Funko Marvel Collector Corps X-Men Box Announced!


When Funko made a huge deal out of the upcoming expansion of their X-Men toys range–including NYCC Exclusives and all-new packaging for the Dorbz series–I had a feeling the X-Men would finally appear in a certain subscription box sooner than later. And that intuition has borne fruit–the Funko Marvel Collector Corps X-Men Box is now up for order! What exclusives do I think might be in it?

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Funko X-Men Mystery Minis Series Revealed & Photos!


For reasons most of us are aware of, the last years have been rather quiet for X-Men toys. But the world, it is a-changin’! The stonewalling of X-Men merch is coming to an end, and the flood of new toys is beginning! Hasbro released a Marvel Legends X-Men set this summer and has another slated for 2017, Kotobukiya has teased more X-Men, and Funko not only has more POP and Dorbz X-Men on the way–a whole Funko X-Men Mystery Minis series has now been revealed!

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Marvel Legends 2017 Figures Official Photos! Shatterstar! Sandman!


Earlier this week, I had the tremendous honor and privilege of being one of the first collectors in the world to see a half-dozen of next year’s 6″ Marvel Legends 2017 figures at the pre-New York Comic Con 2016 Hasbro party (and yes, it was every bit as cool as it sounds). You can check out the dozens and dozens of first-person photos I took at NYCC 2016 here, but if you’ve been waiting for super hi-res official photos from Hasbro, images of four of the six new Marvel Legends figures have now been posted!

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Comikaze Funko Chrome Colossus & GITD She-Hulk POP Vinyls!


It may have only been a week since Funko announced their New York Comic-Con 2016 exclusive POP Vinyls–and another week until we can actually buy them at NYCC 2016–but it’s time for the Hype Train to leave the station again! Comikaze 2016 Exclusive Funko POP Vinyls have now been announced, and they’re easily my favorite Comikaze exclusives ever: Glow-in-the-Dark She Hulk and Chrome Colossus!

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NYCC 2016 POP Vinyls Kitty Pryde & Chef Deadpool Exclusives!


Yesterday I talked about the tremendous trio of Dorbz that Funko has created for New York Comic-Con 2016 next month, but that’s not all that they’ve got lined up for NYCC 2016 on the Marvel front! Two X-Men POP Vinyls figures will also be available at the event, including one long-overdue classic character and one figure that been MIA for long enough to make a whole baby: the 2016 NYCC Funko Kitty Pryde and Chef Deadool POP Vinyls are on the way!

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NYCC 2016 Funko Dorbz X-Men & Thanos Exclusives!


Other than that Target Exclusive Winter Soldier Without Arm POP Vinyl that appeared like lightning a few weeks ago, Funko has been almost eerily quiet about new Marvel exclusives lately.

But it looks like that was just the calm before the storm, because Funko has loads of NYCC Exclusives on the way–including two X-Men Dorbz and a numbered, limited edition Thanos Dorbz XL figure!

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Huge Marvel Legends Sale Online! 40% Off 12″ Figures and More!


With more Hasbro Marvel Legends figures and toys coming out in 2016 than any previous year in history, most collectors weren’t going to be able to afford everything. And that’s why, as we approach the end of 2016, lots of Marvel Legends action figures–including the 12″ figures just officially released last month–are already having their prices drastically cut online! From X-Men to Civil War to Spidey, there’s plenty to love on sale! Read on for the best deals available right now…

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2017 Marvel Legends X-Men 6″ Figures Hi-Res Photos!

Marvel Legends Jim Lee Cyclops Hasbro 2017 Figure

Never let it be said that the good folks over at Hasbro aren’t on the ball and ready to please their fans! The Hasbro Marvel SDCC 2016 panel may have only ended about an hour ago, but Hasbro PR has already sent over hi-res photos of all of the 6″ Marvel Legends 2017 X-Men figures that debuted during the panel! We’ve seen images of the slides announcing them and even some photos from the Hasbro booth, but now we can check out Marvel Legends Sunfire, Cyclops, Warlock, Polaris and more in all their hi-res glory!

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SDCC: Marvel Legends 2017 X-Men! Colossus! Polaris! WARLOCK!

Marvel Legends 2017 Colossus and Jim Lee Cyclops Figures

Hasbro has clearly begun employing telepathic spies to reach into my mind and suss out exactly what my biggest Marvel Legends hopes and dreams are, because at tonight’s Hasbro panel they didn’t just officially announce the X-Men Marvel Legends 2017 wave with Jim Lee Cyclops, Polaris, Sunfire, Colossus and more–they also announced a Marvel Legends Warlock Build-A-Figure!! We’re going to have to wait until next year for our next dose of X-Men Legends, but these figures look well worth the wait!

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SDCC: Marvel Legends 2017 Angela! Kid Nova! DAZZLER!

Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends 2017 Angela Figure

And the Hasbro Marvel Legends SDCC 2016 news keeps right on coming! While I was watching the Marvel Live Stream earlier today while writing another post, what should appear on my screen but the first three Marvel Legends 2017 figures! I was watching the Marvel Live Stream myself and screen-capping these figures as they appeared, so if you borrow my images to share–credit us, please. (Or not. It’s up to you.) Regardless, we got our first look at the goodness coming our way in 2017: Marvel Legends Angela, Disco Dazzler and Sam Alexander Kid Nova!

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X-Men Marvel Legends Rogue 6″ Figure Review & Photos

Hasbro X-Men Legends Rogue Six Inch Figure Close-Up

Not only is this summer’s Hasbro Marvel Legends X-Men figures series momentous for being the first series of X-Men figures in two years, but it’s also the most female-loaded Marvel Legends series ever, with three female characters present in the lineup! I reviewed the very nice Phoenix figure last week, and tonight I’m taking a look at what I hoped would be the definitive version of one of my favorite X-Women: Marvel Legends Rogue!

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X-Men Marvel Legends Cable Review & Photos

Marvel Legends Review Hasbro Cable 6" Figure

I started off my reviews of the 2016 Marvel Legends X-Men figures with a figure that I thought wasn’t getting the limelight it deserved–Phoenix–and today, I’m going to continue with another underrated six-inch figure.

To my surprise, the Marvel Legends Cable figure is still available for order online individually. But it’s not because of any fault of this figure–the X-Men Legends Cable 6″ figure is one of Hasbro’s best figures this year!

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X-Men Marvel Legends Phoenix Review & Photos

Marvel Legends Phoenix Review

When I reached out to readers and asked which of the new X-Men Legends figures I should review first, I expected a cacophony of Deadpool requests–and predictably, there were. But to my surprise, an almost equal number of readers asked to hear about the new Marvel Legends Phoenix figure that’s still available for order online! We’ve had several 6″ Jean Grey figures before–is it worth adding this latest version of the greatest psychic mutant ever in the Marvel Universe to your collections? Read on…

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X-Men Marvel Legends Juggernaut & Iceman In-Hand Photos!

Marvel Legends Juggernaut Build-A-Figure Running

From what I’ve been hearing both from retailers and fellow collectors, it sounds like the X-Men Marvel Legends 2016 Series may be far and away the fastest-selling and hottest Hasbro Marvel Legends series ever. And so, since many fans seem to have an insatiable appetite for hearing more about this wave, today let’s take a look at some in-hand photos and impressions of the new Marvel Legends Iceman and Juggernaut Build-A-Figure…

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Marvel Legends X-Men Series 6″ Figures Up on Amazon!

Marvel Legends Deadpool Figure Packaged

Even though cases of this summer’s Hasbro Marvel Legends X-Men Series of 6″ figures went up for order a couple weeks ago containing all eight figures in the wave and no duplicates, some collectors only want to pick-and-choose some of their favorite X-Men without having to buy a whole case. As such, folks have been asking me pretty much every single day when Amazon would be listing these figures for individual purchase. Well, I finally have the answer so many of you have been waiting for: the X-Men Legends 6″ Series is now up for order on Amazon with free shipping!

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