ONE:12 Collective Defenders Doctor Strange Exclusive Figure!

Previews Exclusive Doctor Strange ONE 12 Collective Modern Variant Figure

From Captain America to the Red Skull, every single character released as part of the Marvel Comics ONE:12 Collective Figures series has come in at least two different flavors. And so, even though he’s a character who really only has one iconic look, I don’t think there’s anyone who wasn’t expecting to see a variant of the Master of Mysticism appear. And though we’ve had to wait 8 months for it, it’s finally been announced: the Exclusive Defenders Doctor Strange ONE:12 Collective Figure is now up for order!

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive 3A Snow Strike Black Widow Figure!

NYCC 2017 Exclusive Snow Strike Black Widow Figure

With New York Comic Con 2017 just two days away (I’m leaving for NYC tomorrow so that I can start coverage bright and early Thursday morning, by the way), you might have thought that we were done seeing major companies announce exclusives for the show (I sure did). But it looks like there was one company left with a rabbit (or spider) in its hat: ThreeA Toys! For the first time ever, 3A Toys will have a NYCC Exclusive Marvel figure: the just-revealed 3A Snow Strike Black Widow figure!

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Marvel Gallery Black Panther Netflix Daredevil & Punisher Statues!

DST Black Panther Gallery Statue

Diamond Select Toys has slowly but surely been building one of the largest presences in the modern Marvel statue collecting world, with multiple new resin and PVC statues being released practically every month of 2017. DST is becoming a major player on the statue scene with their low-priced, high-quality releases–and this fall, they made an impact with three more major statues! The Marvel Gallery Civil War Black Panther, Netflix Daredevil and Punisher statues have now all been released! Let’s take a look at the finished products…

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SH Figuarts Iron Man Mark 4 & Samurai War Machine Up for Order! 

SH Figuarts Iron Man Mark 4 Figure Eating Donuts with Sunglasses

From the company who brought you Iron Man Mark II, Mark III, Mark V, Mark VI, Mark VII… and many many more Marks… here comes the numbering sequence gap-filling Iron Man Mark IV! To the shock of no one anywhere, Bandai Tamashii is releasing an S.H. Figuarts Iron Man Mark IV, which is now up for order in the US! But he won’t be arriving alone next year—Samurai War Machine (you read that right) is on the way as well!

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NYCC 2017 Toys R Us Exclusives: Groot POP & Fan Girls Dolls!

NYCC 2017 Toys R Us Exclusives Marvel

I’ve been to New York Comic Con every year since, well… ever… and I can’t recall Toys R Us ever having a booth at the show—much less exclusives. But I suppose there’s a first time for everything, and that time is now! With just one week to go to NYCC 2017, Toys R Us has announced an exclusive line of Marvel Fan Girls dolls to accompany their Funko Baby Groot with Button POP Vinyl, Armored Black Panther Tsum Tsum and 12″ Lockjaw Plush to the show!

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REVIEW: Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Statues & Infinity Gems 

Comic books and fighting games are two of the seven great loves of my life, so when Capcom started making arcade games featuring the X-Men and various Marvel Superheroes a few decades back, I was hooked for life. And when a $200 Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Collector’s Edition went up for sale earlier this year with four statues and a set of Infinity Gems included, well… cue that “Take my Money” meme. The big day came this week and the box set arrived… but not everything is quite as advertised…

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Marvel Premier Collection Deadpool Statue Up for Order!

DST Marvel Premier Deadpool Statue

Diamond Select Toys has been spoiling us rotten opening up pre-orders for a multitude of new Marvel statues each month during the summer, but we’re going to have to make do with just a singular new statue in the latest round of solicitations. Luckily, this is one that I think is going to be on a lot of collector’s wish lists, even if it’s not exactly an under-merchandised character: the resin 12″ DST Marvel Premier Collection Deadpool statue is now up for order!

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Iron Studios Juggernaut vs. Wolverine Statue Up for Order!

Iron Studios Juggernaut vs Wolverine Statue

Of all the statues that made their grand debuts at San Diego Comic Con 2017, the one that caught me most by surprise–in a very good way–was Iron Studios’ newest addition to their Marvel Comics Battle Diorama series. And now , that same statue is taking me by surprise once again with a very unexpected pre-order: the Iron Studios Wolverine vs Juggernaut statue is now up for order!

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HasCon: Marvel Legends Shuri! Paladin! King Cobra! Thanos!

Marvel Legends Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet Walmart Exclusive

I posted earlier today about the megaton lineup of the first half of the 2018 X-Men Marvel Legends Apocalypse series, as well as the new Spider-Woman, but that’s far from all Hasbro had up their sleeves at the HasCon panel tonight! In addition, we saw the debuts of Marvel Legends Shuri, King Cobra, Invincible Iron Man, Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet, Paladin and more! I stopped by the Hasbro booth one last time tonight to snap photos of them all up-close…

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive Marvel Gallery Astral Doctor Strange Statue!

NYCC 2017 Exclusive Marvel Gallery Astral Form Doctor Strange Figure Announced

It’s the night before HasCon, but while we all wait to buy our X-Force Deadpool Marvel Legends figures tomorrow, news of New York Comic Con 2017 exclusives continues to drizzle in! And today, we got a really unexpected surprise from Diamond Select Toys–the first NYCC Exclusive Marvel statue that I can remember since, well… ever! Coming to NYCC 2017 next month, it’s the crazy-limited Marvel Gallery Astral Form Doctor Strange statue!

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NECA Life-Size Iron Man Foam Figure Revealed! Photos & Order Info!

NECA Life Size Iron Man Civil War Armor Foam Figure

I’m about to head out the door and head down to Providence for HasCon 2017, but I just had to finish writing up a quick article to post before leaving. If you thought every conceivable figure of Iron Man that could possibly be released based on his Civil War armor had already been released, you thought wrong. Coming soon from NECA–the Captain America Civil War Iron Man Life-Size Foam figure is now up for order! “Weird” does not begin to describe this toy…

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Classic Red Skull!

Fall 2017 Exclusive Mezco ONE 12 Collective Classic Red Skull Figure with Cosmic Cube

Mezco Toyz showed off a ton of Marvel ONE:12 Collective figures last year at SDCC 2016, and since then, every single one of them has gone up for order… sans one. But just in case you might have thought Mezco had forgotten all about ol’ Classic Red Skull, think again! It turns out he’s a limited exclusive (as this one absolutely should be): the NYCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Red Skull figure is now up for order!

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Iron Studios Wolverine & Weapon X Statues Up for Order!

Close-Up of Iron Studios Unmasked Wolverine Logan Head

Wolverine is dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. Whether killed via being suffocated in liquid adamantium or impaled on a tree by a clone of his own younger self, Wolverine is dead. Even so, Logan remains among the most popular characters in the Marvel pantheon, with plenty of new collectibles coming our way in the coming months. Mezco and Hasbro both have classic Wolverine 6″ figures arriving this fall, and now Iron Studios is falling on the high-end front with two new statues: Iron Studios Wolverine and Weapon X statues are now up for order!

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Marvel Premier Collection Thanos Statue Released & Photos!

Diamond Select Toys Marvel Premier Collection Thanos Statue Review

As we approach Thanos’s arrival next year as the supreme boss villain of the current Marvel Cinematic Universe in “Avengers: Infinity War”, pretty much every major high-end Marvel collectibles company has their own recent Thanos statue on the market. But of all the ones that have been up for sale lately, only one of them is a purely classic Thanos resin statue that retails for under 150 bucks–the DST Marvel Premier Collection Thanos statue is now released and shipping!

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NYCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Yellow Wolverine Figure!

ONE 12 Collective Jim Lee Wolverine Figure and Accessories NYCC 2017 Exclusive

The inaugural HasCon is being held later this week, where the exclusive Marvel Legends X-Force Deadpool figure will be available. I’m getting my bags packed, but already, we’ve got word of the first major exclusive Marvel toy coming to New York Comic Con 2017 next month! While I wasn’t anticipating any more Marvel ONE:12 Collective con exclusives this year after there were two for SDCC (and zero DC ones there), Mezco Toyz evidently had a huge one in mind: the ONE:12 Collective Jim Lee Wolverine has now been revealed!

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