X-Men Marvel Legends Dazzler Figure Review Warlock Series 

X-Men Legends Dazzler Effects Piece Accessory

At SDCC 2016, Hasbro challenged the boundaries of what many collectors believed it was possible for a toy company to release at mass retail with one action figure announcement: Disco Dazzler. While most people thought that if we ever got a Dazzler figure, it would be some sort of exclusive, that perception was shattered when she was placed in the mass market X-Men Warlock Series. The Marvel Legends Dazzler figure is currently selling for a couple bucks over retail–is she worth the extra dollars?

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Toy Fair 2017 DST Marvel Statues: Thor! Psylocke! Spider-Gwen!

Toy Fair 2017 Marvel Premier Collection Psylocke Statue

UPDATE 3/24/2017: The Diamond Select Toys Marvel Premier Collection Psylocke statue is now up for order!

Getting $15 off and free shipping for placing a pre-order now made ordering this 12″ Psylocke statue a no-brainer day one pre-order for me!

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Mezco Marvel ONE:12 Collective Wolverine Figure Up for Order!

Wolverine ONE 12 Collective Figure Up for Order

Another week, another ONE:12 Collective Wolverine figure! Mezco Toyz shocked collectors last week when they unleashed pre-orders for an Old Man Logan ONE:12 Collective figure that hadn’t been shown or even announced at New York Toy Fair 2017 last month, but this week they’re back with the version of Wolverine that we actually were expecting: The Mezco ONE:12 Collective Wolverine figure is now up for order! And because this figure received some criticism from its Toy Fair appearances, it’s undergone a change for the better…

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2017 Marvel Legends Colossus Review X-Men Warlock Series

Marvel Legends X-Men Warlock Series Colossus Review

Superhero costumes being continuously redesigned is a fact of life in the comic book world that readers have long been accustomed to. But some new interpretations really throw you for a loop nonetheless, as was the case with me and and lumberjack-looking, bearded Colossus. Over the course of a year the look finally grew on me–just in time for the beard to be shaved off in the latest comics! But hey, at least we’ll always have this new Hasbro X-Men Marvel Legends Colossus figure, right?

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2017 X-Men Marvel Legends Cyclops Jim Lee Figure Review

Close-Up of Jim Lee Cyclops Marvel Legends Head Warlock Series

If there was one figure that I was all but certain I’d be awarding an ‘A+’ to as soon as it was revealed at San Diego Comic-Con 2016 last year, it’s the 2017 Marvel Legends Jim Lee Cyclops 6″ figure. And predictably, the one-per-case Cyclops figure is selling for crazy amounts online after arriving in limited quantities last month. But is the Cyclops Marvel Legends X-Men Warlock Series figure really all it’s cracked up to be? Well… not exactly…

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Toy Fair 2017: Play Arts Kai Magneto & Doctor Strange Revealed!

2017 Toy Fair Magneto Play Arts Kai Close-Up

Every time I think that the Marvel Play Arts Kai Variant figure line is over and Square-Enix is done taking my money, they pull me back in! I really, truly thought that the Play Arts Kai Deadpool and Wolverine figures that went up for sale since last summer were the end of Marvel PAK, but it looks like the line has some life left in it! At New York Toy Fair 2017 last month, I was lucky enough to see the Marvel Play Arts Kai Magneto and Doctor Strange figures revealed in-person!

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X-Men Marvel Legends Old Man Logan Figure Review & Photos

Marvel Legends Old Man Logan Review 2017 X-Men

If there’s one character I never expected to see make a comeback in the modern universe, it’s the alternate future version of Wolverine: Old Man Logan. But come back Logan has, and his place in the pantheon of beloved Marvel characters is now complete as far as Hasbro is concerned, because Old Man Logan has earned himself his first-ever 6″ Marvel Legends figure! This whole wave isn’t expected to hit most retailers for another month, but Target got an early shipment and you can also snag Marvel Legends Old Man Logan for about 25 bucks on ebay. If you can get one early, I recommend it–this is one of my favorite Wolverine figures ever…

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Exclusive Funko Dorbz Iron Fist & Iceman POP Vinyl Up for Order!

Funko Specialty Series Vinyls June 2017

Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that last month, even though the Specialty Series Exclusive Funko Iceman POP Vinyls figure was announced, it never actually ended up being listed for sale by most online retailers. But patience has paid off for X-Men fans–the Funko POP Iceman figure is now up for order! And he’s brought along another exclusive friend, too: Dorbz Iron Fist!

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Marvel Legends X-Men 2017 Warlock Series Figures Released Early!

Marvel Legends Cyclops 2017 Figure Released

While the staff and photographers of the biggest Marvel toy news sites across the world (and me) were all congregating in New York City last weekend for New York Toy Fair 2017, a pretty crazy thing happened–and I mean crazy. Even though Hasbro still hasn’t allowed online retailers to even begin taking orders for this year’s X-Men Marvel Legends 2017 Warlock Series figures, the figures physically appeared (and disappeared) on store shelves at Target stores across the country–and shortly thereafter began flooding ebay at inflated prices…

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Toy Fair: Marvel Legends Dark Phoenix & Cyclops Two-Pack!

New York Toy Fair 2017 Marvel Legends Dark Phoenix Figure

Just when you thought that there was no possible way that Hasbro could possibly have a single more Marvel Legends figure to reveal at New York Toy Fair 2017, they go and send out promotional images of two exclusive figures that weren’t allowed to be photographed at the show yesterday! While there’s no news on a future Marvel Legends X-Men series at this time, we can console ourselves with this exclusive Marvel Legends Dark Phoenix & Cyclops two-pack!

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Skottie Young Marvel Animated Magneto Statue Up for Order!

Marvel Animated Magneto Statue Skottie Young

Ever since San Diego Comic-Con 2016, one Gentle Giant Marvel Animated statue (based off of the Skottie Young Marvel Babies artwork) has been missing in action. But after seven months, we can take the Master of Magnetism’s face off of the non-existent milk cartons, because the first X-Men related character in the line has arrived: the Gentle Giant Marvel Animated Magneto statue is now up for order!

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Funko Juggernaut POP Vinyls Figure Revealed! Walgreens Exclusive!

Funko Juggernaut POP Vinyls Figure Walgreens Exclusive

When the Funko Iceman POP Vinyl figure was revealed last week as a Specialty Series exclusive, that left just one Funko Dorbz X-Men figure without a POP Vinyls counterpart… until now! After debuting in vinyl figure form at New York Comic Con 2016 as a Dorbz, Juggernaut is finally going to get his due as an unstoppable exclusive–it’s the Walgreens Exclusive Funko Juggernaut POP Vinyls figure!

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Funko Iceman POP Vinyl Revealed! Specialty Series Exclusive!

Funko POP Iceman Specialty Series Exclusive Vinyl Figure Box

Way back in summer 2016, Funko released their first-ever Iceman vinyl figure as part of a SDCC 2016 Exclusive Dorbz X-Men 3-Pack. Following that up, the Hot Topic exclusive Iceman Mystery Minis figure arrived at retail this winter (an appropriate season for Iceman to be released). We’ve been wondering since last summer when and where we’d finally get an official Funko Iceman POP Vinyl figure, but now we wait no more: the Specialty Series Iceman POP figure has now been announced!

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Marvel Gallery Phoenix Statue & Marvel Premier Classic Iron Man!

Diamond Select Toys Phoenix Statue Marvel Gallery Close-Up

It’s been a good month for the Phoenix! Not only is the Sideshow Dark Phoenix Premium Format Figure now arriving at collectors’ doors (and looking gorgeous), but now Jean Grey has been revealed as the next release in DST’s bargain-priced statue line: the Marvel Gallery Phoenix statue is now up for order! But prolific as ever, that’s not the only Marvel statue Diamond Select Toys has lined up this month: a resin Classic Iron Man is deploying as well…

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Square-Enix Wolverine Play Arts Kai Figure Finally Up for Order!

Marvel Play Arts Kai Wolverine Figure Up for Order

Have you ever waited so long from when a figure was fully revealed to when it was available for order that when it actually did go up for sale, you thought you’d ordered it months ago…? Yeah–that’s how I feel about the Marvel Play Arts Kai Wolverine figure, which I could have swore I ordered at least 3 months ago. But I did not–at least, not then. That said–the Wolverine Play Arts Kai figure is now up for order–and this time, I really and truly have placed an order for him…

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