Sideshow Exclusive Spider-Gwen Statue Up for Order!

Sideshow Spider-Verse Spider-Gwen Statue Poster

It’s pretty much beyond question that Deadpool has been the hottest character at Marvel for the past couple years. But if there’s a modern comics character who can even approach the Merc with a Mouth in popularity, it’s the sensational Spider-Gwen! It was only a matter of “when”, not “if”, Sideshow Collectibles would get around to their own Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman. And now, we know exactly when we can order her—the Sideshow EXCLUSIVE Spider-Gwen statue is now up for order!

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive 3A Snow Strike Black Widow Figure!

NYCC 2017 Exclusive Snow Strike Black Widow Figure

With New York Comic Con 2017 just two days away (I’m leaving for NYC tomorrow so that I can start coverage bright and early Thursday morning, by the way), you might have thought that we were done seeing major companies announce exclusives for the show (I sure did). But it looks like there was one company left with a rabbit (or spider) in its hat: ThreeA Toys! For the first time ever, 3A Toys will have a NYCC Exclusive Marvel figure: the just-revealed 3A Snow Strike Black Widow figure!

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NYCC 2017 Toys R Us Exclusives: Groot POP & Fan Girls Dolls!

NYCC 2017 Toys R Us Exclusives Marvel

I’ve been to New York Comic Con every year since, well… ever… and I can’t recall Toys R Us ever having a booth at the show—much less exclusives. But I suppose there’s a first time for everything, and that time is now! With just one week to go to NYCC 2017, Toys R Us has announced an exclusive line of Marvel Fan Girls dolls to accompany their Funko Baby Groot with Button POP Vinyl, Armored Black Panther Tsum Tsum and 12″ Lockjaw Plush to the show!

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Disney Parks Exclusive Funko Gold Collector POP Vinyl Released!

Funko Golden Collector POP Vinyl Figure Disney Parks Exclusive

When you’re the King of Exclusives like Funko is, you don’t settle for having merely store exclusives, subscription box exclusives and convention exclusives–sometimes you need to have Disney Park Exclusives as well! The Disney Parks have had the Yeti, Orange Bird, Haunted Mansion Ghost and more in recent history, but now they’ve got their first Marvel exclusive: the Gold Collector POP Vinyl was released this weekend (and appeared on eBay shortly thereafter)!

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Marvel Minimates Toys R Us Series 24 Released & Photos! Gwenpool!

Marvel Minimates Scarlet Spider & Carrion Figures

It’s extremely rare that I can experience the pure joy that is finding Marvel figures in a store that I didn’t even know existed, but that’s just what happened this weekend, when I stumbled across the newest wave of exclusive Minimates! The Toys R Us Marvel Minimates Series 24 figures are now in stores, including Gwenpool, classic Scarlet Spider, the Collector and more!

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REVIEW: Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Statues & Infinity Gems 

Comic books and fighting games are two of the seven great loves of my life, so when Capcom started making arcade games featuring the X-Men and various Marvel Superheroes a few decades back, I was hooked for life. And when a $200 Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Collector’s Edition went up for sale earlier this year with four statues and a set of Infinity Gems included, well… cue that “Take my Money” meme. The big day came this week and the box set arrived… but not everything is quite as advertised…

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive Funko POP Vinyls! Old Man Logan!

As the weeks on the calendar tick down toward the last major convention of the year, more and more New York Comic Con 2017 exclusives have been revealed. And today, the King of Exclusives themselves staked their claim to the top spot at the con by announcing their own half-dozen Marvel exclusives: the NYCC 2017 Exclusive Funko POP Old Man Logan, Grandmaster, James Gunn (?!!) and more have now been revealed!

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive Kotobukiya Winter Gear Spider-Man ARTFX+!

Spider-Man Winter Gear Kotobukiya NYCC 2017 Exclusive ARTFX Statue

Remember that one legendary issue of the Amazing Spider-Man (#615) that came out way back in 2009, wherein Spidey briefly wore earmuffs and a hat and scarf…? Yeah–neither do I. But Kotobukiya sure does, apparently, and in honor of that 8-year old issue, they’re bringing us what just may be the most bizarre Koto exclusive figure/statue ever made: the NYCC 2017 Exclusive Kotobukiya Spider-Man Winter Gear ARTFX+ statue!

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REVIEW: Hascon Marvel Legends X-Force Deadpool 6″ Figure!

Review Hascon Deadpool X-Force Marvel Legends 6" Figure

Although I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from HasCon when it was first announced, the inaugural event turned out to be one of the more unique and focused conventions that I’ve attended. A con where the unifying element is programming and displays of most of my favorite toy brands ever? Sign me up. But even more than the reveals at the show, I was excited to come home with the HasCon Exclusive Marvel Legends X-Force Deadpool. He’s selling for $50+ on the aftermarket and goes up for order on HTS a week from today–should you get one?

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Exclusive Marvel Select Planet Hulk Figure Up for Order!

Marvel Select Planet Hulk Figure Packaged

While leaks have become like a plague for other lines of Marvel toys, Diamond Select Toys is holding strong to their crown as the King of Surprise Marvel Figure Releases! There’s basically no other company in the land that manages to keep secrets as well as DST does right up until new figures go up for sale. And today’s surprise new release is a big one in both size and popularity–the Disney Store EXCLUSIVE Marvel Select Planet Hulk figure is now up for order! All those new Ragnarok Gladiator Hulk figures out there are about to have a serious contender for their crown…!

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HasCon: Marvel Legends Shuri! Paladin! King Cobra! Thanos!

Marvel Legends Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet Walmart Exclusive

I posted earlier today about the megaton lineup of the first half of the 2018 X-Men Marvel Legends Apocalypse series, as well as the new Spider-Woman, but that’s far from all Hasbro had up their sleeves at the HasCon panel tonight! In addition, we saw the debuts of Marvel Legends Shuri, King Cobra, Invincible Iron Man, Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet, Paladin and more! I stopped by the Hasbro booth one last time tonight to snap photos of them all up-close…

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Classic Red Skull!

Fall 2017 Exclusive Mezco ONE 12 Collective Classic Red Skull Figure with Cosmic Cube

Mezco Toyz showed off a ton of Marvel ONE:12 Collective figures last year at SDCC 2016, and since then, every single one of them has gone up for order… sans one. But just in case you might have thought Mezco had forgotten all about ol’ Classic Red Skull, think again! It turns out he’s a limited exclusive (as this one absolutely should be): the NYCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Red Skull figure is now up for order!

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Yellow Wolverine Figure!

ONE 12 Collective Jim Lee Wolverine Figure and Accessories NYCC 2017 Exclusive

The inaugural HasCon is being held later this week, where the exclusive Marvel Legends X-Force Deadpool figure will be available. I’m getting my bags packed, but already, we’ve got word of the first major exclusive Marvel toy coming to New York Comic Con 2017 next month! While I wasn’t anticipating any more Marvel ONE:12 Collective con exclusives this year after there were two for SDCC (and zero DC ones there), Mezco Toyz evidently had a huge one in mind: the ONE:12 Collective Jim Lee Wolverine has now been revealed!

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Funko POP Ghost Rider & Motorcycle Exclusives Up for Order!

PX Exclusive Funko POP Vinyls Ghost Rider on Motorcycle Sets

It was a bit quiet on the Marvel toy news front this week because of a little event called “Force Friday II” that some of you might have heard of, but Funko had one new Marvel POP up their sleeve for this week–and it’s a set that collectors have been asking for for literally years! Almost unquestionably the most requested Marvel POP Rides ever, the exclusive Funko Ghost Rider on Motorcycle POP Vinyl is now available for order–in both regular and glow-in-the-dark editions!

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