SH Figuarts Doctor Strange Figure Review & In-Hand Photos!

S.H. Figuarts Doctor Strange Review

As I think we’ve probably all been expecting, Marvel toy news has been a little bit sparse the last few days (what with San Diego Comic Con–the biggest toy reveal event of the year–being next week and all). But while there’s nothing newly revealed to talk about, that makes this the perfect time to discuss something newly-released! While we’ve had the Hasbro and DST Doctor Strange movie figures for quite some time, we’ve had a bit of a wait for the Asian import. But at last, the SH Figuarts Doctor Strange figure will be shipping in the US this month–and we’ve got some in-hand photos and impressions of the Doc!

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Iron Studios Spider-Man Battle Series Diorama Statues! 

Iron Studios Spider-Man vs. Venom Statues

While millions of Spidey fans around the world are celebrating the theatrical arrival of Spider-Man Homecoming this weekend, purist comic-based fans of the Web-Slinger are getting some love as well! Care of Iron Studios, an all-new line of 1/10 Spider-Man Battle Series Diorama statues is now up for order! And Iron Studios wasn’t pulling any punches with their character selections: Spider-Man, Venom, Carnage and Spider-Gwen!

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Hasbro Thor Ragnarok Movie Figures & Toys Revealed!

Gladiator Hulk Interactive Figure Hasbro Thor 3

Although we’re still over four months away from the theatrical release of this fall’s Thor Ragnarok movie, it’s time for the hype train to start rolling now! Marvel collectors around the world are waiting patiently to see the 6″ Marvel Legends Thor Ragnarok movie figures unveiled (to fill out the Thor Legends series alongside the comic figures Hasbro revealed earlier this month)–but those are a story for another day. Today we’re going to take a look at the more kid-centric toys Hasbro has prepped for Thor Ragnarok–including a 13″ Gladiator Hulk Interactive figure!

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Exclusive ONE:12 Collective Miles Morales Spider-Man!

Close-Up of Miles Morales Mezco Summer Exclusive 2017

Plot twist…! A couple weeks back, I was lamenting that the SDCC 2017 Mezco ONE:12 Collective Exclusive for Marvel was X-Men Deadpool, when what I really wanted was one of a million possible costume variants of Spider-Man. I’ve been watching the Mezco Toyz website the last few weeks to see what the DC exclusive for Comic Con would be, but instead Mezco hit us with a real surprise–the ONE:12 Collective Miles Morales Spider-Man is a second Summer Exclusive!

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SDCC 2017 Exclusive LEGO Spider-Man & Venom BrickHeadz!

SDCC 2017 Exclusive LEGO BrickHeadz Spider-Man and Venom 41497 Set Box

With just three weeks and a day to go until the beginning of San Diego Comic-Con 2017, we now know just about all of the SDCC 2017 exclusives. But as always, there are a few stragglers–and as usual, one of them is The LEGO Group! But while we likely won’t know what Marvel minifigure (if any) will be available exclusively at the con for a while yet, we do know at least one 2017 SDCC LEGO Marvel Exclusive: BrickHeadz Spider-Man & Venom!

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Play Arts Kai Black Panther Figure Photos & Up for Order!

Square-Enix Play Arts Kai Black Panther Figure

Although it’s far from the cheapest line of Marvel import figures out there, the Square-Enix Play Arts Kai Marvel Variant line has managed to survive longer than most PAK series and is offering a more diverse assortment of characters than almost any other import Marvel toy line in the land. And while I didn’t expect to see any new figures revealed for the lineup until SDCC 2017, Square-Enix has one that they wanted to get solicited and produced before the end of the year for a very smart reason–the Play Arts Kai Black Panther is now up for order!

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Revoltech Spider-Gwen Figure Released! In-Hand Review & Photos!

Revoltech Spider-Gwen Figure Review

The Kaiyodo Revoltech Marvel Comics series has turned a lot of heads in the past year by releasing some of the most fun figures of Deadpool, Spider-Man and Venom ever. But while those three figures are pretty great, they’re also characters who have had a “few” six inch figures released previously. But the fourth release–which will be swinging into the U.S. in just a few weeks–has only had one previous 6″ figure and has now been released in Asia. Let’s take a look at Marvel Ame-comic #4: Revoltech Spider-Gwen!

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Sentinel House of M Iron Man RE:EDIT Figure Up for Order!

Close-Up of Sentinel House of M Iron Man Figure

Given the massive success of the all-out insane number of Iron Man toys released in the last decade, I’ve come to the conclusion that pretty much every Iron Man armor permutation that’s ever existed is “on the table” as far as potential new figures that we could see from any company at any time. But if there’s one armor I legit never thought we’d see revisited by anyone again, it’s the Sapien Deathmatch armor. Clearly Sentinel thought otherwise, though, because the Re:EDIT House of M Iron Man figure is now up for order!

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Marvel Premier Collection Venom Statue & Gallery Jessica Jones!

Close-Up of Venom Premier Collection Statue DST

If you’re a Venom fan, you’re in symbiote heaven this year as far as high-end statues go. Kotobukiya, Sideshow Collectibles, XM Studios, Prime 1 Studio and Gentle Giant Ltd. all have Venom statues coming in 2017–talk about being spoiled for choice! And now, Diamond Select Toys is ready to join the party themselves–the Marvel Premier Collection Venom statue is now up for order! Oh, and hey–Marvel Gallery Netflix Jessica Jones? She’s here too!

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Thor Ragnarok Marvel Legends Ares Figure Revealed & More!

2017 Marvel Legends Ares Figure Thor Ragnarok Series

Not only will Thor be getting his third movie later this year, but before “Thor Ragnarok” hits theaters, the first-ever Thor Marvel Legends series will be hitting stores August 1st 2017! And while the movie figures are still under wraps for the moment, the comic-based figures are not–including a mass release Jane Foster Thor and an updated Marvel Legends Ares figure that’s not a Build-A-Figure!

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SDCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective X-Men Deadpool!

San Diego Comic Con 2017 Exclusive Mezco ONE 12 Collective X-Men Deadpool

Mezco Toyz has been spacing out the announcements of their San Diego Comic Con 2017 exclusives over the past several weeks, and while I was love Thundercats as much as the next guy (okay, probably more than most next guys), it’s the SDCC ONE:12 Collective Marvel exclusive I’ve been really waiting to see. I never had much doubt that it was going to be a Deadpool variant, but at least it turns out to be my favorite one: the SDCC 2017 Exclusive ONE:12 Collective X-Men Deadpool has now been revealed!

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Hasbro Spider-Man Homecoming Shocker Figure Revealed!

Spider-Man Homecoming Shocker Six Inch Figure Hasbro

If there’s one thing about the various lines of Spider-Man Homecoming toys that I’ve seen lamented, it’s the sheer lack of Shocker movie figures. Sure, The Shocker is getting a movie LEGO Minifigure and a Minimate, but folks really wanted a Hasbro 6″ movie Shocker. But wait–! Just when hope seemed lost a 6″ Spider-Man Homecoming Shocker figure has appeared! Of course, he’s not quite the Marvel Legends version many collectors may have been hoping for…

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SDCC 2017 Exclusive Dark Phoenix & Unmasked Ironheart Statues!

SDCC Exclusive DST Dark Phoenix PVC Figure

Last month, Diamond Select Toys was one of the first companies out of the gate to officially announce their San Diego Comic Con 2017 exclusives, including the Marvel Gallery Superior Iron Man and X-Men Deadpool statues. It looked like that was going to be it for DST Marvel exclusives for the show, but looks can be deceiving: the SDCC 2017 Exclusive Dark Phoenix & Unmasked Ironheart Marvel Gallery statues have now been revealed!

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Play Arts Kai X-Force Deadpool Figure Revealed & Photos!

Special Color Ver Play Arts Deadpool X-Force Figure

If there’s one thing that action figure companies absolutely love, it’s figures that can be easily repainted into other versions or characters. And while Square-Enix uses 100% unique tooling for every individual character they make, even the Play Arts Kai line isn’t immune to “Special Color Versions”! And so, now that the PAK Deadpool is shipping in the United States this summer, we should have all guessed that this obligatory Play Arts Kai X-Force Deadpool figure was in the works…

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Marvel Gallery Daredevil & Premier Captain America Statues!

Diamond Select Toys Daredevil Marvel Gallery Statue

Diamond Select Toys is fast becoming the premiere manufacturer of low-priced, high-quality Marvel statues, and their newest solicitations will add a new pair of statues of two Marvel icons into their various series. For the PVC crowd waiting for a non-Netflix version, the Marvel Gallery Daredevil statue is now up for order! And for those who love their 1/6 resin (like me!), there’s also a new Premier Collection Captain America statue on the way…

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