Funko Civil War Falcon POP Vinyl Review & Photos!

Hot Topic Exclusive Funko Falcon POP Vinyl Review

When it was announced that a Funko Captain America: Civil War Falcon POP Vinyl would be released as a Hot Topic exclusive, fans rejoiced… and simultaneously grumbled, as the Falcon was the only not-dead movie Avenger to not get the POP Vinyls treatment yet. Well, Falcon finally hit stores within the past week, and while I might have been better off paying five bucks more to get him on the aftermarket, I dropped two hours round trip to hunt one down instead…

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Funko Rainbow Deadpool & Superior Spider-Man POP Vinyls!

Mystery Deadpool POP Vinyls Revealed

It’s been a while since I’ve made a post about new Funko POP Vinyls exclusives, but the king of exclusives is back at it again! And this time, we’re getting a “Superior Spider-Man” POP Vinyl and a trio of Rainbow Deadpool figures based off of the “Deadpool Mercs for Money”!

All four are going to be exclusive to Hot Topic (with the Deadpools available online Wednesday night 3/9), but are these variants all that they’re cracked up to be…?

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Toy Fair 2016: Marvel Legends Exclusives Figure List!

Marvel Legends Namor Walgreens Exclusive Figure

Alright, now this is just getting crazy. After the enormous number of 6″ Marvel Legends action figures I talked about in my 2016 Toy Fair Hasbro coverage yesterday, you might think that I’ve already talked about everything that Hasbro had to offer at the event. But you would be wrong–because there’s still a ton of exclusives! Hasbro finally confirmed the home of the Marvel Legends Namor figure they teased us with last year, as well as announcing exclusive Marvel Legends movie Falcon, Bucky, Agent 13 and more!

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Funko Yellow Deadpool & Sepia Agent Carter POP Vinyls!

Funko Yellow Deadpool Amazon Exclusive POP Vinyl

They say that life is cyclical–and it looks like Funko POP! Vinyl collecting may be too! One of my big regrets as a Funko collector is that I never picked up the exclusive yellow-orange Deadpool POP Vinyl that was released a few years ago, and which now sells for well over $100 on the aftermarket. But in their benevolence, Funko is giving collectors another chance at this popular colorway–and Wade’s brought a Peggy Carter variant with him! The online exclusive Funko Yellow Deadpool & Sepia Agent Carter are now up for order!

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Marvel Select Spectacular Spider-Man Figure Revealed!

Marvel Select Spectacular Spider-Man Figure Packaged

I probably own more action figures of Spider-Man than any other Marvel character. In fact, I probably own more Spider-Man action figures than any other character, period. So it isn’t very often that a new Spidey figure goes up for order that I’m really, really excited about. But today, Diamond Select Toys surprised me with just such a figure, as it’s the most comic book-y Spidey around: the Marvel Shop Exclusive Marvel Select Spectacular Spider-Man is now up for order! With the light blue costume and Peter Parker head, this is gonna be my favorite Marvel Select Spidey ever…

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Captain America Civil War Minimates Figures Revealed!

Marvel Minimates Civil War Series 1 Figures Revealed

Almost a full month ago, Diamond Select Toys announced the entire specialty stores lineup when the Marvel Minimates Captain America: Civil War figures series went up for order. At that time, we knew the identities of the figures making up the series, but could only see them in blacked-out silhouette form. But this week, DST did the grand unveiling of the set–and we not only got to see the grand unveiling of the figures we knew about, but also the Toys R Us exclusive Hawkeye and Vision Minimates that we didn’t!

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Funko Civil War POP Vinyls Exclusives Revealed! Falcon!

Hot Topic Exclusive Funko Falcon POP Vinyls Figure

Earlier today I posted the official photos of the upcoming Captain America: Civil War POP Vinyls figures that are due to hit mass retail this spring, but that’s not all that Funko has cooked up for us on the Civil War front! There’s another half-dozen figures that are going to be a wee bit trickier to track down, because they’re going to a variety of retailers as store exclusives! And while five of these figures are just variants of existing characters, the long-awaited and hotly-demanded Funko Falcon POP Vinyls figure is also going to be an exclusive…

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Funko FYE & Bath Time Deadpool Exclusive POP Vinyls!

Funko POP Vinyls Target Exclusive Bath Time Deadpool Figure

A couple weeks back, Funko went and announced a whole plethora of new Deadpool figures for 2016 in honor of the impending Deadpool movie. But if you thought that that was all the love that Funko was planning to give Wade Wilson this winter, you thought wrong! There are at least a half-dozen more Deadpool POP! Vinyls figures in the pipeline (not counting whatever is in the February Collector Corps box), and two of them have started showing up for sale before Funko can even announce them: it’s the exclusive FYE Blue & Bath Time Deadpool POPs!

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Sideshow Exclusive Wolverine 1/6 Scale Figure Up for Order!

Sideshow Exclusive Wolverine Sixth Scale Figure Up for Order

Well, we knew this day would come, and it finally has. After debuting their first three Marvel 1/6th scale figures in July 2014, finally–finally–all three Sideshow Marvel Comics sixth scale figures will have gone up for order as of today.

Deadpool arrived in the fall and Punisher was solicited back in October–and now, the circle is complete! The homicidal-looking Berserker Rage-enthralled Sideshow Exclusive Wolverine Sixth Scale figure is now up for order!

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Amazon Avengers Legends 4-Pack Sale: 50% Off Today!

Amazon Exclusive Marvel Legends 4 Pack Age of Ultron

UPDATE 12/16 2015: If you skipped out on paying full price for this set or even buying it at the Cyber Monday discount of 40% off, it looks like you were smarter than I: the Marvel Legends Avengers Age of Ultron 4-Pack Box Set is now on sale for 50% Off & Free Shipping!

I’m not gonna lie–$40 shipped sounds a lot better than the $80 I paid…! Anyone wait it out for this set and planning to cash in today?

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Guardians of the Galaxy Collector Corps Unboxing Review!

Funko Guardians of the Galaxy Collector Corps Box Unboxing

Returning home from a little bit of late holiday shopping, I discovered what just may constitute a Christmas miracle: UPS had made a Sunday morning delivery of my December 2015 Funko Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Collector Corps Box!

I’d heard some early criticism about the contents of this box, so I was skeptical, but after unboxing the Guardians of the Galaxy box, this turns out to be my favorite Collectors Corps box so far…

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Marvel Collector Corps Deadpool Box Announced! Feb 2016!

Marvel Collector Corps Deadpool Box

It seems like yesterday that I was discussing the Funko Marvel Collector Corps Villains box selling out, but once again another box is gone, as the Guardians of the Galaxy Collector Corps box is now sold out forever and shipping before the holidays this month! But don’t fret too much, because the MCC will continue into 2016 with all-new boxes. And to kick off the year, just in time for Valentine’s Day, everything is coming up Deadpool: the Deadpool Marvel Collector Corps February 2016 box is now up for order!

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Hot Toys Gamma Iron Man Exclusive Up for Order!

Iron Man Gamma Hot Toys Exclusive Figure MMS

As soon as Hot Toys revealed the Striker Iron Man sixth scale figure almost a full year ago, I started counting down the days until they announced its Jade Giant-inspired upgraded armor as a limited exclusive repaint (because let’s face it–there’s no way Hot Toys would skip out on a chance to release an awesome figure with no new tooling). And while 354 days is substantially longer than I expected, the destined time has come at last: the exclusive Hot Toys Gamma Iron Man figure is now up for order!

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Guardians of the Galaxy Collector Corps Teasers & Rumors!

Guardians of the Galaxy Collector Corps Box Size

It seems like only yesterday that I was unboxing my Funko Marvel Collector Corps Villains box at Halloween, but the latest deadline has snuck up on us again: there’s only a week and a half left to order the Guardians of the Galaxy Collector Corps box! And while Funko is remaining as tight-lipped as always with regards to the contents of the December 2015 box, they’ve posted a teaser photo and video that have strengthened the rumors circulating…

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Marvel Legends Rescue Iron Man Figure Review & Photos

Marvel Legends Rescue Figure Review

Yesterday I talked about the Funko Exclusive Black Widow with Shield figure that we had to wait a few months for after announcement, but that’s nothing compared to the wait for the subject of today’s review: Marvel Legends Rescue!

We had to wait almost two and a half years for this figure to arrive, and now Rescue is selling for a crazy $100+ on the aftermarket! But is this 6″ Marvel Legends Rescue figure really worth all the fuss? Read on…

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