbz Up for Order! Logan! Weapon X!


What’s that? You thought Funko was done with all of their Marvel vinyl figure announcements for 2016…? Yeah–so did I! But there was a certain berserker-raging Canuck who was conspicuous by his absence from all of those previous announcements–but he’s sure not absent anymore! Coming our way this winter–three new Funko Wolverine POP Vinyls and three new Wolverine Dorbz are now up for order, including Logan, Weapon X, and even Hot Topic exclusive variants!

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Funko Scarlet Spider & Emma Frost POP Vinyls! Cosmo Dorbz!


Just when I thought I’d be taking a break from talking about any new Marvel POP Vinyls until the Funko X-Men Collector Corps box ships out next month, they go and blindside me with a triad of major new reveals! First up, there’s a Walgreens Exclusive Funko Scarlet Spider POP Vinyl coming our way this winter! And speaking of exclusives: how about the exclusive Funko Emma Frost POP Vinyls figure and the Dorbz Cosmo the Space Dog that are now up for order?! *heart attack*

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Funko Chrome Colossus POP Vinyl Exclusive Released & Review!

Funko Colossus Chrome POP Vinyls Figure Comikaze

It’s been a longer wait than usual to get these convention exclusive Funko POP Vinyls, but the time has finally arrived today: the Glow-in-the-Dark She-Hulk and Chrome Colossus Funko POP Vinyls figures were released today! They’re available both at Stan Lee’s Comikaze 2016 con as well as at local Hot Topic stores, and they’ll set you back a mighty 15 smackers each. But does the POP Chrome Colossus meet my expectations? Read on…

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Sideshow Exclusive Rocket & Groot Premium Format Statues!


Before Sideshow Collectibles blew our minds with their sickeningly cool Carnage and Venom Premium Format Figure prototypes at NYCC 2016, this claimed hundreds of my future dollars when they revealed their Premium Format Groot & Rocket Raccoon statue at SDCC 2016. The only question was when Sideshow was getting my money–and how much. And as it happens, now I know both: the Sideshow Exclusive Groot & Rocket Raccoon Premium Format Figures are now up for order!

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Funko Collector Corps Doctor Strange Box Review Spoilers & Unboxing!

Marvel Collector Corps Doctor Strange Box Review Unboxing Spoilers

It took a little bit longer for this month’s Funko Marvel Collector Corps box to arrive than I’m used to, but finally–the Doctor (Strange) is in! While I’m far, far more hyped for the upcoming X-Men box that’s currently up for order than I am for the Doctor Strange movie coming out next week, that doesn’t mean this Funko Doctor Strange box was a bust. In fact, far from it–this was one of my favorite subscription boxes all-around to-date, exceeding my expectations…

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Funko X-Men Dorbz Exclusives & Chase Figures Revealed!


After weeks of teases and images leaking out unofficially, the big day that X-Men collectors have been waiting for has finally rolled around today: all of the new Funko X-Men POP Vinyls, Dorbz and Mystery Minis figures are now up for order! But while there were spoilers aplenty floating around for this X-Men series, Funko had a few tricks left up their sleeves that we didn’t learn about until today, including Walmart Exclusives and even a Chase Dorbz Emma Frost Diamond Form figure!

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Disney Exclusive Doctor Strange Statue Up for Order! LE 500!


The Disney Store has spoiled Star Wars fans with some very cool lower-priced resin Star Wars statues several times now, but starting this year they’ve been giving Marvel figure collectors some love as well! They released a Civil War Captain America and Iron Man statue in the spring, and now they’re moving on the the next big MCU movie: the Disney Store exclusive light-up 10″ Doctor Strange statue is now up for order, and it’s limited to just 500 pieces worldwide!

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Funko Marvel Collector Corps X-Men Box Announced!


When Funko made a huge deal out of the upcoming expansion of their X-Men toys range–including NYCC Exclusives and all-new packaging for the Dorbz series–I had a feeling the X-Men would finally appear in a certain subscription box sooner than later. And that intuition has borne fruit–the Funko Marvel Collector Corps X-Men Box is now up for order! What exclusives do I think might be in it?

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Exclusive Hot Toys Blue Steel Iron Man Figure Up for Order!


Ever waited so long for a toy after its initial reveal that you almost–almost–think that it’s never coming out at all? Such is the case with the latest Hot Toys Marvel Movie Masterpiece Series figure, which was first revealed at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 (yes, 2014). It’s been a surprisingly long and dubious road, but the Iron Man House Party Protocol is about to get a little bigger: the exclusive Hot Toys Blue Steel Iron Man is now up for order!

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NYCC 2016: Marvel Minimates Figures! Squirrel Girl!

Marvel Minimates Squirrel Girl Figure & Tippy-Toe

Although there weren’t any new Marvel Select figures on display at NYCC 2016, that doesn’t mean that Diamond Select Toys didn’t bring some new Marvel toys to get excited about! In fact, two upcoming waves of Walgreens Exclusive Marvel Animated Minimates figures were on-hand with some characters that I think a lot of fans are going to be pretty stoked about, including modern Scarlet Spider, Anti-Venom, Speed Demon… and the first-ever Minimates Squirrel Girl figure!

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Comikaze Funko Chrome Colossus & GITD She-Hulk POP Vinyls!


It may have only been a week since Funko announced their New York Comic-Con 2016 exclusive POP Vinyls–and another week until we can actually buy them at NYCC 2016–but it’s time for the Hype Train to leave the station again! Comikaze 2016 Exclusive Funko POP Vinyls have now been announced, and they’re easily my favorite Comikaze exclusives ever: Glow-in-the-Dark She Hulk and Chrome Colossus!

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NYCC 2016 POP Vinyls Kitty Pryde & Chef Deadpool Exclusives!


Yesterday I talked about the tremendous trio of Dorbz that Funko has created for New York Comic-Con 2016 next month, but that’s not all that they’ve got lined up for NYCC 2016 on the Marvel front! Two X-Men POP Vinyls figures will also be available at the event, including one long-overdue classic character and one figure that been MIA for long enough to make a whole baby: the 2016 NYCC Funko Kitty Pryde and Chef Deadool POP Vinyls are on the way!

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NYCC 2016 Funko Dorbz X-Men & Thanos Exclusives!


Other than that Target Exclusive Winter Soldier Without Arm POP Vinyl that appeared like lightning a few weeks ago, Funko has been almost eerily quiet about new Marvel exclusives lately.

But it looks like that was just the calm before the storm, because Funko has loads of NYCC Exclusives on the way–including two X-Men Dorbz and a numbered, limited edition Thanos Dorbz XL figure!

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